Chapter 9

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After calming himself down he found a way to drift back to sleep.
I will have you, my dear (Y/n). You'll be mine.

- Frollo POV -

After the 3rd day, he had enough. Enough with this hiding.

He had to figure out a way to get you out of this stupid bell tower.

He rushed the corridors up and down.

"Sir, we've found a gypsy that-" a guard approached Frollo.

"I don't care about this scum just take him away." Follo snarled.

"But sir, the whole way he tried to convince us to let the girl in the cathedral be. It seems like they are friends." the guard tried again to tell him again.

"And? Of what use should he-" The Judge answered in rage but stopped himself after an idea came to his mind.

Of course. Her friends. That must be the solution.

He'll make her choose. You shall choose him or watch as your friends burn at the stake.

He grinned to himself, proud of himself for the brilliant idea.

"Take me to him." Follow now said calmly and followed the guard into the dungeons.

They walked into the torture room.

The man was bound to a metal lounger and screamed as several lashes hit his bare chest.

"Now now, don't be so cruel to him. We don't want that he has too much pain, do we?" said Frollo compassionately posed and stood next to the chained.

"Please. Please have mercy." the gypsy man brought out under heavy breathing while doing painful facial expressions.

"Oh, I will. I give you the opportunity to pay off all your debt at once for a little thing." Frollo smiled wickedly and fold his hands in front of himself.

"I'll do anything, anything!" the man nearly shouted.

"Very well then." he looked him deep in his eyes. "Show me the Court of Miracles."

The gypsy's eyes widened while violently shaking his head.

"No no no. I can't. I can't do this. I'm not a traitor."

Follow smirked devilish and started to walk to the exit again.

"Fine. I promise you, after Joseph is done with you, you'll beg to be killed." Frollo added.

The man hesitated but spoke in the end.

"Stop, stop! Fine. I'll tell you! But please spare me!" he begged which led Frollo to stop in his track.

He smiled angelically and went back to the man.

"You're a smart one. Escort him out and get a 200-man force together."


- Your POV -

Currently, you were sitting together with Quasimodo at a table with a wood-carved Notre Dame cathedral and some random people.

"This is so beautiful Quasi." You complimented the boy which made him smile warmly.

"Thank you so much (Y/n), you really are the kindest soul I've ever met." Quasi hugged you from the side.

You blushed slightly at this comment and hugged him back.

Quasimodo told you how the people treated him here and how lonely he was.

He told you of his backstory with Frollo.

Quasi said that he loved the cold-hearted judge even tho there were some moments when he really was afraid of him.

He explained that Frollo is a very complex and difficult character and if you know how to act in front of him, he isn't as harsh as he always pretends to be.

You just always listened carefully and nodded sometimes.

You missed the outside.

The birds chattering in the morning, and the laughs of the inhabitants.

Oh, what you would give to be free again.

Not to be locked up in this tower.

But you counted on Hugos and your Friends.

Hugo assured you that they will come to find a way to get us out here.

"Hey, Quasi! What is this?" Hugo asked and gestured to a wooden figure I couldn't see.

"I'm coming! (Y/n) is it okay if I go to him?" Quasi asked with sensitivity.

"Of course, in that time I'll check on Phoebus. He's 3 hours asleep now." you joked and got up to walk to the bed.

You pulled the coat that Phoebus gave to you since you were still only wearing your nightgown closer to your body and sat silently next to the sleeping body.

He looked so peaceful asleep which made you smile slightly.

His coarse hands laid folded on his belly and his head turned to your direction.

You allowed yourself to take his left hand and laid it carefully down on your lap.

You softly stroked his strong muscles on it and studied his features.

Dear while you didn't notice that Phoebus woke up and looked dreaming at you.

- Phoebus POV -
He had to smile at the sight of you looking so interested in his hand and felt butterflies in his stomach again.

He couldn't believe that such a beauty like you existed.

Your smile, your kindness, the happy atmosphere that you created when you walked into the room.

You just were such a loving person. No normal person could hate you.

No normal person could not be interested in you. And- oh yes.

That was the problem.

As the thought of Frollo came up to his mind again, anger started to build inside of him.

This dumb old judge really has the nerve to make such a scene because of you.

For Phoebus, it was clear that he liked you. He saw right through it after the first time mentioned you.

And now this bastard is doing anything to get you.

But if he really would love you, wouldn't he just let go? For the sake of you?

No. Because he doesn't love you. He is a self-centered man that just cares about his own feelings if he's even capable of feeling those.

And if he does then just the bad ones.

This nearly was an obsession he had with you.

But Phoebus knew he had to protect you.
And even if he had to die for you, he would.

I love you (Y/n)..

You'll be mine or burn. | Claude Frollo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now