Part 3~Karasuno

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Running down the road, Shoyo took in the fresh air, loving the early morning run with a proper running blade. The second he got to his house, he changed into his uniform and pulled out his bike.

The specially designed bike was a gift for his friends when he got into Karasuno, so he didn't have to get the train every day. The low entry style made the joint between the front and back wheels look like a scooter. It was designed, so he didn't have to lift the prosthetic over the seat height. It wasn't always necessary, as he still had his knee, but it did come in handy after a hard day of training when he barely had enough energy to get home.

Swinging his bag over his shoulder, Shoyo started his bike journey to school, glad to have a spot near the back of the school to hide the bike. He was not going to have everyone pitting him again! Swapping his leg to a more comfortable, day-to-day leg, Shoyo threw the other in a locker the school provided before he headed to his classroom.

The day officially began!


Shoyo... did not understand a word of what any of his teachers just said. Not that it mattered! The day was over, and he was running to the gym. His eyes shined; he was here! He was finally here!

Bursting through the door, Shoyo grinned, his expression darkening when he spotted the only other person in the gym... Kageyama, the king of the court.

The words flashed through his mind. 'What were you doing for the last three years?' Those words haunted him.

Gritting his teeth, Shoyo glared at Kageyama. "What are you doing here?!"

Kageyama stumbled, backing out of his serve as he landed on the ground, turning to face Shoyo. He stayed frozen for a moment when the ball he had intended to serve hit him on the head.

He blinked slowly, turning to Shoyo. "Oh, I met you last year. But I don't know your name."

Growling, Shoyo gripped his hand tighter. "My name is Hinata Shoyo! You probably don't remember the team you beat in the first match!"

Kageyama rolled his eyes slightly. "I remember you very well." Kageyama could remember the kid with high reflexes and agility with an appearing limitless skill in receiving who could not use any of it well. Growling, he glared at Shoyo.

"What?" Jolting, Shoyo held up his hands. "You wanna fight?"

"You were lousy!"

Freezing, Shoyo glared back at Kageyama. "Don't make fun of me! Sure, we got slaughtered by you guys, but next time, I won't lose! I pledged to myself, so what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at some other school with strong players? Why didn't you go there?"

"The strongest school in the prefecture rejected me."

Tilting his head, Shoyo gave Kageyama a strange look. "You didn't make it. Even though you're the king of the court?"

"Don't call me that!"

Shoyo squeaked, jumping back from the intimidating aura that surrounded Kageyama. Before he could say anything, the older members walked in.

"The first setter of Kitagawa is on our team? But the guy's totally cocky."

"Don't try and intimidate him, okay?"

"I-I wouldn't do something like that."

Entering the gym, the group smiled. "Hello." There were only three members in the small collection, Sugawara, Daichi and Tanaka.

"Hey, hey, hey. Who said you guys could-" Before Tanaka could finish, Daichi grabbed him, pulling him back.

"You're Kageyama?" Daichi let Tanaka go, walking forward. "Glad you're here."

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