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"Ow!" Leia protested as Han sprayed antiseptic on her blaster wound.
"Will you relax?! The last thing you need is that getting infected," he scolded. Leia grumbled irritably in response, crossing her arms.
Luke rolled his eyes and kept tampering with a flighty circuit board that threatened to crap out on them at any moment. This was just fantastic, first they had the separatists, and now the galaxy's most elite bounty hunters after them. And they were only halfway to Coruscant. They barely made it off that mining moon, and not without Leia getting shot.
Leia yelped again as the pilot wrapped up her shoulder. Of course he would've done it himself, but the last time he had to do first aid on someone he passed out. He told Ezra he was sorry about 100 times, but he still never heard the end of it.
Chewbacca yelled something from the control room and Han rolled his eyes, "I don't know, have the droid look at it!" He shouted back.
Artoo beeped indignantly, but rolled back to the control room anyway.
Han finished fixing Leia's shoulder and she grumbled something that sounded like thank you.
Han started towards Luke, when suddenly the Millennium Falcon lurched so hard it nearly knocked them all to the floor, "what was that?!"
Han ran to the cockpit, their conversation forgotten, "We're being thrown out of hyperspace, something must have busted in the hyperdrive again," he told them, flipping on several emergency systems.
Chewbacca pushed past Luke into the copilot seat, groaning loudly. The ship lurched again and nearly threw Luke through the windshield as they phased right back into space, nearly getting pulled into the gravitational field of a nearby asteroid belt. Han quickly steered clear of it, throwing Leia into the back left passenger seat.
"Excuse you!" She huffed, righting herself.
"I'm sorry your highness, I'll be sure to crash into the rocks next time!"
Leia muttered something under her breath, but Luke didn't catch it. Eventually they slowed to a near stop, and Luke stumbled into the main room where R2 was scomped into the system. He beeped and booped at Luke, and it wasn't good.
Han glanced back from the pilot seat, "What's it saying?"
"He's saying that the ship is too damaged to fix in-flight. We'll have to land somewhere and have it repaired," Luke translated.
Han looked thoughtful for a moment, then snapped his fingers like he had a genius idea, "Lando!"
He spun around in his seat, and started punching in coordinates, "I've never heard of the Lando System," Leia said, crossing her arms in her chair.
"Lando's not a place, he's a person, we go way back, Lando and me."
"Do you trust him?' She asked skeptically.
"No, but he loves money, and you two happen to come from a lot of that."
The twins shared an uneasy look, "So where are we going?"
Han started up the ship and headed the direction adjacent to Coruscant, "Bespin."
Leia furrowed her brow, "There's nothing but abandoned mines on that planet."
"Mines, yes. Abandoned, no. Lando won the city in a card game if you can believe it. 
Luke and Leia exchanged uneasy looks. Everything about this reeked of suspicion, but they didn't have many options. The second they sent out a call for help, they'd draw in bounty hunters like moths to a flame.
Han gave Leia a confident, admittedly attractive smile. "Don't worry your Highness, I've got everything under control."
As they flew through the beautiful cloud city of Bespin, Luke was still skeptical. Tall, luminous spires sliced through the sunset sky. Leia shifted uncomfortably, and it was obvious she wasn't a fan of this plan.
Chewy growled something to Han and he responded in a nonchalant tone. "Of course he'll be happy to see me. I think."
Two pods fell into line with the Falcon, and the ship's comm's cracked. "No, I don't need a landing permit," Han insisted, "I'm here for Lando Calrissian!"
The pod's response was to shoot them, lurching the ship to the side. "I thought you knew these people!" Leia said, nearly falling over.
"I do, Lando's a friend," Han insisted.
Chewbacca growled in response and Han looked a bit nervous, "That was a long time ago, I'm sure he's forgotten all about that."
The pods shoved them along, and Luke crossed his arms, "Bit touchy, aren't they?"
"Permission to land on platform 3-2-7," cracked the voice in the comms.
"Thank you! See, nothing to worry about," Han said, his confidence back in full swing.
"Who's worried?" Leia asked skeptically, her hand resting on the back of his seat.
They landed on the shipping dock outside a large palace, only to find it completely empty. Han stepped out first, followed by Chewy, Leia, then Luke, with Artoo bringing up the rear.
"Huh, there's no one here," Luke pointed out, putting his hands on his hips.
"I don't like this," Leia said, her expression worried and apprehensive.
Han rolled his eyes and turned around, "Well what would you like?"
