| chapter 4

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He'd been taking a quick nap in the now extinguished lab. But when he heard someone screaming, he jumped into action.

Peter had no idea who it was, but they sounded like they were in agony. So he did the noble thing and immediately rushed to help.

Peter ran through the long hallways of the Compound. The screaming had stopped, but he now heard the sounds of stifled sobs and frantic voices.

Peter entered the living room, and found several of the avengers crowded around a certain golden-haired girl.

"Hey, hey, I'm here," Tony whispered to Alliah, smoothing down her hair as she sobbed.

Peter was frozen in the doorway. It seemed he was doing that very often recently.

But he was panicking, trying to figure out what was wrong with Alliah. She was hyperventilating as she cried. Almost inconsolable as Tony tried to calm her down.

Natasha looked up from Alliah, and noticed Peter's panicked expression. She walked over to him, grabbing him by the shoulders. "Hey, let's take a walk, alright?"

"But- Alliah, she-"

Natasha cut him off, "I know. Let's give them some space."

Peter managed to glance at Alliah one last time, and she stared at him for a second with red-rimmed eyes. And then her gaze shifted back to her dad.


Alliah hated needles.

It wasn't that she was scared of them. She just knew that that small prick on her skin meant blood tests, it meant that electric blue liquid flowing through her veins. It meant false hope for a numbness only to be disappointed.

Tony had been trying to find a way to get rid of Alliah's pain for years. But as hard as they tried, they couldn't find a solution to the problem. The best he had managed to achieve was to numb the pain a little. So it was bearable.

What Tony didn't know was that Alliah had tried a million times to try and find the solution herself. And it usually ended in a mess.

Now, Alliah prepared herself for the familiar prick of a needle against her arm. Or two pricks. One for a blood test and the other to inject the numbing liquid.

"Alright, on the count of three, okay?" Tony spoke, breaking Alliah away from her thoughts.

She nodded. He was speaking in his doctor voice. It was soft and relaxing.

"One. Two-" Before Tony got to three, he pressed the needle into her skin. Alliah took a steadying breath. "And three. See? It's over. Now time for round two."

𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐖 - PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now