'Chapter 10'

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(February, 1940)


I got off the train and collected my bags. A cold chill running down my spine. 'Camp Mc Coy, it was going to be cold.' I walked through the campgrounds and was surprised to see male and female soldiers training as well. It was so cold I was almost shivering; I could see my breath coming from my mouth. I then was meet by two officers.

"Florence Chevrolet?" One of then questioned. I nodded and then answered.

"Yes Sir?" I spoke.

"Welcome to training camp let me show you too your quarters." I followed them to a small cabin. The door opened and it revealed a large room with multiple beds lined up in rows.

"This is your sleeping quarters. You dog tags are on the table, and you are required to wear them in case. You have new clothes on your bed, and I need you in the mess hall in exactly fifteen minutes. You should know also know you are now Soldier 16 and will be called that rather than your name." He then left the cabin giving me time to look around. I only had fifteen minutes. I quickly changed to the new warmer clothes. I then placed my special photos from my bag onto the table and then kept my special one in my shirt pocket. I then walked out of the room and towards the hall. Outside I saw male soldiers sitting on a bench. I could tell they were staring.

"Damn, who sent hot girls to the army!" I heard one of them yell. I scoffed and rolled my eyes but continued walking. I made it to the Hall and saw four other girls all waiting in a straight line I quickly joined the line and stood up straight and waited. I then saw a young-looking officer enter and look each one of us up and down and smiled.

"Hello ladies I am General Woods, I will be your main officer in this camp, and you shall greet me as sir and nothing else." He stated. I nodded my head and stood still.

"Now soldiers," I straightened my posture and watched as he looked at me up and down and smiled.

"By the end of this camp you will have learnt how to shoot a gun and not miss, how to properly build a grenade and use one to the best of your abilities. You will have learnt your physical abilities and your mental abilities and by the end of this training you will have never appreciated a good sleep more." He finished. He then led us outside into the cold.

"Right let's warm up." He made us do five laps around the campsite. It definitely warmed me up since we were in the freezing cold.

For that day he introduced the different types of weapons that were being used to help fight the war and explained the basics of each one and of how to use them. We then brought them out and practiced shooting at targets. The other girls found it hard to use the guns but to me in some way it felt like a second nature. Out of the five girls that were in my division I was the best shooter.

"Right now, sixteen would you like to demonstrate a new exercise that I will show you how to do?" He asked. I dropped my firearm to my side and nodded, standing straighe led me to a field where there were a group of spaced-out targets. He explained that I needed to hit each target and that they would be moving. I nodded and then reloaded my gun to get ready. He then sat the other girls to watch and gave me a thumbs up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I heard machinery start up and I opened my eyes and started shooting. I help the gun up and pointed at my first target hitting it in the middle. I then shifted my aim to the next target and pulled the trigger, hitting it perfectly. I kept on going, hitting every target with accuracy. I stopped until every last target had a bullet in the middle. I then stopped and lowered my weapon. I looked over to where the other girls who were shocked. I walked over to them to see a very stunned general.

"Nice work sixteen." I nodded and then handed the girl next to me the gun and took her place on the bench. We got back to camp and eventually it was time to sleep. I slept in my bed, but it felt lonely.

I awoke to a bell and a man with a bunch of papers in his hand.

"Wake UP!" He yelled. He then walked around the room handing out letters to each person. He handed one to me and then left the room silently. It was a letter from Bucky. I smiled and then teared it open.

Dear Florence,

I hope that it isn't too cold where you are. I hope that the training isn't too hard and that you are doing well. Me and Steve are very lonely without you. You bring the light into our lives. We both miss you so much and I miss having your sweet lips on mine. You bring a smile to my face, and you enrich my life deeply. When you return home, we are going to have a lovely dinner, your favorites roast with boiled potatoes and vegetables.

I could practically taste the dinner on my tongue. The butter from the potatoes mixed with the taste of a roast meat.

I miss you so much I can't explain it in a letter. I will be going training camp 3 weeks after you come back but when I return myself, but I will give you the biggest hug and kiss on the lips when I see your sweet smile. I love you so deeply not even words can explain, just know that I love you exceptionally.

Until your return, Goodluck.

Lots of Love from your love Bucky,

James Buchanan Barnes

"I love you too, Bucky Barnes." I whispered to myself. I felt my hear skip a beat, I knew he put lots of effort into this letter. I carefully put it back into the envelop and then placed it into my draw. Today we were learning self-defense. We meet in a fighting ring where some of the other male soldiers were having a fighting battle. General Woods taught us how to stand correctly and how to throw a punch. He taught us about the weak spots of the body and where to hit someone where it would hurt. We then practiced fighting and it was now time to put our skills to the test.

"Sixteen, your up first." I nodded and then stepped into the fighting rink. He put one of the other girls up against me. I examined my opponent. Her stance was weak. She was a very small girl, and I was taller than her. She looked very nervous to be versing me.

"Start, anytime today." Sir said, sarcastically. She tried to throw a weak punch in my direction which I easily blocked. I then kicked her in the back making her fall to her knees with a yell. I stood over her as she gasped, I obviously winded her. She then tried to stand only for me to slightly push her back down. She was as stable as a piece of paper in the wind, any sort of soft wind would make her fall. It wasn't much of a fight, but it was her first one, so I tried not to hurt her. The fight was over very quickly. I helped her up apologizing as I walked her to the medic. I was the winner, but I wasn't graceless. I helped clean her up, but I was pushed aside by the proper medics. I stood outside the door as I waited her to get better when a man came over to me.

"Sixteen," He yelled. I stood up straight in watched as he came into my face.

"Yes, Sir?" I spoke.

"We do not apologize in a fight." He yelled. I nodded my head.

"When you are in a battle, facing the enemy you do not apologize. It will only get you killed." I nodded again.

"But Sir," I started.

"What sixteen. You know I am right." I knew better but I still spoke.

"I wasn't versing the enemy; I was fighting a girl who I knew I was much stronger than and I could really hurt." I said my thoughts out loud. He stared at me.

"You miss, are going to regret saying that." He said. He then walked off into the winter nights air. 

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