XXVI|| With Love and Devotion***

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"So there, Rafael. This is me. I can't be who you want me to be."

"Mi Reina-" He starts his voice coming out alarmingly soft.

"Stop it," I shout, "Stop. Look at me. Look at me." I say

I let him take in the blood on my hands. The spray from Mikhail's artery is sprinkled over my shirt and hair. The blood on my hands has already begun to crust.

"I don't care," Rafael says his eyebrows pinching together.

"You should," I state. My lips pull into a firm line.

"But I don't." He says. I look away from him. My eyes are drawn to a spot of blood that followed me into the bathroom and now dots the white marble floor.

"I don't believe you." I say. I don't mean to say it but I do.

Rafael's face distorts with anger. The expression looks so startling on his angelic features. He steps towards me. And I accept whatever punishment he might choose to give me. He stands inches from me, his chest heaves with his angry breaths. His eyes fall to my lips moments before his lips come crashing to mine. We crash together. Our lips collide like two asteroids destined to meet. I pull away for a moment, shocked. His grip remains tight but gentle on my forearms. The barely controlled restraint I feel pulsing through my body shines in his eyes. I grab his face in mine and pull our lips back together. He pushes me against the bathroom sink with his body. His lips are aggressive and warm against mine. I return his passion. My lips move against his. My skin is alit. His hands move to my ass. He kneeds the flesh pulling moans from my mouth. His large calloused hands feel like they belong on my body. They travel to my thighs. He lifts me up and sets me down on the sink. Rafael pulls away for a second. His eyes search mine. I'm breathless from the kiss. I silently beg him with my eyes to keep going. He smirks and his lips press against mine, again slower this time. His tongue slips between my lips opening my mouth wider. We move together like a rehearsed dance. His hand comes behind me, his fingers gently cup the back of my head. He presses his body in between my legs. I moan at the friction. My hands find their way behind his neck tracing his muscles. I follow the lines to his chest, then his abdomen. His hard member presses against my clit. His kissing intensifies. I return his passion feeling a warmth connects us both. His lips move against mine desperately like I might get up and leave at any moment. I hook my fingers in the waist of his pants. He moves his lips to my neck. He sucks the soft spot between my neck and shoulder. I tilt my head giving him more room and close my eyes giving into the sensation. He steps the lower part of his body just far enough away for me to reach for the buckle of his pants. He pulls away from kissing me. His heavy breaths fill the silent bathroom. I finally undue his buckle.

"Vittoria, once we do this you can't take this back." He says. The complete seriousness in his tone stops me in my tracks. I lick my lips. I like the promise in his eyes. And in this moment I choose to ignore the fear that stirs in my stomach at the implied commitment. His large hand slides up my stomach and gently finds its way around my neck. His thumb draws circles there. The feeling travels straight to my pussy, warming my whole body. "Tell me you can't live without me." He says. "I can't live without you." I whisper back.

He smiles. He steps away from me. My body already misses his warmth. I watch as he walks to the shower and turns it on. Then he's back in between my legs. He lifts the dirty shirt above my head. He takes off my bra. He brings his lips to my breasts pressing soft fluttery kisses there as he unbuttons my pants. His lips are warm against my skin. I run my fingers through his hair. He stands up and pulls me off the kitchen sink. He unzips my pants and pulls them all the way down until he's kneeling in front of me. I step out of my jeans. He presses his lips just above my panty line. "Mi Reina, I've waited for you- For this for so long." His words make my thighs clench. He presses his lips to my hip bone as he pulls my panties down. "How do you want me?" I say my voice barely above a sultry whisper. He stands up. "In the shower."

I nod and enter the shower. The warm water only makes me wetter. The curtains pull back and Rafael stands his full gloriously muscled body on display. I bite my lip as my eyes roam over his perfect body. "Fuck" I say. My eyes take in the large length of his dick. His low chuckle fills the room. His hand comes under my jaw. He lifts my chin and his mouth is back on mine. The water trickles between us. He presses me against the shower, his slick body presses against mine the heat engulfs me. I moan into his mouth. "One more time, Mi Reina, Say it One more time." He says. I smirk sexily. "I can't live without you." I say. "Fuck." he replies. His hands grip my thighs lifting me up. He presses me against the shower. He lines himself up then slowly I come down on him. I stretch deliciously with him inside me. "Fuck." he growls low in my ear. I arch further into him "If you don't fucking move I swear to God I'll kill you." I breath. He pulls out and slams back into me. I moan. He moves again, building a steady tempo. The heat in my body rises. My nails dig into his back. "Fuck, Faster." I say. He obliges creating the perfect friction inside of me. My eyes roll to the back of my head. "Just like that." I moan.

The orgasm begins to build. I feel the tight coiling as if it were surrounding me. My nails dig deeper into his skin.

"Yes." The feeling becomes stronger.

"Yes." My toes curl with the sensation.

"Fuck." I moan. My body shakes with the orgasm. My arms wrap tight around Rafael's neck. He cums after me. He breathes in my neck as the hot water splashes on our entwined bodies.

I blink coming face to face with the shower curtain. And I'm returned to my surroundings.

He pulls out of me and sets me down. I silently come to terms with the fact that this wasn't just sex. It was something more. He leans over. I pull away before his lips can reach mine. He frowns. "Rafael I-" Regret laces my tone. He straightens.

"No." he says.


"No, I told you, I made it very clear that there was no coming back from this." He says.

"It was just dirty talk." Anger turns my words sharp. His face falls and for once I know what it's like to be on the other side of an impenetrable look. Silently he steps out of the shower. Leaving me to wash the blood from my hair. 

***Author's Notes



I hope you guys had an awesome Valentines day and 


<3 Pink

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