4 || Exams

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|| Calum ||

Ugh. It's that week again. The happiest week of the school year, final exams. I HATE STUDYING! Honestly, I don't really care about how I do with my tests. But my family wants me to "Go! Aim high!" Ugh. I hate that motto. But I'll study anyways. Good thing I have George. She aces every test. She's really really smart. Teachers really love her. Damn you George! Give me your brain!

I invited her for a group study in the library. I invited Luke coz he's really good
at math and science. Like dude, his mom is a fricking math teacher. I also invited Mikey coz he's a good at English as well. I mean, I like English. I'm good at writing stuff but I don't commit to anything school related.

Luke and Mikey weren't really close. I think they hate each other actually. But I need some people who were good at something for me to "Go! Aim high!"

"Hey Cal! Did you bring some study thingies?" It was George. God I have been waiting for her for like five minutes. And just what I thought, she was hunting for knowledge, and by knowledge I mean books.

"Wow George, you're so ready," I said. She smiled at me and whipped her messy hair. Ew.

"Hey guys!" It was Luke. He was wearing glasses. What the heck? Then Michael came, of course, sad. "Cheer up Michael! We're not doing an exam for 1 year," George said. George has a point. I mean, it's only for a week. I can survive that.

We've never ever hung out in a library before. We seldom hang out in the music room. Ok, we always hang out there. I mean come on, we all love the same genre of music.

"Ok, what should we study first?" those words coming out my mouth was abnormal. I never ask that. "Something majority of this group is struggling in. If all of us would be studying the same subject and topics we're suffering from, maybe we could work as a team and understand more. I got all the information that we need I these books," George said. She's such a nerd.

"Ok then, I choose math," I said while slamming all math things on the table.

"Ok then, let's start!" Michael said.

We were all busy with something. No one was chilling. Luke was busy copying some notes from the textbooks. Michael was reading books. George, as always, was teaching me some stuff and I listened. No one was doing nothing.

"Ok so now we're done, what about we relax for a while. You guys don't want to be stressed out or something. You might forget what you guys just studied," George said. We all did what George said. I closed my eyes and breathed. Just taking all the air inside. Not stressing out. I know I could do this.


"Get one and pass," the teacher said. I just took in all the things George told me. Not to stress out. Not to be too nervous. Just review the things she taught and I've read from books and listened from discussions and familiarizing. I hope I'll do good.

"Ok listen up people!" The teacher interrupted. "Some guys from Richmond College are coming here to observe. They're going to be looking at your performance and that means your test and they observing. So you give it your best shot ok guys? They're going to be picking some students for a scholarship so if you want the chance, then aim it. Break a leg guys!" The teacher said.

Richmond College? That's George's dream school! Wow. I think she must be thinking of doing her very best. Wait, she always does.

It was a miracle! I remembered and actually was doing pretty good! Well, I mean, just pretty good. I forgot some stuff but I actually was doing good at some parts. George's advice did work!

I was feeling kind of confident. As we were passing our tests, people looked kind of nervous. I was just chill. Not braggy, just chill.

"Hey Cal! How was your test?" The guy behind me asked. "Oh, it was okay," I replied. He applauded. Now that was insulting. "Wow! You're a butthead!" I said.

The bell rang. I ran as fast as I could to George to tell her the good news. I saw her! I placed my hand on her right shoulder. She gasped and turned around. "Oh my god beef! You scared me to death!" George said. "Guess what?!" "What?" She replied. "I DID GOOD! I REMEMBERED SOME STUFF AND I ACTUALLY ANSWERED THE TEST! Now how's that for a person like me eh?" I said.

"Impressive! Good job Cal! You Aimed High!" She said while patting my head.

She smiled at me. Ugh. Those awful yellow yet nicely positioned teeth! Oh wait! I almost forgot.

"Hey George! Did you hear bout the Richmond thing? I bet you want it!" I said.

"I do, but I don't think they'll pick me," she said, worriedly. Why would she?

"You know Cal! Now is not the right time to talk about that! Let's just go home," she said. Something's bugging her. Did she flop in the test? Nah. I'll not bother ask. Maybe she'll get angry or something. I don't want that.

|| George ||

As Calum and I were walking towards our neighborhood, I was thinking of a lot of stuff on the way. I was thinking maybe the Richmond guys might pick me for the scholarship or maybe not. I was troubled.

I mean, I must say, Richmond's my dream school. I found about the school on Facebook and they had great facilities and a great curriculum. The uniforms looked really sophisticated. Also, Richmond was also known to be a friendly school. I just thought maybe if I would go, I would leave Calum and my life here. I would leave everything and throw it all away. I would leave this neighborhood and every person who lives their. I was troubled.

"And I can't believe I answered that math problem I mean I ju- George, are you alright? You seem a little bit odd," Calum asked. Shoot.

"I'm alright, I'm just thinking of a lot of stuff," I replied. We finally reached our houses and did our handshake. But I wasn't really In the mood. I didn't walk backwards. I went straight to our door and slammed it. Was it too mean? Nah, he wouldn't mind.

I went straight to my room. I lay myself down on the bed with open arms. Reflecting. I was troubled. I was so confused. I didn't like this. I wish this day never happened at all.


Authors note:

Hey peeps! This chapter was small. I dunno if it was small for you but I think it was small for me. Hope you guys are enjoying this. Leave some comments if you like to express something. I won't mind the hate. And maybe you guys could vote and share my story to the others? That would be really cool. Heheh


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