Chapter 3

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You huffed and wanted to continue to make clear that you are innocent just as you both heard footsteps coming.

"Ah, the Judge is coming I guess. Now, I pray for you that the Judge won't be too harsh with you but I can't promise you that you will get alive out of this. You have to know, the punishment for witchcraft is-" he explained but was interrupted by a low voice that sent shivers down your spine..but good shivers.

"What are you talking to the witch?" the, you know spotted, judge Frollo said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"No-Nothing sir, I was just explaining to her what the sentence for witchcraft-"

"Death. The sentence for witchcraft is death, evil witch." Frollo interrupted again and had an evil grin on his face.

As closer as he got as more you were fascinated by his look.

His sharp facial features and this proud-looking figure he represented let your knees start to feel weak.

No, better say his appearance made you feel weak. Weak and small.

Death? Did he say death? No, this couldn't be true. You had to convince him that you were innocent.

"But Sir I'm innocent! I didn't cast any spell nor am I a witch!" you tried to tell him.

The Judge started to chuckle darkly.
"Oh, but you have, and yes you are, no doubt.".

You looked helpless in his nearly black eyes and tears formed in your eyes while you slowly shook your head.

"Unlock the door and let her outside. I have to talk with this young lady." he then added.

You looked with a hint of hope at him and started to smile a bit.

The soldier got the keys and unlocked the door, just as the judge said.

Running away would be stupid so you just decided to hear what the judge has to say.

He motioned to you to follow him, and you did as he wanted.

You followed him up the stairs into the big Hall that you enter when you walk into the palace of justice and then walked with him again the stairs up into a big hall but this time there was a huge fireplace, one armchair, a dark orange carpet with golden patterns on it and 4 large windows.

This seemed to be like a hall that is used to pray since there was nothing else in it than those things and a huge cross placed over the fireplace.

The atmosphere here was strange yet so calming.

You turned to Frollo who locked the two huge wooden doors and turned around just to walk with an evil smug look toward you which made you walk backward.

"As I said, I'm innocent Judge Frollo! I swear I haven't done anything wrong! The idiot that told you those things is lying!" you tried to convince him a second time.

Rage filled his eyes and before you could say anything else he grabbed your arms and pulled you on him.

"Stop denying the witchcraft you have been practicing! And yes you did something wrong. You danced there without shame in public awakening in every man the desire to touch and feel you. The way you wanted to twist the holy thoughts into unholy ones is not overseeable." he said in anger as he looked with madness in your green eyes.

"I didn't have any intention to do such a thing. I just wanted to have fun and thought-" you answered with fear and your voice nearly resembled a whisper.

"Oh, you didn't want to have fun, my dear. I can see your real intentions through those.." he first interrupted you but then made a pause in his sentence as his stare went deeper and deeper into your eyes.

- Frollos POV -
He had lost his words as he looked long enough into those beautiful eyes.

He has never seen such bright glowing and full of mysterious looking eyes.

He couldn't resist letting his eyes wander down to your exposed cleavage.

Lust started to attack his mind and he started to imagine how it would be to touch those huge breasts of yours.

He slapped his inner self for this thought and stopped himself to continue to stare at those and turned up to your eyes again.

"those wicked eyes." he finished his sentence.

The way you looked up to him. So.. submissive.

He wanted to explore every part of you. He knew that there wouldn't be any turning back now that you stood in person in front of him.

He had to have you. You had to be his. You definitely would be his or burn.

Yes, you would have to burn then.

He couldn't bear the thought that anyone else but him would touch that perfect body and kiss those blood-red lips.

You've turned his world and now he couldn't live without you anymore.

- Your POV -
"How could I prove I'm innocent?" you whispered to the dark creature in front of you that still held your arms in a yet still gentle way.

The way he had been looking in your eyes has sent shivers down your spine.

You caught yourself staring into his black eyes searching after a twinge of kindness, a twinge of forgiveness, a twinge of.. love?

"You could prove it by loving a different man. By loving a man of God. This would prove that you aren't a witch and that you love the Lord above." he answered with a smirk and pressed you nearer and nearer to himself which made you breathe heavier.

"By loving a man of God? Who?" you asked curiously since you didn't know someone here in Paris yet who was religious since you just were with the gypsies.

"Me, perhaps.." he answered coldly and his smirk turned into an ironically angelic-looking facial expression.

You'll be mine or burn. | Claude Frollo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now