Chapter 10

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- Your POV -
You carried on stroking Phoebus's hand as his voice interrupted your thoughts.

"Could it be possible that you never saw a man's hand before?"

You gasped, threw the hand off your lap, and looked up.

"Phoebus, stop scaring me! You'll be my death if you carry on like that!" you shouted playfully and put a hand over your chest to gain control of your breath again.

Phoebus laughed at your comment and took your hand in his again and laid them with his down on his belly.

Now he was the one that stroke and studied it.

"So much to the "you never saw a man's hand before" part." you marked which made him roll his eyes.

"You just have so soft-looking hands, that's all." he explained smiling and touched your jeweled fingers again.

You blushed and turned your gaze to your lap so he wouldn't notice.

"You look so pretty when you're blushing, don't hide that."

He laid his index finger under your chin so you looked him in his hazel eyes again.

Phoebus seemed like a nice man with a very pure heart.

Since the last few days, you started to grow a feeling toward him you couldn't describe.

But you knew you liked him more and more.

Somehow you started to slowly lean down while Phoebus's hand now rested gently on your cheek.

You stopped right above his lips and weren't so sure anymore if you really should do this.

But that decision Phoebus took from you and closed the last space between you too.

The soft kiss you now were in let you feel like clouds.

Everything around you both didn't matter anymore. Just you two existed.

His other hand held your back while your hands were now resting on his cheeks.

You slowly pulled away again and looked into his eyes.

He smiled warmly and pulled you to his chest so you were laying now half on and half next to him.

He stroked through your hair and rubbed your back which made you feel relieved.

His good-smelling scent calmed you down and soon you fell asleep in his arms.

"I love you (Y/n)." was the last thing you heard.


- Frollo POV -
It was now evening and the sun started to go down again.

At that time Frollo and a group of guards that had the now captured gypsies with them were now in front of Notre Dame.

People started to surround the stage with the stake on it while muttering their opinions.

Two guards grabbed the first victim of this mad action and dragged him up to the stake to bind him to it.

The gypsy man started to shout and begged for his life which you heard even in the bell tower.

Right at the moment, you were sitting together with Phoebus, Hugo, and Quasi playing cards as you heard muffled screams.

You all stormed outside to see what was going on and as you looked down you spotted the guards, Frollo, and gypsies captured in little cages like rats.

You gasped and put your hand over your mouth as you started to realize that those gypsies in there are your friends.

Most of them Hugo introduced to you.

"Oh, my- Mom, Dad!" Hugo began to scream which made you look at him confused.

"Where are they?" you asked in panic and Hugo gestured to a cage where 2 people were in.

"Please! Please spare my life! I don't even really know her! Just her name, nothing more!" you could hear the screams of the man that was about to get burned.

Tears started to fall down your cheek.
This was all your fault. Just because you were too selfish to obey.

But no, you couldn't let that happen. You had to stop this madness.

If you would choose Frollo he would let them go right? Everybody would be free again and no more hiding and burning down any people or houses.

"The court of miracles. They found it. They found my home." Hugo cried and let himself sink to the ground.

Phoebus and Quasi comforted him and started to calm him down.

This was your opportunity you thought. You took a last deep breath and silently went away from that group.

As you were sure they couldn't hear you anymore you started to run down the stairs into the middle station of the cathedral.

Some more stages and corridors after you finally reached the ground and ran towards the big doors.

"(Y/n) what are you doing?" the archdeacon's voice stopped you.

You turned your head to the kind man and smiled sadly under tears.

"I'm going to stop this madness, father. I'm going to save a bunch of lives. I can't bear that all those innocent souls out there will die because of me." your explained and ran out didn't even let him answer.

You ran out and straight towards the stake where now 4 gypsies were bound together.

"These gypsy vermin have been found guilty of working and living together with a witch and her accomplices. The sentence: death. Still-" Frollo spoke but got interrupted by the most beautiful voice that ever existed.

"No don't! Please spare them, don't harm them!" you cried out and stood now just some inches away from the stage.

Frollo first looked in shock at you but then started to smirk devilish.

"Look who we have here. The insolent witch herself. Very well then.." he turned to one of his guards. "Free them."

The people looked confused and shocked about what Frollo has just done.

Sparing guilty gypsies' lives because a girl said so?

"And arrest her." he then added pointing a finger at you.

"It was clear that this would happen, naive girl." some women gossiped and looked at you disgusted.

You rolled your eyes, turned your gaze down, and let the guards take you away.

"(Y/n)! No! Why are you doing this?!" you heard Hugo and Phoebus shouting but as you looked back guards already caught them.

"I'll make everything up to you, I promise!" you shouted the last time before you were thrown into a cage.

You'll be mine or burn. | Claude Frollo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now