Part 28~Iron Wall

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"Date Tech's scary. I'm glad I'm not playing against them." The fan turned to his friend as he nodded.

"I felt so sorry for the spiker up against Date Tech in the last match. He was unable to do anything, literally."

Subaru sighed, watching as the captains walked to the centre.

"Shoyo will destroy them," Arisa grinned, a giggle on her tongue.

Natsu blinked, frowning as she looked down. "They're tall."

"Height isn't everything," Suda crossed his arms, glaring at the field.

Kuro tilted his head, a confused look on his face. "What's got you so hot."

"I really, really don't like that club."

Arisa laughed, pointing at Suda. "Ken-ken used to spend hours trying to get past their iron wall, but he couldn't do it!"

Suda glared at his sister as he crossed his arms. "Thank you for that, Arisa."

Arisa beamed, smiling to herself. Kenma sighed, laying his head down on the railing. "They're too loud."

"We're receiving first from this side of the court," Daichi informed Ukai as they began warming up. Nishinoya was showing off as normal, pissing off Daichi.

He didn't care. "All right. There's nothing to worry about. All of you, keep your eyes forward. Because you have me guarding your backs." Noya grinned as Shoyo snorted.

"You sound like a kid."

"I do not!" Shoyo rolled his eyes as Takeda stared in awe.

"Wow. He restored the team's confidence."

"That's because the team is simple," Shoyo muttered, receiving a glare from Suga.

They lined up as the whistle was blown.

"Don't limp out on us." Shoyo hit Asahi's back as he walked past. "You're better than that other team."

Kageyama frowned, sharing a look with Tanaka. "Did Hinata just share a compliment?"

"No, that can't be right. We must have misheard him."

"I can hear you," Shoyo snapped, making them jump.

Date Tech's fans were doing their annoying chant across the hall as the teams gathered for their strategy meeting. Ukai stood before his kids. "Gauging from their first match, they'll start off with a powerful serve. The serve breaks your formation, and then they block your returns. Date Tech's strategy is to attack those who can't keep up. So, for the first serve, make sure your receive is solid."

The team cheered as Ukai turned his gaze away.

"You know what to do. Right, Kageyama?" Kageyama agreed as Ukai smirked dangerously. "All right. Now, go tear down the iron wall!"

The group gathered as Daichi screamed. "Karasuno fight!"

They walked onto the court, ready for the attack.

Kamasaki served first, throwing the ball in the air and slamming it down with a strong blast.

Daichi stepped back into the receive, catching it seemingly too easily. Kageyama stepped under the ball, readying. He threw the ball back as Shoyo appeared. Date Tech moved, seeing the attack as they jumped.

Shoyo chuckled. "Interesting." He pushed the ball down, hitting it into their arm and bouncing it off the net to keep it on their side. "This is going to be fun. I can see why Suda hates them." Shoyo hummed to himself as he stepped back. "See, I told you Aone was powerful."

"No, you didn't. You just said you would sit quietly at the side," Kageyama corrected in annoyance as Shoyo frowned.

"Oh yeah. My bad. Your serve."

Kageyama shook his head, walking to the back line. He threw the ball up, jumping high and slamming the ball directly at the libero. Kosuke had no problem stopping Kageyama's serve.

Moniwa set the ball to Aone, who sent it crashing to the other side. Noya had to jump forward to keep the ball off the ground, but he couldn't get it back to Kageyama.

Tanaka covered as Daichi ordered the ball back. Asahi charged forward from the back, hitting the ball down, but they were already there.

He was shut down by the iron wall.

"Don't worry about it," Ukai shouted desperately. "Don't worry! Switch it up."

Noya bowed dramatically, a pained look on his face. "I'm sorry, Asahi-san! I'll save the next one."

Asahi smiled, placing a hand on Noya's shoulder. "Yeah. I'm counting on you, but I'll score next time."

"Someone's lying to himself," Shoyo muttered, feeling Suga glare from across the court. "Nevermind."

Karasuno tried again and again, barely scraping points together through Date Tech's mistakes. A hit net here and out of bounds there. Either way, their spikers weren't getting through.

Aone's reactions were too fast for the ball to get through. They were stuck and getting frustrated.

Kageyama stepped closer to Hinata as they shared a look. "Is it time?"

"It's time."

Shoyo giggled, stretching out a little. "Great."

Futakuchi threw the ball up, charging at it and slamming it down. Tanaka stepped into the ball's path, giving it to Kageyama as Shoyo began running.

Date Tech couldn't respond in time as Kageyama set the ball. Shoyo spiked the ball onto the court, easily gaining a proper point for Karasuno.

"That's so cool." Arisa giggled as Natsu grinned, kicking her feet under her. "Why can't you do that?"

Suda grumbled as Arisa giggled harder.

"Shoyo's better than the rest. He the only one who scored."

Suda couldn't correct her. Didn't mean he had to like it. "Stop encouraging him; you'll make him even more big-headed."

Arisa stuck out her tongue. "You're just jealous because he beat the Iron Wall when you couldn't."

Suda shook his head as Arisa turned her attention back to the match.

Tasukishima walked onto the court, swapping with Nishinoya. He scowled, glancing at Kageyama. "King, toss a little away from the net. I don't want to get blocked."

Kageyama scowled, turning away from Tsukishima.

Tsukshima snarled, meeting Kageyama's sharp glare. "What? You don't want to take orders from peasants. Is that it?"

Kageyama looked ready to attack Tsukishima when Tanaka sensed Daichi. He slid between them, pushing them away. "You guys, stop it. Don't you ever learn?"

It was Shoyo's turn to serve as it soared over the net. Date Tech easily received, passing the ball to Minwa, who sent it to Kamasaki.

The spike hit the floor as Shoyo sighed. He swapped with Noya as he glanced at the scoreboard.

5-3 to Karasuno. 

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