Chapter 7

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You chuckled slightly and spotted a balcony if you can call it like that and walked towards it.

- Your POV -
After you had taken a step out, a light breeze came towards you, which gave you goosebumps.

The sight you had from up here was fantastic.

You leaned forward while you were thinking and supported yourself with your elbows on the stone wall.

Somehow you didn't notice Phoebus joining you to your right, so you shrugged a little as you heard his voice speaking.

"Enjoying the view?" he asked and laughed about your reaction.

You playfully slapped his arm. "Don't laugh."

"Yes, I do. It's so beautiful." you raved and looked down at the people.

"(Y/n) right?" Phoebus questioned what made you realize that you were never really introduced to each other.

"Exactly. You are Captain Phoebus then?" you asked back.

He nodded and gave you a weak smile.

As you turned your head to look at him you noticed slightly open scratches on his underarm.

"What's that?" you said curious and gestured to his arm.

"Oh, that's from the pulling out thing with Hugo. Nothing important, it doesn't hurt." he assured and placed his hand over yours and rubbed it softly.

You looked at your hands and then up to him.

You cached yourself admiring his facial features and the strong muscles starting at his neck.

Phoebus all together was really attractive but you wouldn't consider him as your type.

In the last few years, you've found out that you feel more attracted to men way older than you.

For some people strange, for some normal.

However, you were happy that you were for now safe and could just rest a bit.

- Frollos POV -
Frollo on his horse and his guards came back from the usual routine check they do in the morning and evening as he spotted some soldiers kind of arguing with each other and some other ones running from one place to another.

"What's going on here?" his low voice interrupted the 4 guards fighting while he got down off his horse.

"It's his fault!" they said in sync and pointed at one another.

He raised an eyebrow not understanding.

"What is your fault?"

They were silent.

"Speak up you fools!" he now said harder and took some steps toward them.

"T-the Girl, (Y/n). She-She.." one of them started but was too afraid to finish the sentence.

"What's with her?"

"Captain Phoebus and a gypsy had helped her out. We really tried everything we could to stop them but-" he continued but got interrupted by the now mad judge.

"This Fool did what?! And you, the ones that were too stupid to catch them. You'll be punished severally but by now search the whole city for them." he growled half shouting.

"Sir, we already know where they are. Notre Dame. But they have a sanctuary, we can't get them."

The Judge was left speechless and didn't know what else to do now.

"Just.." he sighed annoyed. "Just put on every door and window guards. She can't stay forever in there."

The guards left and started to make a plan with the other ones.

"And for Quasimodo, I hope for him he won't to anything he'll regret." he muttered to himself and looked up to the cathedral.


Back in the palace, he let himself sink into the soft armchair and rested his head back on the lean while listening to the cracking of the fireplace.

Just as he did something bothered his head.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance and turned his head to face the problem.

A light pink "scarf" with little red flowers laid over the armchair.

His gaze immediately softened as he realized who it belonged to.

(Y/n). His beloved (Y/n).

His thin yet attractive long fingers grabbed after the scarf and turned into his normal sitting position again.

Both of his hands now traveled over it, examining every detail on it.

He remembered him noticing it hanging around your back with you wearing just your nightgown.

His closed eyes twitched at this memory.

It took every single strength in him to not touch you at that moment.

You looked so perfect in it. Your hourglass figure that you could see through it slightly.

Those curves, your perfect breasts, the attracting eyes.

Everything was perfect on you. He couldn't imagine anyone better then you.

To him, you were an angel yet an unholy temptress that tries to deceive his holy mind.

He never felt this feeling, that he felt towards you, ever in his life.

That was the reason he was so unfamiliar with it and the situation.

He sniffed on the scarf while leaning against it and inhaling your scent.

Your vanilla-flower scent had him in a trance again in which he could stay a lifetime.

He knew this all will only have him craving you more and more but he couldn't resist your innocent and pure eyes.

This 2 "personalities" he had in mind of you, on one side this pure pretty girl that will belong to him and on the other side the demonic creature that wants to lead him to sin, gave him a headache.

"(Y/n) my dear, come to me finally." he said out loud while feeling his soul arch at the thought of you being in the tower with a man who seems to like you, since he saved you,

This thought snapped him out of his trance and he was facing reality again.

Phoebus. This disgusting coward. He would pay the most for taking you away from him.

He was sure you would've chosen him in the end if he wouldn't've twisted your mind.

Since he has been made aware of the fact that there was a gypsy with you, he was more than sure that you would try to leave the church without being seen.

But he will be there. He knew he couldn't let you be anymore.

But if he couldn't have you, you would've had to die.

This scenario gave him goosebumps which were new to him.

But what is he expecting? Who likes to see the person you're attracted to, burn?

You'll be mine or burn. | Claude Frollo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now