V||Anonymous isn't always sexy

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Bella's eyes glimmer with hope. "How?"

"The person who's been watching me, they want me to work for them," I say.

Her face falls, any sign of hope wiped away.

"You've gone crazy." She removes her hands from mine pulling up a program on her computer.

"I could make a deal, get you somewhere safe. You can start a new life in a different country."

She turns to face me fully. "You don't know who this person is. You don't know if they're worse than our Father. Do you even know what working for them would entail?" Her condescending tone rubs me the wrong way but she's right. I'm desperate and not thinking straight. Bella grabs some sort of cord and plugs it into my phone.

"Call the number. We're going to trace it the old fashion way and if that doesn't work I'll try to hack into your data supplier's database. Of course father has a private supplier which means extra security. So this way is much quicker."

Walking over to the green couch I pull the folded business card from my pocket and dial the number printed. I plop down getting comfortable. This is insane. I should notify Leopoldo about this, find out who this threat is, and take them out. I should do what I've been trained to do but a small voice in my head is telling me to see this one out. That small voice has very rarely let me down

I put it on speaker and it rings once more before the other side picks up.

"Vittoria, what a pleasure it is to finally be in contact with you." The voice is smooth and masculine with a slight accent that would suggest his native tongue is spanish. Male and latino. Very little to go on but at least it's something. I glance towards Bella hoping that this is enough to get his location but she shakes her head slightly.

"I would say the same," I tsk "But I don't have the pleasure of knowing who I am talking to." Bella gives me an impressed raise of her eyebrows. The chuckle that comes from the end of the line is deep and genuine. Sexy would be an accurate description. "You will know me when I know I have your loyalty," he says. Bella begins typing furiously on her keyboard, her face pinched. She gestures with one of her hands to continue the conversation.

"Now, I don't think that's going to work. How do I know that your intentions are pure?"

"I've never claimed to have pure intentions."

It's a shame that we're in this predicament. Me and this mystery man might have gotten along if we met any other way.

"What are your intentions then?"

"Do my intentions matter when I can promise you power?"

Power. It's what drives most people. Whether they know it or not, if you have a heart that beats it longs to have power. Those who claim to not want it have never been powerless.

"I have power." I don't even believe the words that just came from my mouth.

"You have the illusion of power. What is power if not freedom? You, mi reina, are not free. I can free you."

Bella is frantically doing something on the computer. She seems to be too absorbed with the task to hear what RDV is saying. I let out a breath of relief. The freedom he is promising is something I've only dreamt about. The feelings it brings up make me feel uncomfortable and vulnerable in a way I haven't felt since I was a girl. I shove them down gathering myself before Bella notices.

"Those are very pretty words, stranger. Pretty words are nice to hear but I like actions much more."

"I had a feeling you would say something along those lines. I'm not foolish enough to think you would join me on nothing but promises. Promises that you will soon come to find are anything but empty. I have a proposition. No stakes. If you don't complete your end of it you will still be rewarded. However, if you do, the reward will be substantially greater. And hopefully I will have earned your trust."

Bella would have been able to trace the number by now if she could. She's too good for it to be taking this long. I need to hang up. Press that red button, end this call and go back to a life that I hate. A life where I know I can in some way protect my siblings. It shouldn't be this hard to make my hand move. I can feel my heart pound in my ear. But what if I can get what I want and keep my siblings safe?. What if this is how I can get all of them out? Why am I debating staying loyal to a man who would hurt his own children just to keep us in line?

"What do you mean by reward?" I ask

"1,000 dollars in cash if you don't complete it and 5,000 if you do."

That could be enough money to get Bella away from her abusive piece of shit husband. She could start a new life. My sister's eyes dart towards me. The mention of money must have brought her attention back to the phone call.

"What do you want?"

The other end of the line is quiet for a moment. I wouldn't be surprised if it was in disbelief. I can barely wrap my head around the fact that I'm truly considering this.

"Your boss has a hold of one of my men, I need you to free them." Bella at this point has stopped trying to track the man's location all together and instead her full attention is on me and the man's conversation. I catch her eye expecting her to give me some sort of gesture to hang up or give me the 'sisterly stare of disapproval' but she doesn't. Her face is blank. She's completely stiff, the only movement is her rising chest and blinking eyes. Bella is as conflicted as I am. Her head nods slightly. So slightly that I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't looking for some sort of direction from her. The barely perceptible head nod is all it takes for me to finally gather my resolve.

"I'll do it."

~~Author's Note~~

Hope you guys liked this chapter.

It's kind of short because I haven't posted in a while and wanted to post something...

so for all my bad bitches I'll post a longer chapter in the next couple days!!!!

Also thank you for reading!!!

votes and comments would be MUUUUUCH appreciated.

As a thank you here's a random pin from Pinterest:

As a thank you here's a random pin from Pinterest:

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I know the tvd bitches will love that one ;)

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