| chapter 1

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Being an unofficial avenger and spending his afternoons as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man meant each day was filled with surprises.

Usually, that meant a nice lady buying him a churro, him accidentally webbing up the wrong person or Tony Stark calling him in for an upgrade to his suit.

However, when Peter walked- or technically, swinged- to the Avengers Compound, he did not expect to see Tony Stark trying and failing to calm down a ferocious white tiger.

Peter froze, watching Tony's futile attempts of getting the tiger to calm down.

It was a beautiful creature, and extremely scary.

Fear ran through Peter's body, until he realized the tiger was locked in a transparent cage. But the tiger was slamming its body repeatedly against the walls of the cage.

"C'mon, just five seconds!" Tony whined. He was a man used to getting what he wanted, and he would stop at nothing to get it.

The tiger only growled at Tony's words, and kept throwing all of its weight against the cage.

And then the one thing Peter least expected to happen happened. The tiger shuddered, and in a blink of an eye, it transformed into a small hummingbird.

The hummingbird flapped its wings, flying around the cage, trying to find a way out.

Peter was sure he was dreaming.

But then again, gods he once thought were just myths were real and he now studied them in AP Physics. So maybe a shapeshifting creature wasn't so impossible.

With his mind racing, trying to think his way through the scenario, he almost missed the second transformation.

The hummingbird was replaced by a girl. A real human girl. Around Peter's age.

Other people would've immediately noticed the scars, bruises and cuts littering her body. The clear signs of abuse from shoving her whole weight against the extremely solid walls of the cage.

Other people would've turned their noses at her disheveled hair, which currently looked like a rats nest.

Other people would've been disturbed by the eyeliner running down her face.

But Peter Parker never liked to stick to the norm.

And all he could think when he first saw her was how stunning beautiful she was.

Her hair was a dark blonde, almost brown in the shadow, but shining golden in the light. Her eyes, reflecting so much of what the girl would turn out to be- filled with radiant color, telling a thousand stories, with just a pinch of everything.

Peter could only stare at the girl trapped inside a cage. He knew nothing about her, but he knew he just needed to know her.

And then her voice rang in his ears, speaking in an aggressive tone, but Peter didn't care. He thought even her voice shone brighter than the stars in the night sky.

She said, "Alright. I'm me now. So let me out."

"Only if you promise not to run away or attack me. We do not need a repeat of what happened to those SHIELD agents, understood?" Tony demanded, pointing a finger accusatorially.

The girl's lip were pressed in a thin line. She thought for a second, and then finally surrendered with a sigh. "Fine."

Tony smiled. "Now, that wasn't so hard, right?"

With the press of a button, the cage opened up, and the girl walked out, shoving her shoulder against Tony's as she walked by.

"Just leave me alone," the girl said. And just as she was leaving the room, going through a different exit than the one Peter was standing in, a shudder ran through her spine.

The girl clutched the doorway, taking a shaky breath.

Peter noticed- with the help of his enhanced senses- how her pulse quickened just the slightest, her breath staggering. He knew just what she was feeling.


Before Peter could think it through properly, his voice was ringing through the room, and he was rushing to the girl's side.

"Are you okay?" Peter and Tony spoke in unison.

The girl looked up, and her gaze bounced in between Tony and Peter. The way she glared at Peter frightened him.

Her gaze seemed to pierce right through him, and Peter was unnerved by the way it made him feel.

"I'm fine," she said, but her voice told a different story. "Mind your own business," she growled to Peter.

Peter did as he always did when he was unsure. Apologize. "I-I'm sorry."

The girl seemed genuinely shocked for a moment, but she shook it off and walked away.

Tony sighed. "Sorry about that. She's got a bit of a temper."

Peter blinked. "She- she's amazing. What- I mean, who is she?"

Tony narrowed his eyes. "Don't even think about dating her, alright?"

Peter had no words. "No, I- I mean, I would never, Mr. Stark. I just meant-"

"She's my daughter," Tony said, non-chalant. As if it were the most casual thing in the world.

"You have a daughter?"

"Well, kid, when a man and a woman are attracted to each other, they-"

"No! I just meant, that I-I had no idea you had a daughter."

"It's almost like that was the point."


𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐖 - PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now