Chapter 15

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- Your POV -
You opened the wooden doors with curiosity about what would be behind them.

Just as the doors spread wide open, a extreme huge and beautiful library got revealed.

7 rows of high shelves filled with every type of books and a second floor with a luxury looking staircase.

The big glass windows let the sun shine in and let the dark brown wood look more lighter.

You couldn't believe your eyes and giggled out of happiness.

You always had a little attraction to books but never had the opportunity to read more than 2 books in your whole life.

Well it wasn't even that common that first of all a woman can read, and then that poor or normal people have that many books.

You really had to watch out for Frollo. You were convinced that when he would find out that you can read, he'd let you be punished with the reason that this would be any sort of witchcraft.

But in that moment not even he could've destroyed the moment.

You ran to the nearest shelve and grabbed the first book that stood on the left side.

Smiling like an idiot you jogged to the satin couch and laid down on it shaking your foots out of excitement.

'True love can save the world' was the title which made you shiver slightly.

The thought of Phoebus came back which you shook of hectically.

You opened the red book and started to read.

Several hours had passed in which you got to the half of the book.

You felt yourself becoming a little tired, still didn't want to stop with reading your book so you continued your eyes always somehow closed.

In your trance you didn't notice Frollo eying you from out the doorway, approaching you silently.

"Didn't I tell you to stay in your room?"

You startled, quickly shut the book and looked over your shoulder just to see Claude.

You laid a hand over your chest to get a controlled heartbeat again and glared at him.

"No, your wording was 'if you attempt to leave the palace, you won't get the chance again'. You told me to not leave the palace, not my room sir." you corrected him confidentiality, kinda amused that you've proven the big bad Judge Claude Frollo wrong.

He raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly.

"Well you seem to be right, my dear. But a different question.."

He grabbed the book you had dropped on your lap and held it slightly in the air.

"Hey!" You protested and wanted to take it from him again.

In response, he pulled his hand further up.

"Why didn't you tell me you can read?" he asked scary calmly.

"You never asked me.", you crossed your arms in front of you.


"What?" you asked curious.

He was silent some seconds. "Move over girl." he demanded and sat himself right next to you.

You moved as far as possible away from him and stared at him suspicious.

He clicked his tongue annoyed and patted the left of him. "Come to my side."

You hesitated first but after a threatened glare you crawled unwillingly over.

He gently pushed your upper body down so that your head was laying on his lap.

You turned around so your face was facing him when you look up.

You saw him smiling satisfied and him playing with your hair.

"Good girl." he praised and opened the book.

"What are you doing?" you asked.

"Reading to you, how does it look like." he answered and started reading from where you had stopped.

"I can read to myself, thanks." you protested and sat up.

"Stop being so stubborn you insolent witch and get some sleep, you look tired."

You snorted offended and laid back down again.

"If someone's stubborn, then definitely not me." you muffled.

"What was that?" he glared down at you with a threatening look.

"Nothing." you let it go.

He continued to read while drawing random things on your arm.

His calm voice drifted you slowly into a deep, relaxing sleep.

- Frollo's POV -

After a few more pages he noticed that you had fallen asleep.

He felt this new feeling coming up in him again, that he feels every time he sees you.

Just the thought of you was enough to bring that feeling up.

No one else has ever brought it up, no one else was capable of even trigger it, just you had the power over it.

It was scary, somehow even terrifying that a person had this weird way of control over him.

Emotional control is something that was completely strange to him.

There was no person he had let in his heart that fast, but you changed it.

Love might be new to him, but deep inside, he knew that even he himself wanted to feel that.

You'll be mine or burn. | Claude Frollo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now