Chapter 6

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(Y/n) did the same and waited for Hugo.

- Phoebus POV -
Phoebus already found himself going the stairs down to the dungeons again to get you out of there.

He knew that right now there wouldn't be any guards around and that he had around 10 minutes to get you out.

As he wanted to approach your cell he spotted a boy there doing anything at the lock.

"Hey boy! What are you doing there?" Phoebus asked with a strong voice and placed a hand over his sword to be ready if he had to attack.

The Boy turned around and threatened him with a little dagger.

"Stay away you stupid idiot. I don't care if I kill you." Hugo demanded and got in a fighting position.

"Well boy, I wouldn't care either. It's more about her. Are you trying to get her out?"
Phoebus questioned.

"What does it look like?" Hugo asked ironically and shrugged his shoulders.

Phoebus sighed, put his sword back in, and walked past the boy to the lock.

"Wh-what are you doing?" the gypsy boy asked curiously and eyed the captain.

Phoebus took a long full of keys from his belt and searched for the right one.

"I'm helping you to get her out, what else." Phoebus smiling slightly said.

"Oh thank you, Phoebus, thank you!" you thanked him full of joy, and couldn't wait to get finally out of this rotten place.

- Your POV -
He opened the door and helped you out.

The first thing Hugo did was wrap his arms around your waist and pull you into a big hug.

You hugged him back and thanked him too.

"Come on let's go. The guards will be back any minute." Phoebus urged and gestured to the stairs.

You both broke the hug and you followed him to the stairs.

"Wait they'll see us if we go up there. Let's use my way. C'mon!" Hugo stopped you 2 and walked in the opposite direction.

You and Phoebus looked at each other, nodded, and ran behind Hugo.

You all reached the chamber and Hugo revealed the hidden entry.

"(Y/n), you first." he demanded and led you to the wall.

You jumped and he supported you by holding your hips up and you managed to get out.

The next one that crawled out was Phoebus and then Hugo came.

Just as he was with his upper half out the hatch something grabbed him from behind and tried to pull him back in.

"Hugo!" you shouted and held onto his left hand just as Phoebus joined you by holding onto his right.

"Let go of me!" Hugo desperately said and tried to shrug it off.

It seemed to be the torturer as he screamed for guards.

"(Y/n) let go I'll get him out there," Phoebus demanded and you did.

Phoebus gathered all his strength and finally pulled him out.

Thank god because now 2 soldiers were standing in front of the hatch trying to climb through it.

You all stood up fast and hurried away.

"We'll go to Notre Dame. It'll give us sanctuary." Hugo decided and you made your way to Notre Dame.

You sighed in relief as we got in there.

"My, my. What happened to you my children?" the priest asked you as he spotted each one of you breathing like you've run a Marathon.

"They wanna burn her for witchcraft while she's innocent." Hugo explained pausing to breathe.

The priest looked at you with pity. "Here you are safe, sister. They can't harm you. Rest. How about I make you familiar with Quasimodo?" he offered and smiled at you all kindly.

You nodded and he led you stairs up into the bell tower.

"Quasi? Where are you?" the archdeacon shouted and looked around.

You were fascinated by seeing the bells for the first time so near.

Suddenly a misshapen boy approached you while looking a bit afraid by seeing the new faces.

"Don't be afraid my child. They are kind people and seek sanctuary. Would you let them have a rest?" he started to calm the boy down and walked to him.

Quasimodo started to approach you 3 and studied each face.

As he came to yours you gave him a warm smile and did a little waving, as you felt him being still afraid a little.

He then seemed to trust you more and smiled a little back.

"Yes of course I will. Follow me." Quasimodo then spoke and jogged to a place full of blankets and pillows.

The Archdeacon nodded at you smiling and walked away again.

You 3 then followed the boy to this "corner" full of blankets and pillows.

"I don't know what you guys will do but I'll sleep a little." Hugo announced and laid down.

You chuckled slightly and spotted a balcony if you can call it like that and walked towards it.

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