'Chapter 8'

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( December 1939)

The news was out. Germany had been taken over my Hilter and he had taken over Poland. Something big and bad was coming and I knew it. Something was starting that I wasn't sure was going to end well. Britain and France had declared war on Germany. I sat on Bucky's couch with him in the early morning on Sunday. I had my head resting on his shoulder as we starred into space.

"They are taking more and more men everyday." I signed.

"Yeah, they are." Bucky commented.

"You're not going to sign up for it right?" I asked him sitting up straight and looking at him. He shook his head. I could see in his eyes he looked scared.

"You wouldn't either right?" He said. I cocked my head to the side.

"I don't think they would want someone like me anyway." I said.


I went out to the local supermarket with Bucky to go and get enough food for the week. Once we finished shopping I went off to the Bakery. I walked inside and saw the cashier being held at gun point and a masked person was in front of the holding the gun.

"Hand over the money or I will shoot." He threatened. I stood still and quietly as possible made my way over to the man. I saw the cashier look over at me and then quickly back at the robber. I then made sure to get behind the man and then I attacked. I kicked at the back of the man's knees, making him buckle and fall. I then kicked grabbed at the man's wrist making him drop the gun, and then pushed him to the ground. He let out a yell as he fell and then I quickly grabbed the gun from his hand and pointed it at him. he looked at me with bewilderment in his eyes.

"What the hell woman!" He yelled. I then heard two people walk in behind me. I turned my head and saw the owner of the bakery and a police officer walk inside. I gently placed the gun down and nodded to the police officer.

"Thank-you so much ma'am. You can have whatever you need for free." He thanked me. I smiled and then ordered. I then walked out of the bakery to see quite a crowd outside. They all started cheering as I walked past them and back to the shop where I was meeting Bucky. People came up to me smiling thanked me. I finally made it over to Bucky and he looked at with a confused face.

"What just happened?" He asked me. I smiled and then answered.

"There was a robbery at the Bakery. I guess I stopped it." I said.

"Are you okay? And what do you mean you guess you stopped it?" He said.

"Yes, I am fine, and I stopped it by kicking the robber in the back of the knee causing him to fall." I answered. Then two men stepped in front of us and looked at me.

"Are you the girl who stopped the robbery?" One of the men asked me. I wearily looked at Bucky who was looking at the men up and down with a suspicious look on his face.

"Yes, I am." I said trying to sound as confident as I could. They both nodded.

"You did well, we need strong women like you who fight for what is right." The other said. I nodded slowly. 'What were they getting at.' Bucky gently put his hand on my lower back attempting to lead me away, but they followed us. I held the bags in my hands.

"Would you be interested in serving this country that you stand on today?" They called to us. I stopped my tracks and turned to Bucky. He gave me an inquisitive stare. I slowly turned to them and saw him holding out a small business card. I slowly reached out my hand and took the card from his hand. they nodded and then the disappeared into the alley way beside us. I held the card in my hand.

"I thought we had a deal," Bucky said.

"I know, just in case you break your end."


They news said that they need more soldiers for the war. Every day I checked the card that was sitting in my bedside table draw. The 2 men came for me 3 more times. 1 every week and they kept on asking me if they wanted to join. I knew they were going to meet me again today. I dressed neatly with my hair in a bun. I had a sundress on, and I walked outside into the bright morning sun. I knew those two men were going to be out somewhere, just waiting to bump into me. I was meeting up with Steve at a local café for a short catchup just for a check in.

"Ma'am," A voice called out. I turned and saw the two men once again but this time there was a third.

"Yes sirs," I say cautiously. They crowded around me and then lead me into a nearby shop and then inside. They then opened a seat up for me and I quietly sat down in it.

"We think that you should in role in a new section of the army that we are trialing." On of then started. They then handed me a manila folder. On the front it read. 'WOMEN'S ROYAL SERVICE: ARMY BASE 14' I gently opened the folder and saw a bunch of women who had been involved in this organization. These workers are helping the British and American force to help fight against the Nazi's. I read up on a particular agent who was already on a mission. 'Carter, Peggy. INFULTRATING HYDRA BASE CASTLE KAUFMANN.'

"You will first need to do Army training experience and then we will recruit you to help fight for this country." The new officer said. I gently closed the folder and then looked up at the men.

"I will think about it and then get back to you." I said standing up from my seat. They looked amongst themselves and then turned up to me.

"We need a final decision, or this opportunity will be passed on. Miss Chevrolet, I think you do not understand, this opportunity is not something you will want to pass on." I looked down once again at the Women's Royal Service. 'Bucky is going to kill me,' I think to myself.

"Fine, I will do it." They smiled at each other.

"Mis Chevrolet, your country will thank-you and you are going to help end this war." One of the men said grabbing the manila folder from in front of me. Instead replacing it with a sheet that I need to sign to enroll into the army base for training. They handed me and pen and I signed slowly.

They lead me back out into the street and then I continued my way to Steve who was waiting patiently at the shop. His eyes lit up when he saw me and then he got up and ran over to me pulling him into a hug.

"Where were you." He asked me.

"That's what I needed to tell you Steve, I think I have done something bad." I spoke.

I caught Steve up on what I had done to myself, and he just shook his head in trepidation.

"So, two strange men followed you for one week and pressured into giving your life to the army for this country that we live in." I nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me Flo. This is a series matter." Steve said looking at me extremely concerned.

"I didn't think this was series." I spoke.

"Well, we have to tell Bucky, I don't think he is going to be happy about it though." Steve said, I knew he was right.

"Tell me what." I heard a voice call as another person came and joined us at the table. I look up and see Bucky joining the table and the conversation. I looked at Steve who gave me at look. 'I have to tell him.'

"I agreed to the men who came and talked about serving the country. I will be leaving for an Army training camp when I get a letter in the mail." I finish my sentence, closing my eyes. I knew what was to come. 'He was going to yell at me in 3, 2, 1,' Silence. 'Huh? Now?' Silence.

I opened my eyes and saw that Bucky nearly had tears in his eyes, threatening to spill.

"W, w, why?" He finally spilled out. "Why? Why would you," He continued to say. Finally becoming more confident he looked at me with a stern look in his eyes.

"Why would you even consider even thinking about agreeing let alone even following through." He spoke. He sounded heartbroken.

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