1 || Friends

72 1 2

|| Calum ||

It's been two days since our new neighbors arrived. I wonder if they're cool. I'm not really a social kid since I just hang around with my sister, Mali, like a lot. I'm very shy and I'm not really fond of having a lot friends coz it makes me feel surrounded. We're just four in the family and I think that's enough for me.

As I was staring at the couple on my window, I just realized that they have a daughter. Wow. They've been here for two days and I never saw her at all? Maybe she was just like me. Not really socially active. Shy and a little bit secluded. I could see from the look in her actions. She was a little bit like me. But she's a girl of course.

She doesn't even look like a common Aussie. I can't really see or described what she looked like. I mean, I'm just watching her from my bedroom window.

As I was staring at our new neighbors, my door suddenly opened. "Hey Calum, wanna make friends with the new neighbors?" The voice sounded familiar. I took a moment to know whose voice that was until I figured it was just my mum. I ran to her as fast as I could and hugged her tightly. I could feel her belly from my cheeks. It was warm and I like that feeling.

"I don't know mum. I'm too scared. Maybe they would hate me. Especially that the couple that moved in has a daughter," I complained, making my mum giggle.

"But I would give you a prize if you would introduce yourself to them. Come on Calum, their not monsters. And from the looks of their smiles, they look friendly. Come on. Lets introduce oursleves." As we exited from my bedroom, I was hugging my mum as tight as I could because I was scared. Maybe they wouldn't like us and eventually kill us or something. I watched a lot of scenarios like that in the movies I watch with my dad and now I'm kind of scared if that would actually happen to us.

"Come on honey. It's very easy. Just say 'Hi! My name is Calum! I would like to be friends with you' just like that honey," mum told me as she was dragging me to their front door. They were still unpacking some house stuff that was inside a very big truck. Wow. They have a lot of stuff.

"Hello! I believe your the new neighbors here," my mum said. She handed out her hand to a beautiful woman who was busy unpacking. She reached out her hand and said "Yes, we are. And I believe your guys live just across our house." They were shaking each others hands. Why do adults do that?

"Oh, you have a son?" The lady asked. "Oh yes. This is my son, Calum and I'm Joy. We're the Hoods. My husband is still working at this time around and his elder sister is hanging out with her friends. Teenagers these days." As my mum was talking to the woman, the girl that I was staring at my bedroom window a couple of minutes ago ran to the lady and hugged her as tight as I did with my mum.

"And that must be your daughter?" My mum asked. "Yes! This is my daughter, Georgina but she prefers George. I'm Valentina and that busy man right there is my husband, Charles. We're the Kings!" She said.

As my mum and Mrs. King were talking, I was just focusing my attention to George. I can see her better now. She looked like a girl version of me. So many similarities I could see. Her eyes were darkish brown. Her hair looked like mine. But there was a pint of brown. It was wavy as well. She had a fair skin though. Not too tan, not too white and not dark. It was balanced. I must say, as an eight year old, she was pretty.

"Calum, do you want to introduce yourself?" My mum asked. As I was watching George, I do want to be friends with her. She looked pretty cool. I regret everything I thought about a while ago. Right now, I was just thinking of how I was going to introduce myself. And as always, like this.

"I..... Uhm.... I'm... Cal... I'm Calum. Yeah. My name's.. Uhhmm.. Calum. Calum Thomas Hood." Why was I born like this?

"I'm.. Casy.... Uhh no... That's not my name... That's my dolls name... Uhhmm.. I'm uhh I'm George. Yeah. Georgina Samantha King."

Woah. She was like me. Wow. I couldn't believe I actually found someone like me. But in the opposite gender. I mean, I have one friend, his name is Michael but we weren't the same. But this girl actually looks and acts like me! I couldn't believe it! YES!

"They're going along pretty well." Mrs. King said. "I think they could even be best friends," mum said.

Best friends? I wasn't ready for that. I mean, we could be but I can't imagine myself hanging out with a girl. But she was just like me. Maybe I'll give it a shot.

"I hope so. I think they're going to get along just fine." Mrs. King said.

|| George ||

Calum was just like me! I could tell by the way he's holding his mum. I was actually really happy that I found someone that had the same traits like I did. We look the same. We act the same. I think we're going to get along pretty good.

"Hey Georgy, honey, would you like to play with your new neighbor, Calum?" Mum said. I actually didn't really like to play at this time around because I didn't want my family to think that I wasn't helping them. I'm the only child and I don't want my parents to feel like they don't have a child. So I shook my head.

"Honey, it's ok. Go on. Play with your new friend. Daddy and I will handle this. Go on." I can't believe my mum would actually allow me to play. From my old neighborhood, my mum wouldn't let me go outside because she told me that there are many bad people outside the house. I think she actually sees this neighborhood comforting and safe.

"Are you sure mum? I can help you and dad," I said. "It's okay honey. Go okay with Calum. It's fine," she said.

I let go of my moms hips and let a distance to her. For the first time, I actually have the time to play with someone. Calum let go of his mums hips as well and reached out a hand. "Do you want to play with me? I have some toys at home," he said, nervously, I could tell.

I grabbed his hand and nodded. His hand felt sweaty and warm. I think it was all because of the holding and stuff. He guided me to his house, running. I guess excitedly? I don't know. He gave me a chair to sit and grabbed his toy box with him. Woah. He had a lot of toys.

"I never done this before. I hope you like monster trucks and airplanes," he said.

"I actually love playing with these kinds of toys. And dolls as well." I didn't complain. I'm actually kind of boyish. Since some of my cousins are boys. I hang out with them a lot to the point they called me George. I like being called George. It has a personality in it.

He lend me a monster truck. I actually envy his toys. It looked expensive. Gosh. I wish I had his toys.

"Do you want to be friends with me? You seem pretty cool," he asked me. "Yeah! I'd like that. I mean, we're neighbors so I think that's what neighbors do, right?" He smiled. His cheeks were really puffy. He looked like a puppy actually. He was really cute.

I can't believe I actually have a friend. Like a real person. Now I don't have to imagine things and watch tv everyday. Now I have a different hobby. To play with my new friend, Calum Hood.


authors note:

So this is the very first time I'm actually writing a book. I hope you guys like it.

I'm actually really excited to write some more after this chapter. I really hope that you guys will love reading this.

If you want to judge my writing, it's ok. I mean it is the first time I'm ever writing a book. And maybe I can learn from my mistakes so yeah. I really hope that you guys would like this one. I'm looking forward to writing this story.


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