Chapter 20

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eijirous pov
i sat in the tunnel with my head burried my my knees as i felt the soft vibrations of my bracelet on my wrist letting me know that bakugou and izuku were trying to comfort me i gave them a few taps back spaced apart so they didnt think i was in danger or anything.
i stayed in my tunnel for a while till i heard a vehicle pulling down the dirt road i looked through the holes on the tunnel and i saw the familar black suv that my dad drives i watched as it pulled to a stop and he got out and i saw one of my boyfriends getting out of the passenger side.
they both made their way over to playground and i couldnt see them anymore till i saw them both on either side of it.
katsuki came over and he put he hand gently on my face making me just melt into his touch baby im here now your okay we got everything taken care of back there he wont bother you again, he said softly as he pulled me close to him and i  just broke i started sobbing into his chest as he just held me tightly and he gently rubbed my back, i know ei i know baby but your safe now i promise he whispered to me softly as he moved us around so i was sitting in his lap. he softly swayed us as my dad just sat to the side patiently waiting.
after my tears stopped and i was nothing more then sniffles kat pulled my head away and he gave me a soft smile and he pressed his forehead to mine i will always have you ei no matter what happens, he said to me in nothing more than a whisper as he gave me a soft sweet loving kiss i pulled away and i rested my head on his chest as i grabbed his hand and he placed the other one on my now deflated hair.
hey so hes being suspended and theres going to be an investigation and after the investigation hes either going to be expelled from UA or hes going to be transfered to a different school but not allowed to study heroics anymore. he said.
thats all thats going to happen he should be arrested for this how does no one understand the severity of this, if he leaks those it could ruin my chances of becoming a hero? i asked.
well its up to you if you want to press charges against him for this its a long process so if you do decide to to go through with it me and hizashi will stand beside you the whole time. he said as he gently placed a hand on my back.
i looked up at him and i moved over and i hugged him i felt so vulnerable and all i really wanted right now was a parents love.
he wrapped me in his arms and hugged me tightly.
come on lets get you back to the dorms so you can hang out with gozu, he said softly.
not yet i just want to stay here just for a little bit text izu that im okay i left my phone at the school when i ran out, i asked kat. he nodded and he pulled out his phone and he sent a text to izu, once he put his phone away i reached over and i grabbed his hand and he swiped his thumb over the back of my hand.
we stayed here in a peaceful quiet for about 20 minutes till i was calm.
come on lets head back hes gonna wait for us in your room, kat said as we all started to climb out and we got to the car, katsuki opened the back door and i climbed in with him and we laid down on the back seat together he kept one arm laid over my waist as i laid my head on his chest as he brushed his fingers through my hair, after everything that happened i felt so safe in his arms and i ended up falling asleep .
i woke up the feeling of being carried and i noticed we were in the elevator, its okay ei just go back to sleep ill put you to bed kat said sweetly.
i closed my eyes and feel back asleep, and i woke up for just a minute when i felt him lay me down on my bed and i felt my bed dip down on both sides as i felt the fluffy fur of gozu next to me so i rolled onto my side and he laid his head on my hand.
i felt a soft hand lay on my face as i fell back into a deep sleep.
i woke up and i saw that kat was behind me and was holding me close to him by my waist and izu was infront of me and he had his hand on my face and he smiled when he saw my eyes open, and i smiled weakly when i saw gozu had his head laying on my arm.
i reached over and i pet gozu and i rubbed the side of his face as i heard him purr softly.
hey ei you feeling better now? izu asked as he leaned over and he kissed me softly.
um i guess so i dont really want to go down stairs i said softly.
thats okay baby you dont need to till your ready if you need something one of us can go get it for you, you just need to relax take it easy so you dont over do it more than you already did, katsuki said as he leaned over and he placed a sweet caring kiss to the side of my neck.
hey so i texted mr aizawa he wanted me to let him know when you woke up he wanted to come see you and talk to you about some stuff. kat said.
i looked back at him, and i reached my hand back and i pulled him down and he kissed me sweetly and pulled away and i gave him a nod.
a while later there was a knock on the door and it cracked open and i saw both my dads walking in.
hey ei we wanted to come check on you see how your holding up? mic said.
i just gave them a weak smile as aizawa grabbed my desk chair and he pulled it to the side of my bed.
so we contacted our laywer for you and we talked to him about what happened and that if you do decided to press charges there is more then enough for a case and they will confinscate his devices and do a full invesigation into all his devices, he told me.
i nodded i do want to go through with this hes been tormenting the girls for so long and now hes risking my future career, i said
i understand ill give him a call back and then ill go make you some lunch, he said.
he got up and he put my chair back, are you feeling like an actual meal or just something small or just a shake? he asked.
um could you just bring like a small fruit bowl i dont really feel hungry right now? i asked.
yeah of course ill be back in a bit, he said as he walked out but mic stayed.
hey so sho told me that your surgery is planned for 2 weeks thats amazing your going to fall behind on your hero training during your recovery time but im sure those two can help you catch us fast, he said as he pointed to my 2 boyfriends with a smile.
i know i did all my research and i already talked to them about it last time when i was suppose to get it, they agreed to help me with all my stuff for school cause im still gonna try to go to school so i dont fall too far behind, i said as i sat up and i moved over and i looked at katsuki. sit up, i told him.
he chuckled a bit and he sat up i grabbed blanket and i pulled it around me and i laid back down with my head in his lap as he started to play with my hair.
damn he has you tamed mic said to kat as he laughed a bit.
its cause he loves me and knows what helps so he doesnt argue i said as i looked up at him aand he placed his hand on my face and swiped his thumb over my cheek. i love you, i said as i weakly smiled up at him not having enough energy to give him an actual smile but he could see that it was still genuine.
i love you too ei, he said, i looked over at izu and i motioned him closer to me.
he came over and he rested his head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek.
and i love you eiji, he said with a smile.
i love you too zuzu. i said as i kissed him and that was when my door opened and i saw mr aizawa walking in with a bowl of fruit and his phone to his ear.

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