Part 13~Suda

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Shoyo frowned as he walked in. "Hey, what happened to the kid?"

Tanaka gave Shoyo an unimpressed look. "Yuu is older than you."

"Irrelevant. Where is he?"

"He's not coming."

"Oh, did I scare him off? Would have expected more from the great Nishinoya."

Suga walked forward, a sharp look in his gaze. "What is going on between you two?"

"Nothing important."

"He said you were in a gang," Daichi interrupted, his hand on his hip as Shoyo laughed.

"So? I don't see what any of that has to do with volleyball. And he's being really judgemental since his best friend is also in the gang. I think he just doesn't like that the Daedalus Flight could do something he couldn't." Shoyo crossed his arms as Daichi carefully chose his next words.

"What did you do?"

Shoyo laughed, looking Daichi dead in the eyes. "We got Ken sober."


Shoyo sat on the wall, watching as Noya walked past. "You running away? I didn't realise how dependent you were. First Ken. Now Asahi."

Noya screamed, jumping away as he glared at Shoyo. "What would you know about that?"

"I know a lot. Well, I know as much as Ken can. His memories of that time of his life are a bit fuzzy, as I'm sure you could guess."

"What do you want?"

Shoyo laughed, leaning on his hands. "What I want is irrelevant. What do you want, Yuu Nishinoya?"

"Why would you care?"

"I'm not a monster- or at least not emotionally. I'm not gonna watch you drown and not lift a finger to help."

"Are you doing this cause Suda told you to?"

"Oh, no. He has no idea you're even at this school. Like I said, his memory was already shit and cracking open his skull didn't help."

"What?! Is he okay?!" Noya spun, staring in horror as Shoyo chuckled.

"He's Ken. He's fine- well, mostly. He lost an arm in the accident but no brain damage, so he was pretty lucky."

Noya sighed, leaning against the wall as he stared into the sky. "I can guess what caused the accident."

"No, you can't. Ken wasn't as bad as everyone thinks."

"I know that! I know why he did what he did. I know how terrible his life was."

Shoyo paused, watching Noya out of the corner of his eye. "Nishinoya, Ken has ABD."

Nishinoya stopped, frowning. "ABD?"

"Auto-brewery disease. It's most commonly caused by too much yeast living in someone's gut. By the time the disease was found, it was too late, and now he's stuck with it for life. He's living, though. His dad is a nutritionist, and he ensures his 'precious bean' is taken care of."

"His dad hates him."

"Different people, Nishinoya. You think grandma-" Shoyo paused- "Doctor Aoki would let Ken go home to that place. She tried to have them arrested. It was a huge incident. They got away, of course, but they'll think twice about going near Ken now."

"So, is he safe?"

"Yep. The Daelsus Flight sticks together. We won't let anyone hurt him." Shoyo pulled his leg up, hugging it. "You should come back to volleyball. He would be happy to see you."

"I'm not coming back without Asahi."

Shoyo shrugged, jumping off the wall. "Let me share a piece of advice with you. 'Don't live because someone else gives you purpose because if you do, you're signing your own death warrant.' Grandmother would always tell us that. You should listen to her words. Besides, how can I show myself to be better without you in the club."

"You're not better than me."

"Then prove it. Come back."

Nishinoya scowled as Shoyo sighed.

"Suit yourself. But trust me, your path won't lead to happiness. Don't give up something you love just because of one guy." Shoyo turned, walking away as Nishinoya called out to him.

"Wait. One last question." Nishinoya hesitated as Shoyo waited. "Why are you a member of the Daelsus flight?"

Shoyo laughed, covering his mouth. "I'm a member for the same reason Ken is, for the same reason Grandma and Grandmother are. We all lost a part of ourselves, one that means we're typically judged before we even walk into a room. But, the Flight gives us a place where that doesn't happen. We can be who we want, who we are, without judgement. It's freeing, you know." Shoyo smiled before he smirked. "We're actually meeting this weekend for the Honour of Life Festival. You can join us if you want, Ken will be there, and you can talk to him. Just don't tell the club. They don't know about all this."

"They know you're in the gang. I kind of told them."

"Not that silly." Shoyo laughed. "You really don't get it, do you? The club doesn't know why I'm in the Flight." Nishinoya shifted his gaze as Shoyo laughed more. "Be there, and things will make sense. In the meantime, go to practice, idiot! I don't want to have to report to Ken that his only childhood friend is avoiding volleyball." Shoyo waved goodbye, leaving Nishinoya staring in confusion as he waited for Shoyo to leave.

"He's a weirdo." He paused, looking back at the sky. "But I can see why you like him, Suda."


Shoyo walked around, helping the others pack up the gym when the door opened. "Oh, and here I thought you were still running?"

Noya gave Shoyo a sour look as Shoyo coughed.

"You don't have to glare at me. I'm not holding you, hostage."

"I'm not coming back to the club. Let's get that straight. I'm just going to help in practice. That's all."

"That's the most boring compromise I have ever heard, and I've heard Ken's parents argue about cereal. Fine. But I still say this gonna blow up in your face."

Nishinoya huffed. "I'm not coming back without Asahi."

Shoyo paused, rolling his eyes. "Then why are you screaming at me? You should scream at him and get him to join."

"I can't just force him to join! I'm not you!"

"No, your Yuu."

Nishinoya screamed as Shoyo avoided him. Suga sighed, watching the duo. "Somehow, I don't think those two will ever get along."

Daichi nodded as he smiled. "At least it's good to see him in the club. We'll work on making him a permanent member later."

Suga hummed in agreement as Shoyo screamed. "I wish they were quieter, though."

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