Part 17~Honour of Life Festival

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Asahi fidgeted as he waited with Noya. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Noya blinked, laughing. "Don't run out on me! I'm sure it won't be that bad."

"You haven't spent any time with him, have you?"

Noya laughed when the motorcycle engine echoed closer to the school. The two motorbikes paused in front of the school. Shoyo pulled off his helmet. "You brought a friend."

Asahi screeched. "You ride a bike?!"

"Not when I'm doing legal shit." Shoyo laughed, motioning behind him. "That's Runa." The biker behind Shoyo removed her helmet, showing her long black hair with dyed blue highlights and fake pure black and blue eye. "She's gonna give you a lift 'cause I didn't think you were gonna like riding with me, but I guess now one of you will be with me anyway."

"I call Runa!" Noya grinned as Asahi screeched.

"Sorry, kiddo. It's better you go with Sho-chan. You're closer to him in stature." Runa pulled a helmet, throwing it at Asahi. "Don't look so terrified. I'm the worst driver in the gang." Runa ruffled Asahi's hair as Asahi blinked.

"Is it safe for you to drive with your..." He trailed off as Runa laughed.

"If you're off by a prosthetic arm, this ain't gonna be the party for you."

Shoyo chuckled, giving Noya a helmet before motioning for him to climb on. After a lengthy lecture about how not to kill them, Runa and Shoyo took off, Asahi screaming half the way.


Pulling up to the hospital, Shoyo and Runa parked behind it and pulled the boys off.

"I don't get it. I thought this was a festival?" Noya tilted his head as Shoyo laughed.

"Of course it is. Can't you tell?" His question was met with silence. "Just come on." Shoyo rushed off, leading the boys to the garden beside the hospital. The place was decorated with all manners of stoles, colourful bunting hung between them. The space was almost exclusively filled with members of the gang.

"Shoyo!" Jumping out of nowhere, a bulky man with scars along his neck and no left arm charged forward, hugging Shoyo tightly.

Shoyo screamed, dissolving into laughs as the man continued to gush over him.

"Dad! Leave him alone." Suda walked closer, shooing the man away as he pouted.

"But I haven't seen my little shooting star in so long!"

"Honey, come on, you're suffocating him." A different man stepped beside his husband, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Hello, Uncle Takuma, Uncle Subaru." Shoyo beamed as Asahi whipped his head around.

"Those are your uncles?!"

Ruma snickered. "Get ready to meet the tallest people in existence," she leaned on Asahi's shoulder as she clapped her hands together. "Well, I've fulfilled my weekly good deed requirement. I'm gonna get cake." She walked off.

"Well, Asahi, Noya, welcome to the Honour of Life Festival. A huge festival where we celebrate living for another year and honour those who didn't make it. We sell food and gifts and play games, all to fundraise for the hospital. It's a huge thing in the gang, and we do it every year."

Subaru nodded, patting Shoyo's head. "It's important for any major group to give back to the community, especially parts of the community that helped us in the past and have continued supporting us."

"Plus, I get to make cake!" Takuma flung his arm open with a wide smile on his face.

Asahi and Noya shared a confused look. "For a gang, you're not that... scary?"

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