Chapter 14

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"Good night my darling." he nearly whispered and laid his head to the side against the window falling asleep with you in his arms.

- Your POV -
You felt yourself awakening more and more and soon you opened your eyes just to look right in the morning sun.

You looked slightly around and noticed that you have fallen asleep on the window sill which made you consider that you would have an huge backache for the rest of the day.

You froze as you felt a chest sinking up and down.

You slowly turned around just to see Claude sitting sleeping behind you in the same pose as last night.

Did he fell asleep here too? You asked yourself as you couldn't find a reason why he would freely fall asleep here.

I mean, you had him laying under you and-

That's when you realized that you had such a good sleep because something- or better say someone made it comfortable.

You had to admit that he didn't look like a cruel monster while sleeping.

It's more the opposite. He looked way more relaxed and nice. Nearly attractive..

In your thoughts you shrieked back and slapped you for this sentence.

This man literally killed hundreds of innocent souls and the man you love..

Still you asked yourself what made him like that.

What is it that he's hiding behind this facade?

"What's disturbing your mind, my dear?" Claude pulled you out of your thoughts and made you look at him with innocent eyes.

His hand caressed your cheek softly and smirked.

You lowered your sight and shook your head slightly.

"Nothing." you silently responded.

Claude raised one eyebrow and raised your head by putting two fingers under your chin.

"Don't lie to me."

You sighed. "I just have to think a lot at the moment, that's all."

"About us?" he asked grinning.

"About me, the last few days and.. maybe us." you looked away again and stood up walking towards the bed.

"Well, in that case I'll let you have your space." Frollo stood up and made his way over to you now laying in bed again trying to get some more comfortable sleep.

You snuggled deeper into the blanket while Claude leaned over you and planted a gentle kiss at your forehead smiling slightly after noticing you didn't shriek back.

"I'm coming back in 3 hours. Diana will be there for you. I won't lock the door but if you attempt to leave the palace, you won't get the chance again. Don't abuse my trust, girl." the Judge threatened at the end.

Frollo walked out of the door, gave you a last warning glance and then left.

You waited until you didn't hear any noises anymore and then slowly sat up.

You rolled your eyes and ran your hands through your pitch black hair.

What to do now? You knew it would be foolish to escape and you weren't a fool so this wasn't a option.

Maybe later, but not now.

Hmm, Claude said you aren't allowed to leave the palace.. but he didn't mention not allowing you to leave this room, did he?

You'll be mine or burn. | Claude Frollo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now