| chapter 5

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She woke up in excruciating pain. It overpowered her senses until it was the only thing she could think about. Until she almost couldn't move.

Alliah liked to divide her days into three categories: Good, medium, and bad.

Good days were really rare. Thankfully, so were bad days. Usually, Alliah would have medium days. She'd be constantly pulled down by waves of pain, but it was just enough so that she could survive through it. It was bearable, but painful.

The universe had taken pity on her with a long line of good days in a row. Around five days of bliss, where her pain was down to a minimum. But the universe also hated her. A lot.

So there Alliah lied, curled up in her bed, fire crawling up and down her body.

Alliah bit her tongue, not daring to say a word. And she took the pain in silent agony. No one had to know how much she was suffering.


When Alliah didn't show up for breakfast, Peter was worried. He'd grown used to seeing her these past few days. He enjoyed her company.

But now, she hadn't come downstairs for the first time in almost a week.

"Don't worry, kid. She doesn't usually eat with us. You got to see her on her good days," Tony said. As if Peter should be grateful for these few days and move on without wishing for more days with Alliah's company.

"She doesn't usually eat with you?" Peter inquired.

Clint shook his head. He'd gotten back from a mission just yesterday. "Usually, she keeps to herself. I can't believe she ate dinner with us yesterday."

Peter frowned. "That doesn't seem like Alliah."

Natasha sighed. "Look, Peter, I hate to say it, but you got to see only the good about Alliah. Now, you see the bad parts. Seeing her is a rarity. Eating with us constantly is even rarer. It's only happened a handful of times."

Peter looked down at his eggs sadly.

Tony had told him how Alliah was. She usually stayed in her room, and only came out when she needed to, and avoided interacting with anyone unless absolutely necessary.

But Peter had met a different Alliah these past two weeks. She was kind, funny, but she knew how to stand up for herself, she was fierce and brave. All in all, she was a good person, and though she was a little reserved, she was kind to Peter and talked to him. She didn't judge him and even seemed to enjoy hearing his rants about Star Wars.

The Alliah he'd gotten to know over the last two weeks was different from the Alliah that the avengers told him about.

So Peter held out hope. Even when she didn't show up at breakfast. Or lunch. Or dinner. Or breakfast the next day. Or lunch. Or dinner.

𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐖 - PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now