| chapter 7

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Summer was reaching its end. And Tony finally spoke to her about her new school. Midtown High.

"It's science-focused, and you just have to take an exam to get in. It'll be easy for you," Tony explained.

Alliah shrugged. "It's not like I have much of a choice, right?"

"You can pick another school in New York if you'd like," Tony offered.

"Midtown is fine."

At least, that's what Alliah thought. Tony hadn't mentioned anything about Peter attending the same school. So Alliah stayed blisfully ignorant of that fact.

One day, she found herself wandering through the Compound. It was a medium day on the pain chart. Relatively good.

Alliah had no idea where she was headed, but eventually, she ended up in the lab where Tony and Peter were working on a new project.

They didn't even notice Alliah's presence at first. She was quiet and they were too concentrated on their work.

"Adjust the axle to an angle of 65 degrees," Alliah spoke. She could never pass up an opportunity to demonstrate her knowledge.

Peter and Tony jumped in unison, whirling towards her.

"Alliah," Peter said, a quiet exhale. Simply acknowledging her presence. But it was the most words they'd spoken in weeks.

Tony eyed Alliah, his gaze bouncing in between the two teenagers. "Adjust the axle?"

"65 degrees," Alliah confirmed, stepping forward and sitting on the desk.

"FRIDAY, run it," Tony said.

They watched as the hologram adjusted, and it flashed green. The prototype would work.

Tony looked impressed. "It worked."

"No need to act so surprised," Alliah said, rolling her eyes. She took a deep breath. "I need a favor."

"Of course you do." Tony sighed. "What is it?"

"My exam is tomorrow, and I need someone to drive me..."

Tony looked up, and it was clear he didn't see exactly what Alliah was asking. The question hidden in between the lines. "I'll tell Happy to drive you."

Alliah wasn't surprised, but she was disappointed. She'd hoped to have her dad's support during her exam.

But of course he wouldn't drive her. Tony Stark never drove anywhere. He payed people to do that for him.

At the very least, Alliah had hoped he would accompany her. But he didn't offer.

Alliah took a deep breath, clasping her hands together. "Okay, then. I'll just... leave then. See ya."

Alliah walked away before her father could disappoint her again.


The funeral was a blur of half-hearted condolences, tears and unwanted embraces from people who now seemed strangers.

At the young age of nine, Alliah clung to her father's hand. The only support she had now. The only real family.

But Alliah knew her father wasn't even really there. No, he was stuck inside his own head, unable to see the mess that was his daughter.

Tony Stark did as he always did when faced with loss. He drank until he forgot the pain. Until he forgot that he had a daughter to take care of.

Alliah was sure that it was her fault. She had driven her father away, and she wasn't ever getting him back. It was some cruel form of punishment from the universe.

She was nine years old and already burdened with the loss of her father and mother in one fell swoop.

"Dad?" Alliah called, her voice hoarse from crying. She was still wearing that stupid itchy black dress that she hated so much.

(It had taken several minutes of bargaining from the nanny before she finally agreed to wear it.)

Tony didn't seem to hear her words.

"Dad?" Alliah repeated, slightly louder this time.

Tony finally looked at her. He had red-rimmed eyes, and a stain from spilled whiskey on his shirt. "What is it, Alliah?"

"I miss Mom."

Tony's eyes shone with unshed tears. "Me too, kid. Me too."

But after that, not once was he there to dry her tears when she cried every time the void her mother had left became too painful to bear.

Eventually, Alliah learned that she couldn't depend on her father to help her.

And when she was shipped off to Switzerland for boarding school, she learned how to fend for herself.

She learned that Tony Stark wouldn't be there for his daughter like he once was.


Alliah ran down the steps in front of Midtown High, just wanting to run away from whatever lied inside after taking her exam.

She crossed the street, and entered the sleek black car. "C'mon, Happy, step on it!" Alliah glanced at Happy. "Step on it! Why aren't you stepping on it?"

"I have to pick up another one of you annoying children," Happy stated.

Alliah slumped in her chair. "I'm not a child."

Happy ignored her.

Alliah sighed, biting her nails as she impatiently waited. "Who do you have to pick up?"

The door opened and a certain arachnid climbed in.

"Hi, Happy," Peter spoke as he clicked his seatbelt into place.

"Parker," Alliah said, her tone ice cold.

Peter's eyebrows shot up when he saw her. "Alliah. You're here."

"And why are you here?" Alliah's leg bounced up and down.

Happy started driving once he saw that Peter was in the car.

"Happy's taking me to the Compound."

Alliah looked away, not wanting to talk anymore. She was sick and tired of seeing Peter everywhere she turned. It was exhausting.

Meanwhile, Peter was growing more and more uncomfortable. His thoughts were centered around Alliah, but he was finding it hard not to reach out to her and try to get close to her again.

He'd talked to his best friend Ned about the situation with Alliah, (under the pretense of her being a girl he'd met at his 'Stark Internship') and Ned had told him that Peter deserved an apology.

But sitting in the car, the two of them were focused on the other.

Peter, wanting to reach out and get closer to Alliah.

Alliah, doing her best to stay strong and push Peter away, keeping her distance from him.

It was a complicated situation, and it was about to get worse.


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