'Chapter 15'

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(April 1940)

I sat at my desk when a man walked into my cabin. I looked over to the door and saw two men I didn't recognize. I stood straight upon their arrival.

"Morning Sergeant." I nodded but still remained straight.

"We have an opportunity for you." I nodded and they handed me a folder. I took it and opened it. Inside was a picture of a man standing next to a Nazi flag and doing the salute.

"This man is Johann Schmidt; he is hiring young scientist to help with the organization of HYDRA which is Hitler's Scientific Research Division or the SRD. We want you to go under cover and to get that position. We want you to collect information about what they are planning and to do and shut it down before it becomes into full effect." I saw a young girl next to him and she had a close representation to me.
"You know how to speech French correct?" They asked. I nodded.

"Yes, my parents were French, so I learnt the language as well as English." I answered. They nodded.

"Are you interested in doing this mission?" they asked. I nodded and then said.

"Yes, I am interested but you will have to give me a few days to think about it." They nodded and took a step back.
"Yes of course miss, we just need to know in about 3 days if you are in or not, but we think that you will be best equipped for this mission." I nodded and they soon left the building. I placed the folder on the corner of my desk and then got back to work in finishing filling out the forms for the soldiers I had been training in the past few weeks.


Even though I was hungry my mind was running circles over the mission I could be doing soon. I would be going to Germany to go as an undercover agent. I would have to speak with an accent, and I would have to have a false identity. I would not be able to talk with Bucky or Steve to not blow my cover and I would be working with the enemy. I run my hands through my hair and closed the folder in front of me and moved it to the side. 'It was all going to fast, it only seemed like yesterday that I even signed up for this mess and now I was being put on a mission.' I rubbed my temples feeling a headache starting inside my brain. I then heard a knock at my door. I got out of my chair and walked over to the door and opened it. It was Bucky and he had a plate of food in his hand. I smiled and let him inside.

"I brought you dinner!" He said smiling.

"Thanks Buck, I just wasn't feeling hungry." I said. He nodded and then saw the folder on my desk. He read the front cover.
"Uh, Florence what is project insight?" He asked. He gently placed my dinner onto my desk and picked up the folder. I took a seat onto my bed and came and sat next to me, gently pressing a kiss to my cheek. He rested the folder onto his lap and then brought me into a hug.
"Project insight, well it is a mission that the army has asked me to think about doing." I sighed taking the folder from his hand and opened it.
"This is Johann Schmidt; he is one of Hitlers best friends or something and he is hiring people to come and work for this organization called HYDRA that he owns or something. I would go under over and I would be going under a fake name and everything." I then turned the page and saw a file on a man called Arnim Zola. I read further; he was a scientist who was helping Schmidt in one of his deepest desires. Schmidt wanted to become a greater man and to create a serum to make him a type of Super Soldier. 'If only that would be invented.'

"So, are you going to do it or not?" Bucky asked me. I shook my head.
"I really don't know. There are pros and cons. I would be helping my country win the war but there is a chance that I could blow my cover and could possibly be killed or something." I laid onto my back in defeat.

"I know I should do it, but I still have doubts." Bucky laid down next to me and looked into my eyes.

"Well, it is your choice in the end and the mission will only before a short while. You know how to speak French and you can definitely defend yourself fine so," He paused.

"I could be killed Bucky." I said quietly. He hesitated closing his mouth to something he was going to say.

"But you might be able to do it. You could do this mission to perfection and collect so much information that it could bring Hitler and HYDRA to its knees. You could become the world's greatest spy or something." I chuckled.

"Yeah Maybe." I stood up and sat at my desk and started slowly eating my dinner which consisted of mash potatoes and peas and corn.

"You know what! Your right Bucky." I said out loud. 'Maybe this mission would be easy. I could complete this mission and then I could be free from this war. I could go and buy a house to share with Bucky, away from this mess of a world. We could be happy without the threat of the war. Just maybe.' My mind was made up. I was going to do the mission and I was going to do it to the best of my abilities.


It was the last day of the soldier training camp and today we were giving out the letters. I handed each of the letters to the soldiers and watched as their faces lighted up. Bucky became a Sergeant for all his hard work I what he had done in the past six weeks. I then felt a tap on the shoulder. I turned and saw the two men from yesterday and they pulled me aside.

"So have you made your decision on the mission?" One of them asked me. I took a deep breath.

"Yes, I have come to a decision, and I have decided to, go on this mission." I tried to sound confident. The smiled cheerfully.
"You have made a good decision. Instead of leaving home on the train tomorrow you will meet us here and we will fly straight o England." They said, then walking out of the room leaving me, dumbfounded. I hesitated before walking back over to my division who were celebrating what they got in their letters. I tried to smile and laugh along but the guilt inside of me found it hard. Bucky was the one standing out of the crowd. He smiled at me but saw how distraught I was. He calmly walked over to me and thanked me. Shaking my hand. I could feel the piece of paper that he had put in his hand to give to me, and I took as smoothly as I could.

"Thank-you once more Sergeant Chevrolet!" Bucky said smiling. He then looked at my hand and winked and then returned back to the rest of the division. I carefully read the note that he gave me.

'I know something is up, I will meet you in your cabin after dinner. Love from Bucky'

I crumbled up the paper and placed it into my pocket and made my way to my cabin. I then head someone racing behind me. It was General Woods.

"Great work this past week Sergeant Chevrolet, it has been fun working with." He said. I nodded and then he shook my head and walked in the other direction. I continued my way to the cabin to start packing up my belongings back into my bag. I get inside my cabin and see Bucky gently waiting patiently on my bed. He smiled as I walked in shutting the door behind me.

"Congratulations Sergeant Bucky Barnes," I said sitting next to him.

"Thank-you Florence," He whispered into my ear as he pulled me into a hug. We then pulled away and he looked at me for a moment. His eyes almost felt as if they were reading mine.

"What's on your mind trouble one?" He said softly. I smiled at the nickname trouble one but then remembered.
"I took the mission," I started looking into my lap.

"That's great!" He said enthusiastically putting a hand on mine. I smiled and then looked up at him with tears in my eyes, his smile immediately dimming to a face of concern.

"What is wrong?" He said.

"I leave tomorrow, I wont be able to say goodbye to Steve." I said. He smiled and then pulled me into a hug.
"When I get back, I will say goodbye to him for you! There all solved, no need to worry!" I smiled at his efforts.

"Thanks Bucky." He smiled and then leant in, softly kissing my lips. 

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