Part 6~Faith

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Tsukishima had the first serve. "You can't make up for height by psyching yourself up. If you believe effort alone will win, you're dead wrong." He slammed the ball cross caught, intercepted by Tanaka, who threw it to Kageyama.

Shoyo was already running in the air as the ball reached Kageyama.

"Kageyama! I'm here, dumbass." Shoyo slammed his hand down, the ball spiking past Daichi but hitting out. Shoyo stumbled, falling over as he cursed, holding his leg. "That hurt more than I thought it would." Shoyo pulled himself up, tapping his foot on the ground tentatively.

"Hey guys, you know how to do quick attacks?" Tanaka gaped in shock as Shoyo shrugged.

"I just wanted him to stop being an idiot. It's how Ken used to get me back on bedrest."

"What? How is? What?"


"I don't understand you."

"No one does. Shall we try again?" Shoyo grinned, turning to Kageyama as he tutted.

"We've never gotten coordinated. A fast attack is impossible."

"Don't say that! There's something weird about you. Your weakness is giving me the creeps. It's weird!"

"Shut up."

Shoyo growled, tapping his foot. "Fine. If you want to be like that."

Tsukishima grinned, covering part of his mouth. "It's not like you, king."

"Oh fuck off, Saltyshima." Shoyo glared at Tsukishima as he jolted, trying to recover.

"There you go again, getting all pissed off. Just being reckless isn't going to make things right. Some people aren't cut out for some things. Clearly, you're not cut out to be a spiker."

Tanaka balled up his fist, stepping closer to Tsukishima as Daichi caught him.

"I'm not cut out to do many things, but I don't care. I know I'm short in a sport for tall people, but I would jump again and again. Even if I get blocked over and over. Do you know why?" Shoyo glanced up at Tsukishima, a soft smile on his face. "'Cause Volleyball saved me, and I will do it until the reaper catches up. I'm going to battle with this body, win, and be on the court as long as I can."

"But you don't have what it takes." Tsukishima sighed, a bored glance in his eyes. "This isn't a matter of psychology. You can't make up for height with feelings. You should just play libero."

"Listen here, I ain't no libero." Shoyo wagged his finger at Tsukishima.

"To break the wall in front of the spiker, that's the setter's job." Kageyama walked to stand by Shoyo as he stared in confusion. Kageyama turned, grabbing Shoyo and dragging him away. He stopped, pushing Shoyo's head down. "Listen. If you can't spike it, avoid it. Use every ounce of physical ability you have. Use your reflexes and spike my tosses."

Shoyo grinned, pulling away. "Understood."

Tanaka screamed in the background, but Shoyo ignored him. Twisting his shoulder and stretching his arm.

Tsukishima served as the ball soared over the net. Shoyo received, charging forward, but he missed the ball.

"Hey! What are you doing? You have to be faster-" Kageyama cut himself off, looking away.

"And there it is, the king's toss," Tsukishima smirked as Kageyama tensed.

"It's hard to get it right the first time."

Shoyo rolled his eyes, punching Kageyama's arm. "You need to give me an extra moment when I receive or else the ball isn't going to you." He laughed, turning away and not saying anything else.

They couldn't get the spike down. Kageyama was getting more and more frustrated.

"Kageyama!" Sugawara walked onto the court, picking up the ball. "You're repeating what you did in junior high."

Kagyeama turned to Suga, an awkward tone to his words. "Hinata has the reflexes, speed and springing power. If he gets used to it, he can do fast attacks."

"But Hinata's weapon, which is his speed, your toss is killing... it, don't you think?"

Shoyo raised his eyebrow at Suga's pause but didn't say anything.

"Hinata has no technique and no experience. He's not an outstanding player who can match your ability. But his potential is tops. If you can do it, you need to synch with Hinata's style, or his talent, or..." Suga drifted off as Tanaka slid up to him.

"Suga-san, fight!"

"You know, use them to your advantage somehow. I'm a setter like you. I watched you in last year's match. I was intimidated by your extraordinary talent, your ball control, and, most of all, your ability to calmly detect your opponent's movements and your power to make quick decisions. I don't have any of those things. You have technique and an overwhelming amount of enthusiasm. Most importantly, you have an extraordinary awareness of your surroundings. So there's no way you can't see what your teammate is doing." Suga threw the ball to Kageyama, as the poor setter's brain almost imploded.

Shoyo was lost and being glared at. Typical.

"I-" Kageyama took a breath, forcing out the words. "I envy your athletic reflexes. But you waste your treasure, and that infuriates me. So I'm going to use all of your abilities. Use your highest speed and your highest jump. I'll bring the ball to you."

Shoyo tilted his head. He was more lost. "Bring the ball? What's that mean?"

"Get to where there's no blocker at your max speed and jump. Then spike with all your strength. You don't have to watch my toss. You don't have to synch with the ball."

Shoyo blinked, sighing. "Sure."

Kageyama faltered. "Really? That easily?"

"Yeah. Can't be worse than Grandma's attempt to teach me baking." Shoyo shrugged as the match continued.

It was Daichi's serve. The ball flew nicely into Tanaka's arms, flung above Kageyama's head. Shoyo charged forward as Kageyama jumped up, bursting the ball perfectly into Shoyo's hand.

It hit the ground before the blockers could move.

Shoyo cheered, grinning brightly as Diachi stared at him in horror. "Hinata's eyes were closed just then."


"From the movement, he jumped up until he spiked. Hinata had his eyes closed. That means Kageyama tossed it directly into Hinata's palm when he wasn't even looking. He synched the toss to the moment he's swung with total accuracy."

Shoyo was still buzzing, not caring about the observation the club was making. Kageyama spun, pointing at Shoyo. "Why did you have your eyes closed?"

Shoyo jolted, his excitement fizzling out. "You told me not to watch the ball. When my eyes are open, I can't help but watch the ball. It worked, though."

Kageyama gritted his teeth, glaring at Shoyo. "Sure, but who trusts anyone 100 percent?"

For a second, Shoyo was still, and then he burst out laughing. "Who has time not to? It's not like you're a stranger. You're the genius setter, and you don't want to get kicked out any more than I do. It makes no sense to not trust you."

Kageyama paused. "You're a maniac."

"That is correct."

"Fine. If Hinata's spike scores, the marks will even out, which makes it easier for Tanaka-san to spike, too. I don't have any faith in us whatsoever, but I'll keep bringing the ball to you. Just trust me, and jump."

The next time Kageyama hit Shoyo in the face.

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