Part 1~Mini Steps

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Groaning, Shoyo struggled, holding onto the railing as he forced himself across the small path.

"You're getting better at that."

Shoyo paused, glaring at the person standing at the end of the path. The taller boy had wavy black hair pulled in a messy bun, revealing a few sky blue highlights, a stark contrast to his pale skin and a pure white prosthetic hand. Masuda Ken'ichi, aka the only person brave enough to talk to Shoyo when he was walking.

"Don't patronise me, Ken. I'm still terrible." Shoyo huffed, gritting his teeth as he forced his leg to take another step. It twisted unnaturally, causing Shoyo to scream.

Suda- as most people called him- jumped forward, catching Shoyo and carefully lowering him to the ground. "Are you okay, Sho?"

"Fine." Shoyo pushed himself out of his friend's arms, grabbing the railing and pulling himself up.

Suda stepped back cautiously. "I assume you still won't accept my help."

"Nope." Shoyo gritted his teeth, dragging himself across the space and falling into the wheelchair Suda brought forward. "Why is that so hard?!" Shoyo pouted, chucking off the horrible plastic training leg.

Suda glanced down at the wound, seeing the harsh scaring stretching over his knee and leg. "You're learning to walk, Sho. Don't be so hard on yourself."

"It's alright for you. You only lost your hand."

"My dominant hand, mind you." Suda chuckled, pushing Shoyo around the hospital. "I had to relearn how to write and do most things twice. You get to sit around in a chair with people pushing you."

"Maybe, but I can't go upstairs."

"I couldn't eat."

Shoyo paused, huffing and crossing his arms. "Fine! You win."

Suda cheered, laughing as he did.

"How's the new school? Do they have a good volleyball team?" Shoyo grinned, watching Suda chuckle.

"It's good. It's far. Mum wants me to move to Tokyo so it's easier to travel, but I'm fighting her off. As for the team, they're the best. Really strong. One day, we'll crush you in a match." Suda smirked as Shoyo shook his head.

"No, you won't! When I'm out of this chair, I'll be the one to destroy you and stay on the court."

"If you say so."

Shoyo paused, sitting back in his chair as a thought crossed his mind. "You won't forget me, will you? While you're with your new amazing team, you won't forget me, and you'll still spike for me, right?" Shoyo turned around in his wheelchair, giving his best puppy dog eyes as Suda smirked.

"You're kidding, right, Sho? If I practise with them, I only get to practise my favourite sport, not annoy the doctors or spend time with my best friend." Suda smiled, parking Shoyo outside. Shoyo couldn't do much in his wheelchair, not for volleyball. That's why he spent so much time practising the only thing he could, receiving. Shoyo stretched out, doing a perfect receive and letting Suda spike it again. They continued this unbreakable chain until one missed or the doctors eventually found and told them off.


Wheeling himself around the school, Shoyo spun into Kouji's path. "Kouji! Come practice with me!"

Kouji jolted, looking down at Shoyo with a sigh. "Shouldn't you be working on walking?"

"Nope. Today is my day off. Now come practice for me!"

Knowing he wouldn't get out of this, Kouji dragged Izumi down with him. "Izumi, you'll join us, won't you?"

Izumi blinked as Shoyo cheered, grabbing him. "Yes! Now Izumi can set, Kouji can spike, and I'll receive. Let's go!" Shoyo began wheeling away before either could say anything else.

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