VII||Let's get this party started

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The journey to my father's car is one of silence and stewing. 

I mull our interaction over in my head. La famiglia prima di tutto, sempre. The phrase trails every one of my traitorous thoughts like a whisper. I reason with them soothing their worries with white lies; This betrayal is my way of putting my family first. After I get the money I can find ways to make it grow, I'll find some sort of investment. Although it may take years for the money to become enough for Bella and her kids to live off of, at least I'll be doing something, unlike our father. 

He slides into the passenger seat of the custom-made bulletproof Mercedes Benz and I slide into the driver's seat. He doesn't trust a driver to transport him so of course he relies on his most loyal pet. 

I wonder if he knows Bella's husband is abusive. The child in me reasons that if he were to know that Bella was being abused he would put a stop to it. As soon as the thought develops I shut it down. I have no space in my mind for naïveté. I pull out of the parking garage into the city's streets. 

"Have you neutralized the threat?" My father says. I know what he's referring to. The heroin and Spider. 

"Spider's dead. His information was useless." The rest of the truth sticks to the back of my throat like hardened honey. 

He's silent for a couple blocks. I can almost smell the disappointment seeping from his pores. My muscles tense. I'll berate myself later for my desperation to please a man I know to be impossible to please, later. As I turn into the parking garage of the venu he finally speaks. "You'll rectify this."

"Of course."

Fuck me. Now, not only do I have to double cross my father but I'll have to find some way to appease his restlessness.

With the car parked my father opens his car door and exits. I place two obsidian knives in the double thigh holsters right above my dress's slit. Thank God for dresses with slits. The venu is supposed to be a weapon-free middle ground, but I'm not an idiot. A room full of tense made-men, someday someone will go into the grand ballroom and never leave.

As I anticipated, I pass through the metal detectors with no problem. Solidifying my stoic mask I enter the gorgeous ballroom. 

The seated people's heads twist when they see me pushing the door open. Half the room is decorated with two large beautiful banquet tables. A small string band is set up in a corner and the dance-floor is currently vacant. I stand holding the door. The whole room stiffens. They all know what this means. Silence spreads like a collective held breath. A couple people shift in their seats uncomfortably. Somewhere a man clears his throat. 

Leopoldo enters his posture stiff and regal. He doesn't acknowledge me and unless he must for the rest of the evening he will not. The room stands. 

Antonio's dark brown hair and gorgeous tan skin blends in with the crowd of Italians but somehow my eyes are still drawn to him. I resist the urge to smile when I spot the healing yellow and brown bruises under his eyes. The remnants of my own work. His eyes meet mine. I avert my gaze focusing on my father's welcome speech. 

Leopoldo's demeanor has changed from before. Charisma loosens his muscles. He smiles looking natural in its charm. The change is alarming in how convincing it is. 

"Ciao famiglia and friends, what a pleasure it is to have you join us in this celebration of love." He extends his hands gesturing to the 'couple' standing at the head of one of the banquet tables. Teresa looks so young. Her small smile brings a sense of innocence to her face that makes my stomach squeeze with fear. 

"Sono così orgogliosa della mia cara figlia," he places a hand over his chest. The act is fatherly and so unlike him. 

I clench my teeth. Teresa flashes hers, the words of praise clearly improved her mood. It's only temporary. I hope she's fortified herself preparing for when he decides to turn the praise into pain. 

"My soon to be son in law, I think I speak for the whole family when I say that we couldn't be happier with the man who will soon be joining our family." I look around seeing our whole family sitting at the banquet table. 

Paola looks the perfect picture of a proud older sister next to her husband, Giovanni. 

Bella's face is blank as she stands next to her controlling husband.  

Milana, my younger sister who I haven't seen in a year looks as if she's moments away from an eye-roll, she's next to her husband Mathias Effimia, head of the organized crime unit at the FBI. 

Lorenzo looks stiff and constipated doing a terrible job of mimicking my father's authoritative air. If he's going to be the next Capo Famiglia he's going to need to do a better job. We'll work on it later. 

The baby of our family Stella stands next to her and the rest of my siblings' mother Marta. In three years it's going to be her standing in Teresa's place. 

Marta Bianchi, as always, looks beautiful and drunk. She holds her Martini glass to the air in a toast. I don't think I've ever seen her without some sort of alcoholic drink in her hand. 

"So please eat, mingle, and later dance. Tonight we celebrate." Everybody claps. Leopoldo makes his way to the banquet table where the family sits. I make my way to the other banquet table. The one where everyone else is placed. It's strategic. Keep the guard dog at the table to keep them in line. The only empty seat is one by a familiar face. He smiles. I don't. 

**Author's Note**

Not feeling so hot right now but I didn't want to leave y'all hanging. 


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