28 - Betrayal and Bitter Truth.

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I stood by the window in the conference room, my gaze fixated on the golden hues of the morning sun as it hung mid-way in the sky

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I stood by the window in the conference room, my gaze fixated on the golden hues of the morning sun as it hung mid-way in the sky. Outside, a gust of wind swept across the field of flowers, sending a chill down my spine. Every breath I took felt like a heavy burden on my shoulders as I tried to push away Yasenia's haunting words from my mind.

As the underboss of the Rossi crime family, every mission I undertook was like a roll of the dice, a high-stakes gamble that could mean life or death for me and my family. But was this the life I wanted to live? The life of a ruthless killer, where one mistake, one wrong move, could spell disaster and lead to my downfall. The weight of my responsibility was always heavy, like a burden on my shoulders, but Yasenia's words made it even more suffocating.

Doubt and uncertainty swirled around my mind like a dark cloud.

I was born into this life. I had never known anything different. The Mafia was all I knew. I had grown up surrounded by guns, drugs, and death

It was a world that had molded me into the monster that I was.

But at what cost?

The calm weather outside was a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within me. My mind was a maze of swirling thoughts, each one a fresh barb of pain and betrayal. Luca's voice, laced with a tremor of urgency, pierced through the fog.

He materialized beside me, his features etched with an uncharacteristic anxiety. "We need to talk," he said, his voice firm despite the worry in his eyes.

I forced a semblance of calm, nodding in agreement. "Sure, what's up?"

Luca contemplated for a moment before speaking. "I know you're trying to protect me, and I appreciate that. But I'm not a kid anymore. I hate being left in the dark. We've been through a lot together, and I believe I've earned your trust. So please, be straight with me. Was Diego behind all this?"

His words struck a chord. Shielding him from the truth felt like a betrayal, but how could I reveal that the architect of our suffering was our own fucking father?

"We're still piecing things together, Luca," I admitted, my voice heavy. "But with Diego missing..." The unspoken accusation hung in the air, a suffocating weight settling on my chest.

Luca's shoulders slumped, his face crumpling in a mixture of pain and disbelief. "Why would he want to hurt us like that? How could a parent do that to their own flesh and blood?"

His words hung in the air, 'how could a parent do that to their own flesh and blood.'

The reminder was a fresh wound. My relationship with Diego had always been strained, a constant source of friction. But Luca, my innocent brother, had never deserved such cruelty.

"It's complicated, Luca," I said gently, frustration gnawing at the edges of my control. "There was never a real father-son bond between us. But targeting you... That's unforgivable!" I clenched my fists, the anger a tangible entity in the sterile room.

𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗧𝗼𝘂𝗰𝗵Where stories live. Discover now