'Chapter 18'

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(May 1940)

(Bucky POV)

Her eyes shone with confusion. The Florence I knew would be overjoyed to see me, at least I think she would be.
"We should keep moving," Steve said behind me. I nodded. We started walking out of the room, but Florence fell behind. I turned and watched as she walked, her face scrunching with every step obviously in pain.

"Florence," I started. She looked up and paused, starring into space. She looked up taking another step and then winced. 'I needed to help her, or we were going to be in a lot of danger.' I walked over to her and placed my arm around her upper pack and under her knees. She gasped as I quickly swept her off her feet. She gasped slightly wrapping a stiff hand around my shoulder, she was tense.

"Sh, sh, its okay." I said. Steve and I walked out, as quickly and silently as we could. We stumbled out of the room, and I followed Steve around the twists and turns of the HYDRA base. There was gunfire, yells, and explosions coming from the distance, making Florence flinch slightly. We staggered into a large manufacturing part of the factory and ignition was sparked and a large explosion echoed through the room. Florence tucked her head further into my chest making me slightly blush. We rushed down the metal stairs as Steve lead the way. The floor was all fire and smoke below us. We run up one more flight of stairs and ran to an overpass that lead to the other side when a yell made Florence jump in my arm.

"Captain America, how exciting." We looked over to see two men standing near an elevator. One was tall and thin and the other was short and round. The tall figure walked to the other side of the overpass. Florence and I both looked over at them.

"I am a great fan of your films." He stood blocking our path. "So, Dr Erskine managed it after all. I remained behind as Steve and the man walked closer to each other on the overpass as another explosion echoed beneath us.

"Not exactly an improvement. But still, impressive." We watched as Steve threw a punch at the man, hitting him in the face making him seize the handles beside them.

"You've got no idea."
"Haven't I?" He then threw a punch at Steve who defensively held up his shield. The punch sent a loud clang sound as his fist made an indent in his shield. Steve then went to grab his gun, but the man punched him making him fall to the floor. I took a step over to them when Steve kicked the man sending him flying backwards. The other man then pulled a lever, making the overpass spilt and making a large gap between where we need to go.

"No matter what lies Erskine told you, you see I was his greatest success!" I watched in horror as the man ripped of his skin revealing his red skull. I heard Florence gasp. He then threw the mask into the flame.

"You don't have one of those do you?" I asked.

"You are deluded Captain; you pretend to be a simple soldier but in reality, you are just afraid to admit that we have left reality behind. Unlike you I have learnt to embrace it, proudly. Without fear." He made his way with the other man. Florence stirred and jumped out of my hands. She fell to the floor but staggered up, gripping onto the bars.
"Then how come your running?" She yelled. The man looked at her and chuckled.
"Wouldn't you like to know miss Chevrolet." The doors shut behind him. Another explosion went off, causing Florence to duck and fall backwards, scared. I ran over to her and helped her up.

"Come on, lets go, up." Steve said, grabbing Florence's hand and marching her up the stairs with me behind. We made it up and Steve paused in front of a very unstable metal bar that lead across.

"Lets go, one at a time." Steve helped Florence over the ledge, She stumbled forwards making me anxious as she shakily made her way across the way. I then got over the ledge and followed behind her. I was about halfway across and the bar let out a low noise making me freeze. I quickly finished along the way, and I felt the bar drop beneath my feet. I jumped the remaining way gripping the bar as the bar fell into the firing rage below. I crawled my way over the bar and turned back to Steve.

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