5 || Last Day

20 1 0

|| Calum ||

Yes! The day! The very last day! Well, not very, just the last. LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Finally! I'm so excited. Also, today will be the day I'll tell George something really really important. Something that'll break our friendship.

I love her.

And I do, completely.

Not as a bestfriend but I love love her. This may be really really crazy. I mean come on. She's not that attractive. Well, she not attractive at all! She's the opposite of pretty. But she's very beautiful in every way possible.

I love her annoying personality. She's stubborn, disobedient and I love it. She's very skinny, she has a lot of pimples but I seem to like it. Her smile! Especially those golden yellow teeth yet positioned to perfection teeth! She's one of a kind.

Yet George lately though has been ignoring me since exams. I think she's on her period or something. But if she is, she would've been calling me by now. I give her tummy rubs you see.

We both got out of the car. Mrs. King dropped us near the school gate. George walked as fast as she could towards the gate but she eventually stopped. She paused for a while and walked towards me. As she reached me, she sighed and said "Calum, can we go to the park after school, I want to tell you something really important." I nodded and smiled. She went directly to the school gate.

Oh . My . Fricking . God. What was something really important? What was she going to tell me? Did she feel the same way? Was that the important thing? Oh my god I'm so excited. She was gone out of the blue. Fast legs.

As I was entering the school premises, I was smiling. I was giggling. I felt really really happy.


I entered the classroom, smiling and all happy. I saw my stupid classmates but ignored their stupidness. They're so stupid. I sat my butt down on my favorite chair. Suddenly, someone scared me.

"Hey Cal! Why are you so happy? Michael asked you out?" It was Drake, my team buddy.

"Naw! I'm just happy that today's the last day of school," I replied with a big smile. I partly lied. Hehe

As the teacher was talking about some stuff I didn't care, I was focusing on how I should tell George mu confession.

"Hey bebeh! I loowv uuu!" Or "Georgy my sweet baby, I love you much baby girl!"

"I love you George," why can't those words just slip out of my mouth?

The bell rang. That means ITS SUMMAH! Ahhhh! Finally! I can hear the beach!

Before we all went out the horrid place, we all reminisced the moment. We were all exchanging our goodbyes, taking pictures. Some we're crying since some of us were going to another school. I cried for some. Just a little bit.

After the reminiscing session happened, I went to George's room as fast as I could to take her home. As I reached my destination, all of the people were so happy. They were rejoicing. What the heck? No ones crying? Whatever.

I asked one of George's classmates "Hey, where's George?" "Oh, she went first. YES!" Why would she say that?

I bet George was too excited to tell me that she likes me. Or not. I don't know.

I went directly to my house as fast as I could. I took a very quick bath. Afterwards, I put on some cool clothes. I put on some perfume. I looked good for her.

I went downstairs and told my mom what I was going to do. She let me out then I went to her house. I knocked the door but Mrs. King opened it.

"Oh hello Mrs. King! Uhm.. Is George around or did she went to the park directly?" I asked. "Oh she did! Uhm, we better get going for a while, we're a little bit busy. Just go to her. And please keep her safe," Mrs. King said. "Oh. Okay Mrs. King. You can count on me," I said with a smile.

Mrs. King gave me a smile and closed the door. I noticed some boxes in the living room. They must be rearranging or something.

I'm so excited.


|| George ||

I sat on the bench where Calum and I usually hang out in this park. I was so nervous. I was going to tell her something really important. But it'll break our friendship.

Someone from behind covered my eyes. It was obviously Calum.

"Calum, I know it's you," I said. "Dammit beef! I almost got you!" He said laughing. I smiled with him, awkwardly. He sat down next to me and smiled.
"So beef, what did you want to tell me?" He asked. I was so nervous. I was actually scared. How would he react?

"Well, I want to tell you something really important," I said while gulping.

"Well, Calum, I-I'm going to another school," I said. His eyes widened. "Remember those guys from Richmond? They picked me for the scholarship," I said. There was awkward silence going on for a while.

"That's good! I mean we can celebrate!" Calum said with a smile. "Cal, that's not the only thing I want to tell you,"
"What is is it?"


"You what?"

"I'm leaving," I finally said.

His eyes widened once again. This time, he got teary eyed. Ugh. I hate seeing him like this. I hate seeing him sad. "Like, moving out?" He said as he wiped a tear from his eye. "Yeah, something like that," I replied. "When are you gonna go?" He asked, crying. "I don't know, maybe. Uhm. Tomorrow? I guess?" I replied with a smile as a tear fell down my eye.

"Does that mean, we're not gonna be able to see each other again? Like ever? George, tell me it's not," he said as tears were welling up his face.

"Maybe," dammit George. Damn you.

He was crying. A lot. For the first time I'm seeing him cry a lot. He cried when his pet turtle died but this, this has got to be the worst. I hugged him. He hugged me back. He rubbed my back. I squeezed my self to him. He placed his head on top of my head and brushed his hand to my hair. The other hand was rubbing my back in circles.

"You know what, we can figure something out you know. Once you'll have a cellphone probably," he joked but was still crying. I never had a cellphone before. My mom said it was a distraction. Dammit.

"Come here," he grabbed my hand and walked me towards the grass. He lied down and watch the stars. I smiled as a tear dropped my eye. I lied down next to him and hugged him, just reminiscing the moment. My last moment with my beef.

"Look beef! It's Venus!" He laughed while pointing at the brightest star on the sky. I smiled as tears showered my face once again. "Look beef! It's Orion!" I pointed at the most obvious constellation. He grabbed my hand and intertwined his hand to mine. He pulled my head to his shoulder and I cried so much.

"Beef, just remember, you are the most bestest friend I ever had. Don't you ever forget that okay?" He said. I laughed because of his grammatical error but who cares about that. It was from the heart. Basically from the hypothalamus but who cares about that again!

I'm going to miss him. I'm going to miss my beef.


Authors note:

Okay. This has got to be the cheesiest chapter and saddest chapter yet. I hope you like this chapter. I also want to thank the people who reads my story and actually loves it. It's very flattering. Comment down below, vote or share my story if you guys feel the need. Love ya!

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