Part 26~Tokonami Vs Karasuno

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Tanaka served next, throwing over the net as Taiga received, sending the ball to Haga, who bounced the ball straight to Ikejiri. He jumped up, slamming his hand down as Daichi and Shoyo jumped, the ball bouncing off their arms.

Daichi turned fearfully, just catching sight of Noya as he saved the ball. The ball fell away from Kageyama as Daichi slid into the ball's path, throwing it exactly where he needed it.

Asahi jumped, the three blockers trying to get in his way. They did nothing as Asahi easily spiked over their arms.

Asahi smiled for about a second before the rumours flew around again.

"That old guy is awesome."

"I heard he's been held back five times."

"Are you serious? Is that even allowed?"

"Maybe he can't get out."

Suga slid up to Asahi, watching him double over. "Asahi, don't let it get to you."

"Yeah, can't have you more pathetic." Shoyo laughed, punching Asahi's side.

Tanaka went back to the line, holding the ball ready. Hiroki received, sending the ball to the setter as Chaya spiked.

Noya easily slid in the ball's path. Kageyama and Shoyo shared a look as Shoyo charged. He was in the air before Tokonami could respond. The ball flew over their heads as Shoyo landed back down.

The gym was silent as everyone stared. Kenma gaped, his eyes sparkling. "He's... flying... Beautiful."

Kuro glanced at Kenma, laughing as Kenma blushed.


Karasuno was dominating the fight. Even without using their strongest weapons, they led at 12:22. The gym was watching them.

Noya received the ball as Shoyo charged to the side, jumping up as Ikejiri jumped up, a determined look on his face.

Kageyama sent the ball back as Asahi slammed it down, passing the single blocker and moving too fast for the libero.

"Looks like they're going to win the first set in no time," Kindaichi crossed his arm as he watched the match.

"That libero is a pesky one. Now that the dude with the goatee is playing, Kageyama has even more options." Iwaizumi looked over the match as Oikawa huffed.

"They're not much."

Arisa chuckled. "Shoyo-nii is amazing. That boy's soul is dying. I can taste it."

Oikawa gave the girl a look as she chuckled, watching Ikejiri struggle.

The ball was spiked over the net, but Hiroki failed to receive it. Haga almost ran after it, his eyes softening as he gave up.

Ikejiri rushed past him, charging after the ball. He dived, reaching his hand out, but he couldn't reach it in time. Ikejiri didn't move as his team frowned in worry. He forced himself up, his expression breaking more.

Shoyo served as Hiroki received. Haga ran under the ball, a nervous look on his face as he went to send the ball to the side.

"Bring it to the left!" Ikejiri held out his hand as Hiroki sent the ball to him. He jumped high as he could. He sat as hard as he could, but it did nothing. Daichi and Tsukishima blocked the ball, sending it out of bounds.

Karasuno claimed the last point needed.

Tokonami gathered a downcast expression. "The rumours about Karasuno aren't true. Fallen champions? Yeah, right." Chaya sighed, gulping down his drink.

"They're on a whole other level." Hiroki yawned, a whine in his voice.

Ikejiri stared down a sad look on his face. "'We'll never win if we don't believe we can.'" Ikejiri paused, realising he said that out loud. He stepped back, a blush on his cheeks as the team looked at him. "I was just quoting a friend."

"It's starting." The team turned, running away as Ikejiri lowered his head. That was stupid.

Kageyama served, standing on the back line. Kageyama ran, jumping high and slamming the ball into the floor.

The gym stared in shock as Kageyama claimed five points in a row. Kageyama charged, jumping up. Taiga struggled. The ball bounced off his arm as Komaki ran to keep the ball in bounds, calling for Ikejiri.

Ikejiri couldn't spike; the ball was too high. Daichi jumped up, reaching the ball at the same time. Ikejiri tried to push it, but he couldn't. Daichi won the battle.

Ikejiri tutted, cursing under his breath as he watched the ball roll away.

The whistle blew. The judge pointed to the net as it wobbled. Tokonami won the point.

As Ikejiri went to cheer, the team screamed, pride filling them. Ikejiri tilted his head.

"Maybe we shouldn't be so happy about one lousy point."

"It's fine. One point can be the beginning of a scoring streak."

Ikejiri walked in a stupor, staring in confusion. "Everyone...."

"'We'll never win if we don't believe we can,' right?" Hiroki smirked as Chaya nodded.

"We'll hang in there."

"We might be weak, but we're stubborn!" Komaki tightened his grip as Ikejiri grinned.



The match was almost over. Karasuno led 24 to 13. Ikejiri panted. Tokonami was on its last legs.

Tanaka was up to serve as Tokonami stood their ground. Hiroki received easily as Haga jumped up. The ball soared through the sky.

Ikejiri rushed forward, jumping as high as he could. The ball slid over the blockers as Asahi stood in the path, hitting the ball back.

Kageyama rushed to the ball, throwing it up as Shoyo spiked. Ikejiri stumbled back, the ball bouncing off his arms. Haga responded, throwing the ball to Shibuya, who spiked over Shoyo.

The ball hit the floor as Noya crashed into the ground. Tokonami cheered as Noya cursed. "I'll save the next one for sure!"

"One more! Let's turn it around." Daichi glared through the net as Shoyo stuck out his tongue.

"Eww, positivity." Shoyo chuckled. "Ready to win."

Kageyama jumped up, throwing the ball as the blockers tried to stop Shoyo. The ball soared over him, landing before Daichi as he spiked.

The court fell still, waiting for the judge to make the call.

It was in. Karasuno won the set. They won the match.

Arisa chuckled., watching as the teams left. "They won. They actually won!"

Suda smiled, ruffling his sister's head. "Did you ever doubt him?"

Arisa hummed. "Yes. He's never won a match before."

Subaru frowned, crossing his arm. "He better rest before the next match. He'll injure himself."

"He'll be fine, love." Takuma chuckled, wrapping an arm around his husband's shoulders. "He knows how to take care of himself."

"You say that, but," Subaru drifted off. "He is your child."

Takuma gasped in offence, unable to fight back as he opened and closed his mouth. "You're lucky I love you."

"The luckiest."

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