| chapter 9

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If anything, it just kept getting worse and worse.

At least, that was what ran through Alliah's head when her biology teacher announced that she was to partner up with a certain Peter Parker.

Alliah took a deep breath, and grabbed her backpack, sliding it onto her shoulder in one fluid movement, weaving her way in between people trying to sit down next to their partners.

She finally arrived in front of Peter, and she swung from the tips of her toes, to her heels and back.

Alliah waited as Ned finished gathering his things and moving to sit next to his partner. While she waited, she noticed the way that Ned seemed to glance in between Alliah and Peter. He almost seemed to have a telepathic communication with Peter.

Ned finally stood up, his arms full of things he didn't shove into his backpack in his rush. He dropped a pencil, and Alliah bent down to pick it up, handing it to him.

"Ned! You dropped this!" Alliah called after him. Ned turned around, eyes wide with shock.

"Uh, thanks- Wait- You know my name? I mean-"

Alliah smiled slightly, and she could see why Peter was friends with Ned. She handed him the pencil. "No problem. See you around, Ned."

Alliah slid onto her bench, a small smile of amusement on her face as she watched Ned try to shake off his flustered state.

She finally took her eyes off of Ned, and turned back to her things, skimming the page explaining the project. "So, uh, want to co-parent a plant?"

Peter looked up from his fidgeting hands. He frowned, and then realization washed over him, along with embarassment.

"Oh! The project. Right." Peter exclaimed, nodding. He blinked, and realized his mistake. "Yeah, it seems easy to do a plant- I mean, not do a plant, just like take care of it, and- yeah, I'll just shut up now."

Alliah grinned. Despite trying to keep Peter at arm's distance, she couldn't help the euphoria he gave her.

"Maybe we could do a succulent? They're almost impossible to kill unless you pour, like, pure acid on top of it, which i don't think is impossible if we keep it in the Compound, but then again, we might get extra credit if we grab a plant that's harder to keep alive, but-" Alliah said, and suddenly paused. "Shit. Sorry. I'm rambling. Sorry, I don't want to be that group partner. What do you say?"

Peter blinked, and he shook himself out of his daze. "Uh, I think a succulent is fine. I don't really know how to keep a plant alive," Peter admitted abashedly.

𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐖 - PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now