Chapter 11

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"I'll make everything up to you, I promise!" you shouted the last time before you were thrown into a cage.

- Your POV -
You woke up in the dark cell you've been in last time too.

At least it looked the same but these cells look nearly all alike.

"There, there. Look who woke up." a husky voice said from the corner of the dungeon which made you turn your head back.

"Frollo?" you asked in fear as the dark figure started to approach your laying body.

Your now trembling body was pressed as close to the wall as possible.

"That's right my dear. How are you feeling?" he suddenly asked with a calm voice which weirdly calmed you down too in some way.

"How do I feel? How would you feel after getting chased down like a criminal and being forced to save 20 lives?" you asked curiously and sat up while supporting yourself with your hands on the "bed" you were now sitting on.

Frollo sat himself down on the side of the bed and laid a hand on your covered thigh.

"Don't be so disturbed girl. Most of the things that happened are your fault alone." The Judge answered sternly and his gaze fell onto the still exposed cleavage of you.

"My fault? How?"

"You've casted a spell to make me fall in love with you. Then your deceiving dance. How you moved your body like a temptress, to have me lusting over you." he started to explain while his hand started to wander up.

"Your dress, this. This... "Gown" you're wearing right now. It makes you look so.." he didn't find a word to describe it right.

Did he just say that "make me fall in love with you" part?

Was he in love with you? Claude Frollo in love with you??

So you had the right feeling about him and his stupid story.

"However, you've turned my whole world little girl and now I can't get rid of you. I can't sleep one night peacefully without waking up in the middle of the night or dreaming of you. I can't live without you anymore. The time has come, you have to choose me or the fire. If I can't have you then no one else can have you either." Follow spoke so fluently yet still with a hint of evil.

You got a Deja-Vu of the last time you were this close to him.

"Do you really love me... Claude?" you asked carefully as you used his first name for the first time and wanted to see his reaction.

Frollo slightly widened his eyes with a desperate look and gently used his left hand to get a hair strand out of your face.

"Yes" he whispered and let his hand wander down to your bare shoulder.

"Then let me go," you whispered back and looked with a pleading look in his eyes.

He immediately took his hands away from you and backed up.

"You're mine. And I'll have you. Dead or alive." he coldly and with anger answered and grabbed your wrists holding them tightly while pushing you down so he was over you.

You whimpered slightly which caused him to soften his gaze on you.

"Just choose me. Just one sentence could change this whole situation. It isn't that hard now is it."

You shook your head and closed your eyes for a second.

"And remember you won't be the only one who'll burn. This gypsy friend of you and the.. traitor Phoebus will burn with you. If I were you I wouldn't want to be the reason why everyone who I care for is burning." Frollo tried to manipulate you and smirked.

"Please Frollo, stop this madness. You're insane. This obsession has to stop." you desperately tried to change his mind.

He chuckled darkly.

"Very well, this is the last time I'll ask you this. If you still refuse you'll be taken immediately to the stake where the other two gentlemen are already waiting for you. Will you be mine?" he looked at you with a hint of nervousness about what you'll choose.

Your body trembled in fear and you looked afraid in his stone-cold eyes.

You couldn't let your friends die because of you, but you neither could bring yourself to love him in any way.

Maybe Phoebus and Hugo had already figured out a way to escape.

But this thing here just wasn't an option. You couldn't do that.

"I can't Frollo, I really can't." you sighed and looked down.

"Insolent witch." Frollo groaned and got up.

"Take her to the stake." was the last thing you heard him say and before you could do anything else you were dragged outside by 2 guards.


You 3 were bound together on the stake just like the gypsies from later.

"I'm sorry for all of this boys. I'm sorry for what I've done to you, what you had to go through because of me." you whispered crying to the man on each side of you and looking up into the sky while Frollo held a speech about which crime you committed.

"Don't say such things (Y/n). It isn't your fault that this bastardly Judge has such an obsession with you. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you better." you heard Hugo's voice from behind.

"Oh Hugo, stop that." you said sadly.

"And Phoebus... I hope you can forgive me too. And since this will be the last time I will be able to talk to you, I.." you started but stuttered to the end.

"I love you too darling." Phoebus spoke with sensitivity and took some of your fingers in his since your hands were near.

You silently cried more and turned your gaze to the ground.

You heard footsteps approaching you 3 which made you look up slightly.

"The time has come, (Y/n). You're now bound to the stake and ready to burn with those idiotic men next to you. But know it is not too late. I can save you from the flames of this world and the next. Choose me, or the fire. Choose me or be guilty of letting your "friends" die in pain." Frollo gave you the last chance to recant and watched you hopefully.

Deep inside himself, he hoped you'll choose him since now you would be the reason why your friends would die with you.

You thought about all of this again and felt the pain in your heart after imagining your friends dying with you.

You couldn't bear the thought.

But if you would choose him, everything would be normal again right? Phoebus would be free, Hugo and his family would be together again and you..

You would live too. But for which price? You didn't want him, yet you knew everything else you would choose would be selfish.

Fine then.. There is no other way.

You'll be mine or burn. | Claude Frollo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now