Chapter 8

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This scenario gave him goosebumps which were new to him.

But what is he expecting? Who likes to see the person you're in love with burn?

-Frollos POV -
He sat with his back leaning against the headboard of his bed while he couldn't move.

The 2 huge glass doors of his balcony stood wide open and the curtains swinging cause of the wind blowing in.

And there you appeared.

You looking more angelic than ever before.

Standing in front of the bed just wearing a short sleeping dress stopping right above your knees.

You were tugging it down as you were shy about how short it was.

Your exposed cleavage left much to desire and your shiny hair danced through the wind as it did on the feast.

Frollo couldn't believe what he was seeing. Never had a woman looked as attractive and beautiful to him as you did.

He heard your giggles silently floating in the air which gave him goosebumps in a good way.

Your hands wandered along your curves, up to your hair which you tossed as you turned once in a bewitching pose.

Frollo wanted to stand up, feel you and have you. But still, he couldn't move.

His nervousness began to grow as you started to crawl towards him on the bed.

You looked at him so submissive, so innocent, yet still like a temptress wanting to deceive him.

He breathed heavily as you sat on his knees with each leg on one side.

Your right hand supported your weight while your left went to touch his left arm resting on the side of him.

Your soft touch left a trace of wanting more.

Your eyes fixed his while smiling like an angel.

He realized that the block that didn't let him move had gone away so he was brave enough to try to raise his right hand.

Your eyes wandered to his jeweled hand that was moving on to touch your face which you let happen.

As he touched your cheek you leaned into his touch which softened his heart.

You moved up to his lap now sitting closer than ever to him.

Your hips now pressing against himself.

He groaned slightly as you accidentally moved so you sat more comfortably.

Your arms now both resting around his lower back and you cuddling into his fluffy robe.

Oh, how he loved this feeling. This was everything he wanted.

He instantly wrapped his right arm around your waist and let his left hand wander into your black locks.

He felt your breath now exactly over his ear.

"Oh Claude, I love you. I love you with all my heart. I'm sorry I couldn't show it to you. But you know, I just didn't know how to approach such a great man like you with such a message." you whispered which led him to close his eyes while listening to your voice like it was the last thing he'd do.

He pressed you so much against him that you both could only breathe and rested his head on your shoulder.

Then he felt your hand moving up to his head and fondled it.

How much he loved this feeling. How much he loved you.

"I love you, my dear. Let me rule you. Let me have you for myself alone. I can't live without you anymore. Be mine."

His head is now up again while looking into your eyes.

Your pure and warm smile started to spread across your face.

"I always was and will be yours. Yours alone mi amor."

This was it. That was everything he wanted to hear of you. These 2 sentences were his destination.

He let out a low groan as you started to move your hips against him.

His hands grabbed each side of your upper thighs and squeezed them gently.

Your head now leaning into his neck while kissing it slightly.

"Take me, sir. Please. I'll obey you eternally. I'm yours." he heard your voice saying again.

He felt himself growing under you as you let your gown fall behind you, seeing you now just in your lingerie.

Your hands holding his face and leaning in for a kiss.

"I love you" you whispered while he leaned in too.

Frollo gasped and jumped up sitting now on his bed straight.

He looked around his chamber finding no open doors, no fluttering curtains, no... no (Y/n).

His heavy breathing started to calm down while he slowly layed back on the bed again.

He closed his eyes and swiped away the sweat from his forehead.

This was a dream. All a stupid dream. An illusion. Isn't it enough that he has to see, chase, or find you every day?

Why do you have to haunt him in his sleep now too?

And all of this because of you. Because of your silly spell you've cast to make him yours.

His anger grew and he felt like everything around him was on fire.

After calming himself down he found a way to drift back to sleep.

I will have you, my dear (Y/n). You'll be mine.

You'll be mine or burn. | Claude Frollo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now