'Chapter 4'

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(July 17th, 1934)

(Florence POV)

I hear metal pots tap together in the kitchen. I open my eyes and see that both Bucky and Steve are not in bed and are not in the room. I quickly jump out of bed to see my mother waiting in the doorway peeping into the kitchen where obviously Steve and Bucky were.

"S'il vous plait, arretez-les avant qu'ils ne brulent la maison Florence." ( please stop them before they burn the house down!) Mother whispers in my ear. I nod my head giving her a kiss on the cheek and then walking into the kitchen.

"Bucky, Steve what are you doing." I ask making them both turn to me. Bucky had a pan in his hand and Steve had flour down the front of himself. I chuckled a bit as I walked further into the kitchen. Bucky was cooking some sort of pancake and Steve was mixing up more batter. I quickly moved the bowl of batter to the side, and I started cleaning up the mess they had made. Bucky then and his hands on my shoulders.

"Don't worry about that Florence, we are just making you a late birthday breakfast. We will clean up after." Bucky said.

"Yeah, we will lean up when we are done Flo." Steve said leading me to the table and sitting me down. I watched as they continued making the pancakes and mixing up batter. Eventually Steve started cleaning up by wiping down the benchtop and bringing our three plates full of pancakes. He places one down in front of me and then two more in front of empty seats. He then went back into the kitchen and started helping Bucky clean up the rest of the kitchen. They then both came and sat down next to me, and we both started eating up the breakfast that Bucky and Steve had created. The pancakes tasted delicious and bucky was the first one to finish. Steve jumped up and grabbed all our plates and brought them over to the sink.

"Thank-you for breakfast! It was really yum." I thanked them. I heard my father come into the kitchen and then come up behind me. He then whispered into my ears.

"Lequel est lequel?" (Which is Which) He whispered into my ear. I laughed and then pointed at Steve first.

"Il est Steve et il est Bucky." I said pointed at Bucky. My father nodded and then smiled at the two boys sitting in his house. He walked into the kitchen, and I watched as he gave death stares at each boy and time, they even looked at me.

"Est-ce que tu sors aujourd'hui?" (Are you going out today) My dad asked me. I went to reply when Bucky replied instead.

"Nous pensions aller au cinéma aujourd'hui, monsieur." (We thought to go to the cinema today, sir) My dad looked fascinated at Bucky. I was just as surprised as he was.

"Quand pourriez-vous parler français?" (When could you speak French?) I asked him. He just chuckled.


I got changed into a pink dress and formal shoes.

"Ready for the movies?" Steve asked.

"Yeah! Which one are we seeing!"

"The Wizard of Oz!" Bucky said.

"Oooh, I have been wanted to see that one!" I linked arms with Bucky and Steve, and we started talking and walking to the local cinema. We walked down the busy street together and eventually made our way to the cinema. Steve got the door for me, and Bucky and we all walked inside. Steve went to buy the popcorn and Bucky and I went to go and buy tickets for the movie. Once we bought the tickets we met back up with Steve and then walked to cinema 8. We walked and sat in our seats in the theatre being Steve on the right, me in the middle and Bucky on the left. The theatre became quite busy and eventually was full of people and the lights went dim. The ads started and we sat the popcorn on my lap. Once the movie started, I snuggled back into my seat and then turned over to look at Bucky. He wasn't watching the screen but instead he was watching me. I smiled and then watched he quickly turned his head away.

Us three watched the movie right until it was finished and then exited the cinema.

The sky was cloudy and small raindrops were silently dripping from the sky, so slightly it was almost no noticeable. We both walked Steve home from the Movies and then it was just Bucky and I. Bucky seemed a lot quieter than usual. They sky was slowly dimming, and the clouds threatened Brooklyn with rain.
"Buck, are you okay? You are a lot quieter than usual." I ask him. He stays silent. I then look over to him and see he is staring at me. Looking at my eyes and face.

"Yeah, I am perfectly fine," He starts stopping and then turning to me

"Are you sure? Your mind seems elsewhere." I turn to him, and he smiled a toothy grin.

"You know Florence, there is something I have meaning to tell you," I smile and waited for him to continue.

"I come to realize that you are one of my greatest friends and I would never ask for anyone else. You are so kind, loving and patient with both me and Steve. You help us a great lot and you deserve so much better." I see him hesitate for a few seconds as he stares into my eyes.

"Florence, whenever I think about having someone that is more than a friend to me my mind wonders. Every girl I have every had an interest in, always has had something that wasn't right. But when I think about you, everything falls into place. Florence, it's you. It has always been you. I am better and much happier when I am with you, you're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Florence Chevrolet, I love you, will you be mine until death do us part?" He said putting his hand out. My mind took a minuet to process everything he has said. Bucky Barnes, my best friend since I was small, just told me he loved me. My heart just broke into pieces. I can tell it took Bucky a lot of courage to say that. I gently placed my hand into his and then said.

"I love you too Bucky Barnes." He pulled me close, so our faces were inches apart.

"May I kiss you?" He asked me. I smiled and nodded. His lips crashed onto mine as he kissed me. My eyes fluttered shut as he continued. His lips were soft against mine as he slowly pulled away. My eyes remained shut for a small while as I felt his warm breath against my cheek. He then pressed his forehead to mine.

"I love you so much." I whisper to him. I watched as his cheeks flushed red. His hands wrapped around me slowly as they eventually became laced in my hair. I wrapped my hands around his shoulders. Remaining there it felt like time was frozen, I felt at peace in his arms. We then started walking back to my place. We walked up the stone stairs and made it to the top. Bucky pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and then pulled away.

"Thank-you for my Breakfast this morning." I thanked him. He smiled and nodded.

"Well, I won't hold you any longer," Bucky started. I smiled and then he lent down and gently kissed my cheek. 

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