Chapter 4

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"Me, perhaps.." he answered coldly and his smirk turned into an ironically angelic-looking facial expression.

Your eyes widen in shock. "Y-you?" you stuttered and got gently out of his grip.

"Mhm. I would be willing to.. save you. Save you from death and take you as my wife." he answered softly with an evil smirk on his lips.

"From death?! So you mean if I don't marry someone I will be hanged?!" you checked if you maybe didn't just understand something wrong.

He chuckled darkly to himself and answered. "Not 'anyone' my dear. Me. You only will be spared from death if you choose me. Only me, no other man."

"Oh, and if I forgot to tell, you won't hang you'll burn," he added which made you shriek back.

Burn? For nothing? No this wouldn't happen.

But yet you didn't want to marry this man you didn't even really know.

You only could marry someone who you love.

And somehow you started to feel a strange feeling about Frollo and his weird story.

This whole thing just really didn't make any sense.

"But I would burn for nothing!" you felt a single tear falling down your rosy cheek.

"Such a sad beauty." you heard him mutter under his breath while his eyes followed the tear.

You looked at him confused and leaned against the armchair behind you so there would be a little distance between you both.

"I can't marry you Frollo. Isn't there any other way to get out of this?" you asked him and looked down.

His expression went Finster and he grabbed one of your wrists again.

"And why is that?" he asked harshly and looked at you with rage.

You were trying to find a fine reason or an argument but you only brought any stutter out.

"Speak up girl," he demanded through gritted teeth.

"I don't love you and I can't marry someone who I don't love," you admitted and looked into his dark eyes filled with anger.

This seemed to make him mad and without another word, he took you back down to the dungeons with him.

He threw you in a cell again and locked it.

"Then you will burn at dawn, so be it." he wrathful said and gave you another glare before he made his way out.

You silently sat down on the cold stone floor next to the 'bed', leaned on it, and started to cry in your arms silently.

This all just had to be a bad dream. This couldn't be true. Why is no one believing you? And why is the judge so mad just because you denied his suggestion?

Was it false to deny it? But then again you had the feeling that this all was a big lie.

Just because someone came up with this nonsense doesn't mean that they just could put you in here without any proof.

There must be a different reason why you are here and you had to find out before dawn.

- Phoebus POV -
Phoebus came back to the palace of Justice from arresting a thief as he saw an angry-looking Judge Frollo discussing something with some soldiers.

He got down from his horse and walked towards them.

"Is everything okay sir?" he asked him and interrupted the conversation.

"Wh- Ah, Phoebus yes. I expect you've caught the thief?" Frollo asked with a little grin.

"Yes sir. The soldiers still have him. Shall we bring him to the dungeons?" Phoebus answered.

"Yes immediately. I knew you wouldn't let me down." the Judge complimented which led the soldier to smirk.

He leaned down a little as of respect and then left and went to the other soldiers that had the thief.

"Come one, let's bring you to the dungeons," Phoebus demanded and let the soldiers with the thief follow him.

They walked the stairs down and got the thief a cell.

The other 2 soldiers made fun of the thief and laughed gleefully away.

Phoebus wanted to join them as he spotted a woman crying like an angel.

He normally wouldn't care, since they always cry when they're in here but the black curls and the bracelet looked familiar to him.

He walked up to the girls' cell and looked at her through the bars.

"What's the matter little girl?" he asked kindly and the woman raised her head.

It was the pretty girl that danced yesterday at the feast.

He gasped a little as he kneeled to her level.

"I'm innocent, I have to get out here." she nearly whispered.

"What have you done that you're in here?"
he asked while his soul contracted at the sight of the weeping beauty.

She crawled to the bars and hold onto them so she was nearer to him than anytime before.

"They say I've cast a love spell and that I'm a witch. I swear on everything I have that I'm innocent. Really!" she explained to Phoebus so helpless and weak.

"Then I will talk to the judge that this all is just a misunderstanding." Phoebus suggested.

"I already did. However, after I said that I can't marry him, he insists that I can't be anything but a witch." she told him and new tears formed in her eyes.

Phoebus didn't understand and got up.

"Well maybe you understood something wrong. I'll talk to him and then we'll see." Phoebus decided and winked at her smiling and made his way up again.

Let's see what the problem is.

You'll be mine or burn. | Claude Frollo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now