'Chapter 12'

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'Chapter 12'

(February, 1940)

I was coming back home tomorrow, and I was so excited. I was going to be able to see Steve and Bucky again. I reported for duty in the mess hall. Today we were learning how well we progressed in the six-week training we had just completed. All of us five girls each got a letter and that stated what area the army we would be able to become. I nervously opened the letter and read the letter. My eyes immediately went to the section where it said what I was and what that role did.


I read the last two words at the end of the letter. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELTY. I was now a Sergeant. I looked up at the General and nodded.

"Thank-you Sir."


The train ride back was short compared from the seemingly never-ending trip on the way here. As the train rolled into the station and I quickly jumped from my seat and off the train. I jumped off the platform and my eyes searched the crowd. I then saw them. Steve was smiling wearing a nice suit and when we caught eyes, he smiled even wider. My eyes then went to the figure standing beside him. It was Bucky, our eyes meet, and I am sure my heart grew three sizes larger when he smiled. I ran over to then and then dropped my stuff and pulled them both into a large hug.

"Bucky, Steve. I missed you guys so much." I laughed hugging them so tight. They hugged me back and eventually I pulled away. I pulled Steve into a hug; I felt his hands wrap around me as well.

"Welcome back Florence." He said into my ear. I pulled away and looked at Bucky. His eyes were puffy, and tears were forming in them. I quickly jumped onto him pulling him into a tight embrace. I swear he hugged me even tighter.

"Oh, Bucky, I missed you so, so, so much." I mumbled into his ear.

"I missed you to Flo." he said back. We stayed there for ages in each other's arms. I then heard someone behind me.

"Ahem," I gently pulled away and turned around. It was the General. I immediately straightened my posture and stood straight.

"Sir," I say to him. He chuckled and shook his head.

"No need for that anymore, Sergeant." He said. Bucky turned to me with his month opened and I turned to him to.

"Sergeant? You're a Sergeant Florence?" He asked me. I smiled at him and heard the General come up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Sixteen is, she showed all the values we were expecting and more." He then turned to me.

"You're going to report for duty in three weeks right, I specifically chose you to work alongside me." He whispered into my ear, I smiled and then looked at Bucky.

"Yes sir." I nodded and then he left the station, allowing Bucky to walk back over to me and pull me into yet another tight hug.

"Let's go home." He said. I agreed and we started walking home. We walked inside and we were greeted with the fresh smell of a homecooked roast. Winnifred greeted me as I got settle back in.

Lunch was served a few hours later and it consisted of roast lamb with boiled potatoes and greens. We all sat at the table, and it got served up.

"So, Florence how was the training camp." Winnifred's voice echoed. The surroundings around me faded and I got a flash back from when the grenade exploded. I remembered seeing her lifeless body on the ground. I remembered the cold air surrounding us and the weight of her limp body in my arms. I was brought back to reality by Bucky gently tapping my shoulder. I could feel my hand shaking from that night.

"It was uh, yeah it was good, very informative." I mumbled. I took my fork and started picking at my meal.

"So do you have any interesting stories?" Bucky asked. I shook my head slightly.

"What are some of things you learnt?" He asked again. I looked up at the two people at the table.

"We uh, learnt how to shoot a gun. We uh, also learnt some self-defense too, how to send and block a punch and some stuff like that." I stuttered. I looked back down to my plate.

"Well, you have missed quite a lot while you were away!" Winifred said, changing the conversation. She caught me up on what had happened while I was gone, and we all finished our meals. I stood and grabbed everyone's plates and neatly stacked them and brought them to the sink. I then turned on the water and started washing each one when Bucky came up behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me into a small hug. His head resting on my shoulder as I continued washing up.

"I missed you doll," He murmured. I smiled he started gently swaying me.

"I missed you too buck." I said back. I finished washing up and then headed back upstairs to unpack my bags. I was meet by Bucky sitting on my bed. I shut the door and silently unpacked my bags.

"Florence?" Bucky asked. I looked up to him and saw he looked very concerned. He patted the spot next to him and I walked over to him and then took a seat next to him and he wrapped his hand around my shoulder.
"What happened at the camp? Ever since we asked about it you have been quite distant." I remained silent. He then gently grabbed my left hand and ran his thumb along it.
"You have a nervous tick in your left hand, something happened didn't it." He said. 'He knows' I thought to myself.

"It seemed easy at first," I started. "But, the fighting, it was tough." I said my voice cracking.

"The cold just never went away and the bombs," I paused, letting the tears flood my eyes and letting them stream down my cheeks.

"The bombs, they exploded too quickly. The girl in front of me, the cold got to her making her fingers numb. She went to throw but it slipped and exploded too soon. I tried to save her but got hit myself." I said giving up. I turned into his chest and started sobbing. He pulled me close and softly rubbed my shoulder. He then gently fell back into the bed, pulling me with him, wrapping his arms around me and he let me cry, he let me let it all out. The emotions that I had been bottling up just poured out of me, out into the world.

I eventually fell asleep in his arms as I felt him cover me with a blanket.


I had planned to go out with Steve to go and see a movie. We were seeing a new movie called Pinocchio. We got a seat by the front and the ads started. One of them was a bunch of old footage of soldiers on the front lines. Over the loudspeakers it was asking citizens of America to do their part in the war. It showed images and videos of men signing up for the war.

"Who cares." Someone yelled. I scoffed but didn't say anything, but he continued.

"Play the movie already." I heard Steve step in.

"Hey, you want to show some respect?" He whispered

"Let's go, get on with it." He yelled again.

"Hey just start the cartoon." He finally yelled.

"Hey you wanna shut up?" Steve said to him. He turned around and got up to face Steve. He was a much bigger man, and he gave Steve a death stare. He reminded of one of the men that I beat up at the army camp.

"Hey, take a seat, don't start something you can't win." I threatened him. He scoffed and then sat back down. 

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