'Chapter 23'

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(Bucky POV)

Her head tilted down as she was to scared to look at the man in front of her. He waked over to me and looked down in disgust.

"Soldier, I know you know this man now look at him. Now." He yelled. She flinched but refused. His face grew red with anger as he stomred over to her. He grabbed her head and pulled it upwards making her yelp. She forcefully shut her eyes. But the man just prided them open and forced her to look at me. She had tears streaming down her bruised face.

"If you dont comply with me soldier the man in front of you will not last here for much longer." He yelled into her ear. He then roughly pushed him nacl into the chair and metal clamps wrapped upper arm and dug into her flesh. She screamed an ear splitting scream. Men then came over to me and pulled me out of the chair and dragged me out of the room. Thoughts were racing through my mind. 'What were they doing to her?' 'They were definetly hurting her.' 'She looked so fragile they were sure to break her.' I tried to resist their forces but they were extremly strong. He screams echoing throught the compound, breaking my heart. I looked back and there was a metal clamp around her head and the machine was giving a souless screech. They were tourting her. My legs buckled from beantheth me but they just continued, dragging my body down dark hallways and away from her. They threw me into a dimmly lit room and slamed the door shut, locking it behind them.

I yelled out in pain. I stood to my feet and banged my hands against the door. They were gong to kill her if they continued. No one answered my yells or please for help so I gave up. I slid down the door in defeat and I could still somewhat hear her screams of agony.

(Florence POV)

(7 Hours later)

I slumped forwards my head beating so hard I couldn't hear my own thoughts. My eyes searched the room. Inside there were multiple men with large guns in their hands. A man dressed in white with small glasses took a seat in front of me. This man made me feel uncomfortabel and something in my gut told me to not trust the man.
"Soldier, do you rememer your name?" He asked. This question was familar and it is something that i should know. I searched my memories but nothing came up. 'My name?' I dont know it, but i know they had something to do with me not knowing it. My head remained down as I saw him smiling.

"Good, good. Soldier. You must comply with the instructions given or else you will be punished. Do you understand." He threatened. I nodded my head.

"Guards!" He shouted. He backed away from me as guards came inside the room and dragged me from my chair. The escorted me back to my room before throwing me inside. My body was too weak to stand up and try to escape so I just dragged myself to the closest wall and tried to sit upright.

(Bucky POV)

I was up against a wall when I heard her screaming die down. I found the courage to stand to my feet and I continued banging on the door.

"Don't hurt her, please." I continued yelling. The door opened and I backed away from it slowly.

"You, take a seat." He called. Placing two chairs into the room we sat oppostie each other.
"You are going to be of great help to HYDRA." He snickered. I felt sick in my stomach.

I knew you were close to our subject." 'Subject.' They werent even calling her by her name.

"Her name is Florence." I mumbled.
"We donot care of her name, she is our subject and you will help her reach her fullest abilities. You will learn how to aid her and fight or else she will be punished for your wrong doings." He yelled. I kept my head down. He left the room and the lights turned off and te room aorund me went black

(Steve POV)

They needed their room and I had been tasked with packing their belongings. Bucky had already packed his up but Florence hadn't. I carefully folded her clothes and her belongings like her jewlery, hernotebooks and stationary and finally her photos. I had a strong look at each of the photos before placing them into a bag. Once I had finished I placed all their bags together and made sure i had packed evrything. I then placed it into my section in a neat corner in my closet.

(Florence POV)

My room was cold and bare. My eyes fluttered awake and all I knew was that I would be of great use for something, I dont know what yet. The soldiers were rough and very quiet. The escorted me out of my room and back to the room of pain. I saw a man on inside and he looked at me as I walked inside. I took a seat on the chair facing him. I felt like I knew him, his name on the tip of my tounge but i couldnt remember it. I studied his face, his eyes cornflower blue. His eyes were red and he had even more tears streaming down his face.
"Florence," He mumbled. The name sounding familair. I sat up straighter, the name ringing bells. I looked at the man and a small boy came into my memory. He looked like a younger version of him but I dont know how i knew it. His name then coming back into my brain. 'Bucky.' I look at him and smiled, I remembered him.

"Bucky!" His face lit up. Footsteps then echoed throughtout the room and we both looked up to the doctor.

"You are probaly wondering what you are going to be used for and now is the time you find out. You two are going to destory the world For HYDRA." He then gestured a signal behind his back. I noticed and then felt a figure behind me. The feeling of the needle in my neck made me fall out of concious.

My feet dragged along the floor. My head felt heavy on my shoulders. I look up and that we are heading for a small chamber. 'they are going to kill me!' I start kicking and shouting,trying to fight my way out of their grip but nothing was working. I then kicked two of the guards in their face which made them stumble backwards. I then ran for it. The was the machine in the middle of the room that made me freeze, they were going to wash me again. I then saw Bucky, his head hanging lose from his shoulders and other guards were dragging him. I then got hit in the back and I fell to the floor in agony. I screamed as hands grabbed me and dragged me to the chair. They wrestled me inside and then restricted me to the chair with all sorts of devices. I shreiked for help but nothing worked.

"BUCKY!" I tried but in all my efforts a mask was strapped to my face, digging into my cheeks. They then backed away from me making my eyes go wide. The glass shut around me and I knew I was done for. I cried and screamed as I heard machinery start up behind me. The area around me grew cold as ice as mist fell around me. My breathing became heavy and my mind became foggy as the mist covered the glass. I could barely breath and my body was freezing cold. My last thoughts we with Bucky, I was going to lose him. I fought hard to remain awake but nothing worked. My vision weakened and eventually I gave in. The frost covering me fully. 

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