26 - Web of Betrayals.

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Andrea and the boys strolled into the warehouse, catching me smoking

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Andrea and the boys strolled into the warehouse, catching me smoking. The note of disapproval on his face was hardly masked as he said, "I thought you quit smoking," his frown just accentuating his concern.

"I thought I did too," I shrugged, motioning for them to take a seat.

Though I feigned casualness, internally, I was fuming with seething rage.

Almost immediately, Luca picked up on the tense vibes. He knew me well enough to recognize when I was holding back my frustration. "What's wrong?" he inquired, worry etching on his features.

"It's Diego," I sighed audibly, "He's been cozying up to Bailey and the Armenians. We suspect he had a hand in the failed heist."

His expression took a wild shift from concern to outright shock, his blue eyes blown wide. "Are you kidding me?" Luca exclaimed, his disbelief as palpable as the tension in the room.

I didn't get a chance to offer an answer. The moment was stolen by the loud screeching sound of tires against asphalt. An unwelcome visitor pulled up at the entrance, immediately laying down gunfire into the warehouse.

Instincts took over, and I found myself throwing my body over Luca to shield him from the gunfire.

"Get down!" My urgent shout was drowned in the sounds of chaotic panic and deafening gunshots.

My fingers closed around the cold metal of my own gun. Despite my aim and experience, the fuckers kept rushing in waves.

The boys scrambled for cover as the barrage of bullets continued.

"Who the hell are these fuckers?" Sonny shouted, peering out from behind some crates.

It didn't take long to realize who they were, "It's gotta be Bailey's men. We're outnumbered, we can't take them all down!" Miguel's frantic explanation was the last thing he managed to say before a bullet hit him.

My heart missed a beat at the sight of him dropping.

Without thinking, I dashed to Miguel, begging for the fates to spare him. His struggle to breathe crushed me, his gritted teeth around his cries of pain added fuel to my simmering anger

"You alright? Don't you dare give up on me now!" My words echoed through the mayhem.

"I'm good, but they ain't stopping!" he groaned, clutching his wound.

Their unrelenting advance seemed to last an eternity. One look around revealed a grim scene - the boys, helplessly seeking refuge, doing their best to retaliate. We needed a drastic plan to even the odds.

"Pietro, cover me!" I hollered across the warehouse.

As Pietro laid down suppressive fire, I sprinted towards the back exit. With my remaining ammo, I managed to drop three of them before escaping to my car. Using my ride as a lure, I led the shooters as far away from my boys as possible.

𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗧𝗼𝘂𝗰𝗵Where stories live. Discover now