Luke shrugged, "At least they let us land."
"Look, don't worry about it, okay? Trust me," Han implored Leia. She raised an eyebrow but didn't respond.
The door at the end of the walkway opened to reveal a caped silhouette, walking slyly towards them, followed by an entourage. The hatch hissed, and Luke noticed Leia's suspicion grow, but he couldn't sense anything out of the ordinary.
Han smiled assuredly, lifting his hands in an 'I told you so' manner, "See? My friend." He spun around and started towards their company, muttering something to Chewbacca who growled in response, before putting on a cheerful smile, and throwing his arms up in a friendly gesture. "Hey!" He called.
Luke had to admit, the man approaching them was very attractive, and had an incredible fashion sense, one even his mother would appreciate.
"Why, you lying, double crossing, no good swindler. You got a lot of guts coming here after what you pulled." The man called back, his voice laced with anger. Leia winced and put a hand on her lightsaber, but Luke reassured her with a light tap to the wrist before stepping forward, putting on his friendliest smile, to offset Leia's hostility, something he found himself doing often.
Han pointed at himself innocently, as if he had no idea what Lando Calrissian was talking about. His 'friend' took a few steps forward, narrowing his dark eyes at Han. Suddenly, he grabbed him, and Luke barely had time to stop Leia as her hand flew to her lightsaber.
Lando started laughing, grinning ear to ear as he embraced Han, "How you doin, you old pirate!? So good to see ya!"
Leia relaxed and Luke took a few steps forward, his smile a bit less forced, "He seems friendly," Luke said to his sister.
She remained unphased, her distrust still apparent, "Yes. Very friendly."
Luke rolled his eyes and moved in closer to Han, "What're you doin here?" Lando asked cheerfully.
Leia shoulder checked Luke, smirking in a teasing manner, "It's rude to stare."
Han gave Lando a sideways, somewhat sheepish smile, "Ah, repairs. Takin' some friends of mine to the Inner Rim, was hoping you could help me out."
"What have you done to my ship?" Lando demanded, his voice suddenly more serious.
Han raised his eyebrows, "Your ship? Hey, ya lost her to me, fair and square," he countered.
Lando made awkward eye contact with Han for a moment, before looking back at the Wookiee. "Hey, how you doin Chewbacca?"
Chewy growled back, and Lando just smiled and nodded. Chewy and Leia stepped forward next to Luke, "You still hangin out with this loser?" Lando asked.
Chewbacca growled again, and Lando shifted his attention to Luke and Leia.
"Hello, what have we here?" He asked, his voice suddenly smooth and flirty. "Welcome, I'm Lando Calrissian, the administrator of this facility," he introduced himself, taking Luke's hand and pressing it to his lips. Leia must have noticed him blushing, cause she elbowed him in the ribs.
"And who might you be?" He asked, looking at Leia with a handsome smile.
She tightly smiled back, nothing at all friendly about her expression, "Luma. This is my brother, Brody."
Lando knitted his eyebrows for a moment, and Luke wondered if he picked up on her lie. Nonetheless, he leaned in, and kissed her hand as well, "Welcome Luma," he said.
Han took Leia's hand out of Lando's and into his own, pushing through them, "Alright, that's enough of that," he said, leading Leia inside, closely followed by Chewy. Luke continued smiling somewhat nervously, and followed after them, half expecting Leia to judo flip Han for holding her hand, but she did no such thing.
"So what's wrong with the Falcon?" Lando asked, falling into step with Han.
"Hyperdrive's busted," he responded.
"I'll get my people to work on her," he turned to Luke, "She's the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy, saved my life quite a few times," he said. As Lando turned his attention back to Han, Luke caught his sister's death glare and tried to force a reassuring smile. If he could get her to play nice, hopefully they wouldn't raise any more suspicion than they already had.

	They moved indoors and Han seemed more at ease with his old friend, "How's the gas mines paying off?" He asked

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They moved indoors and Han seemed more at ease with his old friend, "How's the gas mines paying off?" He asked.
Lando shrugged, "Oh, not as well as I'd like, we are a small operation after all. Not exactly self-sufficient," Lando responded casually. The two rattled on casually, and Luke fell in step with Leia. He was beginning to share her suspicions, thinking all this felt too simple, remembering something their dad always said. "If it feels too easy, it's probably a trap."
He just hoped they weren't making a huge mistake by trusting Lando Calrissian.

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