Chapter IV

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Narrator's POV:

The two Pillars ran through the forest, until both decided they should take a break.

While walking at an average pace, Giyuu was still thinking about on how Sanemi had slipped out the words that Giyuu never though he'd say.

"Your too beautiful for him."

Those exact words echoed in his head, and it kept repeating. It just felt like an eternity..

Meanwhile, they stopped walking to take a short break. Sanemi was still flustered and embarrassed about what he said earlier, but he didn't show it on his face this time.

Both Pillars were leaning on a tree, silence was the only thing that could be heard.

"Hey Tomioka!?" Sanemi said. The black haired male stood silent, but nodded in response.

"Whatever I said know...that wasn't a lie."

Giyuu looked at the Wind Pillar. But all he saw was his head turned in the other direction. Little did Giyuu know, Sanemi was blushing even harder than ever.

"Shinazugawa-San?.. Are you okay?.." Giyuu asked.

"W-WELL...just don't tell anybody what happened today!!" Sanemi yelled, placing his hands on Giyuu's shoulders.

Giyuu moved his hand to the other's hand...Sanemi suddenly had butterflies when seeing the precious sighting. 🦋

Giyuu smiled.

"I won't." He assured. Sanemi started turning red.

"S-Shinazugawa-San, your's red. Are you sure you're alright?.."

"Of course I am! I'm not a gloomy idiot like you!!" Sanemi panicked a bit, removing his hands from Giyuu's shoulders..though Giyuu wouldn't let go of him, a minute later they were already holding hands.

"Great. Sanemi thought. Now the others are definitely going to suspect something now..."

☆ <3 🌊🍃<3☆

Finally, Sanemi had let go of Giyuu's hand when arriving at their HQ.

Sanemi felt a bit guilty letting go. He wanted the touch to last longer... Though Giyuu already knew and understood why he let go. He wouldn't like Shinobu teasing him about this..

"Ara Ara, welcome back Tomioka-San and Shinazugawa-San! How was your mission?" Shinobu asked with her usual smile.

"Tch. Sanemi grunted. I'm heading back to my estate. Don't bother me."

"The mission... it was alright." Giyuu responded, but blushing a bit when remembering when Sanemi and him held hands.

"Oh really!? Shinobu questioned, with an interested expression on her face. Then how come you're blushing a bit Tomioka-San?.. Did something unexpected happened between you and Shinazugawa-San?..."

"Dammit." Giyuu thought. What if she found out-?...

"It's okay Tomioka-San! I won't tell anybody your secret! I promise! Plus, I'm good with relationships! But, if you really want to get to know more, I suggest you talk with Kanroji-San!"


"So you think you like Shinazugawa-San!?" Shinobu asked once again, checking in to make sure.

"I-I think..." Giyuu replied, looking away from Shinobu with an embarrassed expression.

"Well, did he act or say something unexpected?"

♡ 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 - 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐱 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮𝐮 ♡Where stories live. Discover now