Chapter 5

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Let's see what the problem is.

- Phoebus POV -
As he reached the great hall he didn't want to search the whole palace for Frollo so he simply walked up to a soldier.

"Where is Minister Frollo?" he asked.

"In the dining hall," he responded and Phoebus thanked him.

He walked into the big dining hall where normally the judge, himself, and all the soldiers eat together.

He spotted the judge just finished his meal and wanted to stand up.

Phoebus approached him. "Sir would you may have a minute?" he asked politely.

"Of course Captain. What is it?" Frollo responded and gestured towards the chair next to him.

You have to know that this is a long table and Frollo always sat at the head of it.

Phoebus sat to the right of the Judge and began to speak.

"As we brand the thief to the dungeons, I spotted the woman who was dancing on the feast yesterday sitting in a cell and crying. I asked her why she is there and she told me that you think that she was a witch and she said anything about a love spell too. She insists that she's innocent and it seems like she is. Didn't you maybe understand something wrong?" Phoebus asked carefully.

"Are you trying to say that I'm so foolish and wouldn't see the difference between a witch and an innocent girl?" Frollo asked in a huff, leaning forward a bit while resting his hands on the table.

"I would never do that sir, I simply don't believe that she could be wi-" Phoebus assured but got interrupted by the Judge.

"That's what witches trying to do, she wants you to think she's innocent while she's already proven guilty!" Frollo argued angrily and raised harshly from his seat and gestured with his hands.

"She's proven guilty? How?" Phoebus said confused since she told him that they wouldn't have any proof.

"She didn't want to marry a man of God. Witches can't cause they are pure sinners. She's guilty." he explained while calming his voice down but still spoke so coldly.

"Who was she supposed to marry?"

"Me. She refused so she's guilty, no doubt." the Judge turned away and walked towards the couch.

"And only cause she didn't want to marry you she's guilty?! There are plenty of other Christian men she could marry!" Phoebus now spoke in rage and stood up.

Frollo turned to the Captain again and his stare went dark again. "I'm the only one she shall marry. If she won't repent and choose me until dawn, she shall burn like every other witch," he said.

"C-could it possibly is that you are just in love with her and cause she doesn't want you, you wanna let her die?" Phoebus forced himself to ask.

A Silence fell between both men. "What If so, she still bewitched me! And now she shall be mine or burn!" the Judge admitted and balled a fist with gritting teeth.

"I won't let that happen! This poor girl is innocent." The Captain said convinced and ready to save her.

Frollo chuckled to himself and held his hands in front of him. "Well as I said before, she can save herself. And because I'm not a bad man, I won't let her burn immediately. She has time until dawn. If she won't repent she'll burn, end of the discussion." he demanded and left the hall.

"Oh and if you try to.. help her out or anything of this matter you... Shall burn with her." he added and then left.

Phoebus sat down and held his forehead.
He couldn't just let you die while you were innocent.

But knew if he tries to save you he'll die too.

But weren't you worth it? He had to admit to himself he kind of took interest in you.

That he had butterflies in his stomach as you looked up to him with your mesmerizing doe eyes.

He had to smile a little at this thought. He couldn't let you down. He had to help you.

Yes, he's getting you out of this.

- Hugos POV -
He couldn't believe what he just heard from his neighbors. The guards took you away?

Why? What have you done? He blamed himself for even letting you approach them.

Maybe they caught you because you were living with him and his family and they think you hid them.

Oh, everything was his fault he thought. He had to get you out of there.

He ran and ran until he reached the palace of justice.

This wasn't the first time he had to get in there without anyone noticing.

Not because he got people out of there but giving the innocent people in there something to eat or drink.

He always smuggled for the gypsies there something in.

So he made his way to the hidden entry only he knew and got in there.

He now stood in the room where the Torturer came to get his tools.

Hugo silently opened the door and looked to the left and to the right to make sure that no one would see him.

At the moment no guard was in near so he stormed, still watching out for guards, to the cells and searched for you.

"(Y/n), are you here?" he whispered still hearable.

A woman held onto the cell and looked in his direction.

"Hugo? Is that you?" a hopeful voice asked.

He ran towards the woman and recognized her as (Y/n).

"(Y/n)! There you are! I'm so sorry that you are here because of me and everything is my fault. If I didn't let you go out they wouldn't have taken you away, I'm so sorry forgive me." he spoke miserably.

"Don't say such things Hugo, and therefore it wasn't your fault. They think I'm a witch because some idiot said I've cast a spell to let him fall in love with me," she explained and leaned her head to his hand that reached through the bars.

"What? How could they believe such nonsense?" Hugo was confused.

"They say you've reached me to cast spells." she said.

"Oh, I can't stand these evil bastards. Come on let's get you out of here!" Hugo decided and got up.

(Y/n) did the same and waited for Hugo.

You'll be mine or burn. | Claude Frollo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now