| chapter 6

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She kept her distance. The few times they crossed paths, he didn't say a word. And though Alliah knew that apologizing was the right thing to do, she didn't do it.

It was better for Peter to keep this distance between them. For them to stay away from each other. She would only end up hurting him and screwing it up like she did with everyone in her life.

One day, Alliah had had enough. After a while of overthinking, she felt the walls closing in on her. She was trapped here, never to leave.

So she did the only thing she could think of. Alliah ran away. She transformed into a jaguar, her black spots almost a blur as she ran as fast as she could. Laps around the compound, just trying to forget everything.

Alliah felt powerful. She was fast and agile, the movement of her muscles so fluid and steady. It was natural for her to push past her limits, her paws touching the ground for milliseconds and then bouncing back up again.

She had never felt so free in her life. And she took advantage of it, veering off of the path she'd engraved in her mind from repetition.

Alliah made her way through the clearing, and weaved in and out of trees. She pushed harder, seeing the glimmer of dark blue murky water.

And just as she was a few seconds away- a shock ran through her body. And Alliah stumbled, transforming back to her human form as an unknown stinging ran through her body.

Alliah rolled, throwing her arms out to catch her fall, feeling the sharp stinging of broken branches and rocks against her knees and arms.

When she finally rolled to a stop, banging her head against a tree trunk, all she could do was feel... lost. Every sense of direction inside Alliah's mind was thrown off balance.

Alliah looked around, trying to find the origin of the unfamiliar shock. It was almost like... electricity. And then she saw it. A small device, blinking red against the trunk of a tree.

Anger coursed through her as she ripped it off of the tree, stomping her way back to the compound.


"What the fuck is this?" Alliah growled, slamming the small device down in front of her dad.

Tony looked up, a look of shock on his face. More than anything, he looked like a kid who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Alliah, let me explain-"

Alliah cut him off. "Explain what? That you injected some stupid device into my body? So that I'm trapped her like some prisoner?" She didn't even care that Peter, who was sitting beside Tony, was staring at her with fear in his eyes. "I know what that is. It sent an electromagnetic wave into my body. Like a fucking shock collar or some shit."

𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐖 - PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now