| chapter 8

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Peter didn't think he'd be helping guide Alliah through the basics of how Midtown High worked.

He didn't think that he would have to spend the rest of the school year sitting next to Alliah Stark.

And he certainly didn't think he'd have to stop Alliah from getting into a fight on her first day.

Peter probably should've guessed that Alliah was the type to constantly get into trouble at school. But he had promised Tony he would keep her safe and out of trouble.

So, he had to pin her wrists down to her sides as her glare burned into the back of Flash's head.

A snotty remark from Flash about how a girl had to get a scholarship to pay for school was all it took for Alliah to snap and try to fight Flash.

To be fair, Flash did like to make everyone's life miserable, but nonetheless, Peter held Alliah down.

"Let me go!" Alliah snarled at Peter through gritted teeth.

Peter shook his head. "C'mon, please just stay out of trouble!"

Peter yanked her back down onto her seat. They were seated in the back, so their argument wasn't noticed by anyone. But Peter was always invisible at school, so it didn't really matter.

Alliah huffed, slumping down onto her chair. "Fine! Just let me go."

Peter slowly let go of Alliah's wrists once he was sure she wouldn't try to escape and punch Flash.

Peter sighed when Alliah finally seemed to calm down. Though, his moment of peace was interrupted when the bell rang, signalling that it was lunch time. The most anxiety-filled time of the day.

Alliah walked beside Peter, until she split up to go to her locker. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't even notice Peter watching her walk away.

She ended up getting lost on the way to her locker, but eventually made it to the cafeteria. Anxiety filled her to the brim.

Before she could overthink it even more, Alliah pushed her boundaries and stepped into the cafeteria. Her eyes scanned the room.

Then she locked eyes with Peter. And all her bravery faded away in a second, and she spun on her heel, running away.

Alliah didn't even hesitate to make her way into a bathroom stall, throwing her backpack on the floor. She buried her face in her hands.

Throughout her life, Alliah had experienced her fair share of first days at different schools. It was always the worst day of all, and anxiety filled her until she was unable to breathe. Usually, she found an empty table and sat by herself. Alliah never tried to make friends at school. She knew that she would eventually screw something up and get expelled or end up screwing up a friendship.

𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐖 - PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now