Part 2~Court

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Standing on the court, Shoyo stood at the back, his eyes flickering. "Koji. Your back number. Show your back number," he hissed to the boy, who blinked in confusion. Shoyo shook his head as the match began.

Kunimi served the first ball. Shoyo winced as Koji struggled to receive the ball. Each serve caused the group trouble. Shoyo watched, whispering to Mori. "If they serve to you again, just step back and let me get it."

Mori stared in shock as Shoyo grinned.

"Leave it to your upperclassman!"

The serve once more aimed at Mori, exploiting the poor first year's lack of experience. Shoyo slid across the court, perfectly receiving the ball and sending it into the air. Izumi watched the ball, jumping to set when he slid, hitting the net.

"Sorry, I messed up even after you received the serve." Izumi scratched the back of his head as Shoyo smiled.

"Don't worry about it! We'll get the next one!" Keeping to Shoyo's strategy, Shoyo kept getting the receives, using his extreme reflexes to ensure he was always there. Truthfully, it was starting to unnerve Kitagawa Daiichi. Shoyo would always get it in the air no matter where they served. Sadly, he couldn't win on his own, and he was the only one with some skill.

Trying to block the spike, Shoyo cursed. They were losing badly. Each point they got only came from Daiichi's mistakes rather than their skill.

Soon it was the second set, and Daiichi led 21 to 7. Shoyo slid into the ball's path, getting it to Izumi, who jumped up. "Shoyo!" He threw the ball back as Shoyo hit down harshly. He was blocked easily, making Suda sigh.

"Your friend is being slaughtered," Kuro simply stated, leaning against Suda's side. "It's a little hard to watch. He would make a good libero if he had a team that complimented that skill."

Suda chuckled slightly, tilting his head. "I think convincing him to be a libero would be more of a challenge."

"His jumps are... impressive," Kenma spoke softly, making Suda and Kuro stare at him. Kenma shifted his gaze, lowering his head away from their gaze.

The match continued below. Kageyama served to Kundaichi, the spike barely getting over the net.

Kunimi served once more as Kawashima flinched, failing to receive the ball. Shoyo dashed across the court, reaching out desperately for the ball, just getting it in the air.

The stadium was shocked as the ball returned to its perfect position. Izumi snapped out of his surprise, rushing under the ball and getting it in the air. "Sho-chan!"

Daiichi gaped in shock as Shoyo returned to the net, slamming his hand on the ball. Kageyama jumped up, blocking the spike as Shoyo stumbled to the ground, his leg groaning painfully.

Izumi rushed over worriedly, kneeling beside him and reaching down to check Shoyo's leg when Shoyo spotted him. "I'm fine. Don't worry."

Biting his lip, Kawashima glanced down at Shoyo. "Excuse me," he stumbled over his words, looking away. "We don't want to get injured, and we don't want you to get injured. And we're out of their league, to begin with... Why must you do this?"

Shoyo tilted his head, slowly standing up. "What? I don't know what you mean. But... we haven't lost yet." Shoyo stared beyond Kawashima, a shadow covering his eyes horrifyingly.

Kawashima stepped back in fear as Kageyama walked to serve. The ball went straight to Shoyo's arms, going quickly to Izumi. "Sho-chan!"

Shoyo jumped up, slamming his hand down and ricocheting it off Kindaichi's hand. Kunimi lazily jogged after the ball, not reaching it in time. Shoyo cheered with his team, freezing as he heard Kageyama screaming at his team.

"That wasn't a miracle. They scored a genuine point." Kageyama pointed back at Shoyo. "That guy. He scored a genuine point."

Izumi walked back, serving across the court. The ball barely passed over the net. Kindaichi jumped down, getting the ball back in the air but leading to the ball returning to Shoyo's side of the court. Mori received, getting the ball to Izumi, who jumped up. "We're counting on you, Sho-chan!"

Izumi froze, silently screaming as the ball went out of his control. Shoyo dashed to the other edge of the court, meeting the ball just in time. Kageyama reached out, almost blocking Shoyo but not reaching in time.

Shoyo yelped as he rolled to the side, crashing into the ground. Shoyo pushed himself up, ignoring the people checking on him. The ball hit out. He lost the point and the match.

Shoyo slowly pushed himself up, staggering a little as he put weight on his prosthetic leg. Izumi rushed forward, taking Shoyo's arm and wrapping it around his shoulder. Izumi was about to pull Shoyo away when Kageyama grabbed the net, glaring at him. "What were you doing for the last three years?"

Kouji growled, pushing past those who tried to stop him. "How dare you! What do you know about what he did the last three years?! You have no idea how hard it was for him!" Kouji looked ready to murder as Shoyo placed a hand against his chest, effectively cutting him off.

"Leave it."


Gaping, Suzuki ran forward. "Captain! You're bleeding!"

The group fell silent. Blood seeped into Shoyo's trouser leg, dripping onto the court. The first aiders rushed to check Shoyo, leading him off the court and to the infirmary.

Kenma watched Shoyo leave, his eyes shining. He hadn't noticed that his switch had turned off or that he had lost his game. His eyes simply stayed on Shoyo until Kuro pushed him. "Come on."


"Sho?!" Slamming open the door, Suda spotted Shoyo sitting on the end bed. His prosthetic leg was on the table next to him, fresh bandages around his stump.

The nurse glared at Suda. "Do restrain from shouting in my infirmary. You'll need to stay off your leg until it's healed and restrain from sports for a while." He stepped back, pulling out a wheelchair.

"No need. Shoyo already has one." Suda chuckled a little, receiving another glare from the nurse. He coughed as Kuro appeared, bringing the wheelchair with him.

"Oya Oya!" Kuro pushed the wheelchair to Shoyo, watching him pull himself into the seat. Kenma stopped by the door, glancing in as Kuro happily pushed Shoyo out. "I'm Kuro, your friend's captain," Kuro announced as Kenma rolled his eyes.

"You're not captain yet."

"I will be next year." Kuro grinned as Shoyo sighed. "What's wrong, kid?"

Shoyo shifted his gaze away, glancing at Suda. "I'm sorry, Ken. I let you down and lost."

Suda gaped, laughing as he ruffled Shoyo's hair. "You didn't let me down. You were amazing, Sho, and I expect you'll be chasing us off the court at nationals soon."

Grinning, Shoyo nodded. "Just wait for me! I'll be spiking past your wall soon!"

Suda smiled as Kuro laughed. "Is that so? I can't wait to see it."

Kenma glanced through his hair, watching them interact. Shoyo turned, grinning at Kenma. "You too! I'll defeat you!"

Kenma smiled, his eyes shining again. "I'll like to see you try."

Shoyo jolted, staring at those eyes. Pretty. Blushing at the thought, Shoyo shifted his head away, ignoring Suda and Kuro's chuckle. 

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