Leia and Anakin

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    "You two failed to mention you were being chased by separatists!" Han shouted, jerking the steering to the left to avoid incoming fire from a squadron of tie fighters.
    Leia swiveled the gunner's chair around, blowing through one of the pursuers, "Well we didn't want to ruin the surprise!" She shouted, shooting another round.
    "You didn't say your ship was a piece of junk!" Luke yelled, coughing as the busted hyperdrive spewed smoke in his face. He waved a hand in front of to clear the smoke, trying not to gag as Artoo soldered on the busted wires.
    "How much longer til we're in hyperspace?!" Leia shouted behind her.
"That depends on when Luke decides to get the hyperdrive back online," Han yelled back, doing a whole 360 maneuver.
    "I'm workin on it!" Luke shouted, cursing as the panel ruptured into a shower of sparks. Leia could hear Chewbacca yelling about something, but between the sirens, the smoke, and the screaming, she was too disoriented to even be able to tell what was going on in the cabin. The Millennium Falcon was not exactly what it had been chalked up to be, and she was beginning to wonder if it could even make it to Coruscant.
    "The rear deflector shields are on their last life Luke, hurry it up!" Leia hollered as the freighter got hit again.
    "I'm trying my best! How the hell did they even find us?!" Luke yelled back, beating on something with a wrench.
    "They probably tracked the fighter we stole!" She yelled, blasting through one of the tie fighters.
    "Or they found the guy you killed!" he screamed back.
    "Who the hell are you people!?" Han yelled, doing so many spins Leia almost felt like throwing up.
    Neither of them answered, but the ship's lights started flickering and emergency sirens started blaring.
    "LUKE!" Leia screamed as they got hit again, shaking the entire ship. She pondered for a moment everything they'd survived, and could have laughed that this of all things would be what killed them.
    "I got it! Hyperdrive's online!" Luke yelled, and Leia could hear Artoo beeping in agreement.
    "Then what are we waiting for?! Life day?!" Leia responded, digging her heels into the revolving seat base.
    "I gotta punch in the coordinates, do you want to wind up inside a black hole!??" Han hollered.
    A moment later, the ship jerked, and made the jump to hyperspace. Leia breathed a sigh of relief as the Tie Fighters evaporated into stars zooming past at light speed. After a couple moments of quiet, she climbed down from the gunner's mount and walked into the cabin where Luke was waiting. They approached the cockpit where Han and Chewbacca were still sitting, setting coordinates for Coruscant.
    Chewie made a high pitched growl and his copilot rolled his eyes, "You're so dramatic, of course she'll make it to Coruscant."
    Leia huffed and crossed her arms, "Are you sure about that?"
"Well probably not now that your friends blasted a dozen new holes in her! Why the hell do they want you two so bad?!"
    Luke and Leia exchanged an uneasy look, "You agreed no questions," She answered scrunching her nose.
    "I'm sorry, sweetheart, I guess I'm a little bit on edge right now!" Han answered, standing up.
    She immediately squared up to him, ready to knock him over his seat when Luke quickly got between them. "We stole something, okay? That's why they're mad. But they can't track us anymore, so don't worry about it," Luke told Han, lightly pushing back his sister to avoid a brawl.
    Han huffed and pushed past them back toward the engine room, "I really hope you two are worth all this trouble," he grumbled, disappearing into the back.

    "I'm sorry sir, there's been no reports of them anywhere," C3PO relayed to his master's husband.
    Anakin Skywalker sighed and waved the protocol droid away, pressing his eyes closed and rubbing his temples. It had been days since Leia and R2D2 went missing, and he was told Obi-Wan and Luke followed suit shortly after he woke up.
    He and Ahsoka had been relegated to the infirmary, a place Anakin had never liked, but wasn't really in any place to leave. He stared out the window at the Coruscant skyline, wracking his brain to try and figure out where they had gone.
    "You're gonna drive yourself crazy, Master," Ahsoka said from her bed, looking up from her data pad. They'd brought her out of stasis a few hours after him, but he was recovering quite a bit faster on account for how much easier it is to mend bones then third degree burns on internal organs.
    Anakin shook his head and paced back and forth across the room, "Why didn't I see it sooner?! I should've known something like this would happen, she's way too much like me for her own good!" He brooded, ruffling his hair.
    "If she's anything like you, she'll be okay, they both will," Ahsoka assured him. She frowned, "I could've handled the situation better, maybe if I-" Anakin cut her off, "No, you couldn't, there's nothing you could have done to make her listen, trust me."
    Ahsoka sighed and looked down at her data pad, furrowing her brow, "That's odd," she said, "Come look at this."
    Anakin strode over, and she projected a hologram of the Fulcrum symbol.

He read it for a second and frowned, "Isn't this your old operating alias?" he asked, looking down at her as she scrunched her nose, racking her brain for answers, "Yeah, Saw Gerrara's been using it, but I haven't seen this code since the Clone Wa...

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He read it for a second and frowned, "Isn't this your old operating alias?" he asked, looking down at her as she scrunched her nose, racking her brain for answers, "Yeah, Saw Gerrara's been using it, but I haven't seen this code since the Clone War," Ahsoka answered.
    "It's a distress signal, alright. Who do you suppose it is?" He asked, handing it back to her.
    She sighed and looked it over again. "I have no idea. But they're using MY operating code for Fulcrum, the one we used back in the day when people would send in calls for help. Only a few people know how to use it. Maybe they're trying to get a hold of me without being noticed."
    Anakin rolled his shoulders, which still felt pretty stiff, "Can you trace it?"
    "It's encrypted, but I think these are coordinates," she answered, flipping the screen so he could see.
    "Hey, I recognize that," Anakin answered, mulling over locations in his head.
    Ahsoka raised a brow skeptically, "You do?'
Anakin nodded grimly, "Yeah, that's Geonosis."

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