XXXV|| The Stepford Wives Book Club

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Paola lives in a wealthy, white neighborhood. Her friends consist of rich suburban housewives whose biggest problem is figuring out which Chanel bag would be distasteful to wear to whatever charity auction. Her house sits at the edge of the block slightly separate from the others. I pull into her driveway. Other cars line the sidewalks. I frown. I thought we'd be alone.

I reach for my glove compartment handle but the neighborhood seems to be safe. I shouldn't need a gun. Besides I wouldn't want to scandalize Paola's friends with a gun-shaped bulge underneath my sundress. I settle for a thigh holster and a military knife. I pull down the visor of my car and touch up my dark red lipstick. A weapon of a different kind.

As I walk up the stairs to the large double doors I prepare myself for the so sweet it's sour niceness of the housewives. It's just like a fight. Just with words and passive aggressiveness instead of knives and guns. I ring the doorbell. Paola herself opens the door mid-laugh. As always not a single hair is out of place. Her pants are a perfectly pressed cream color and her blouse is flowy and elegant. Pearls are beaded around her neck. When she takes me in she tilts her head. Then brings her wrist up to eye level.  The motions seem practiced and performed. "Oh my! Is it 3 o'clock already?" Her voice has a faux graceful lilt to it. I press my lips together to keep from laughing at her. "It appears so." I say mimicking her. She narrows her eyes at me. Then sighs.

"Well come in, then." she says. She gestures for me to enter. Before we round the corner she grabs me by the shoulder and turns me to face her. She puffs up my afro. She licks the pad of her finger and wipes underneath my chin. I pull backward. "Gross." I say.

She shakes her head. "What's gross is that shade of red. You look like a whore." I roll my eyes at her. At least I don't look like a stepford wife. She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Sorry, you look nice. Very pretty. I'm just on edge. I wasn't expecting you to be here so early." She comes up behind me tucking the tag of my dress back into it. "You should really look in the mirror before leaving the house." she says. She grabs me by the wrist as if I was a petulant child who could run wild at any moment and drags me into the living room where her friends sit.

"Girls," she says "This is my sister Vittoria." I smile at them. They smile back flashing their perfectly white teeth. "You have a sister?" one of the ladies says. The lady next to her elbows her slightly in an attempt to signal her to shut up. I laugh politely though I want to correct her. No she doesn't have just one sister she has four and a brother. But it's not my business what Paola wants to tell her housewife friends.

Paola clasps her hands together. "I would love to have you all stay but Vittoria and I have some catching up to do."

The ladies stand up and begin to speak in a chorus of 'of course' and 'we'll see you next week' and 'it was so nice to meet you'. 

One of the women stops in front of me on her way out. "I just wanted to say that you are so beautiful, so exotic looking." she says her smile is wide as if she hadn't just compared me to an animal. Her hand comes up to touch my hair. My instincts are fast and I block her attempt at reaching my curls. I grab her hand in mine and pull it into a hand shake. "It was so nice to meet you."

The whole thing happens so fast. I'm sure to the other women it just looked like she was reaching to shake my hand. She blinks at me, her eyes wide with the realization that she had just committed a faux pas. "Nice to meet you too." she says and walks off.

As soon as we hear the doors shut Paola sighs. "Sorry about Anna. She's a dumbass. But her husband's uncle is black so now she thinks she's the expert on all things multicultural."

I bark out a laugh. Paola smiles. Then she gasps. "I'm so sorry I should have offered you some tea or water. There's some champagne leftover from bookclub and-"

"Champagne is good." I say. Though I wish it were something stronger. 

*** Author's note

Another chapter that is fairly short but today is my day off so I wanted to get out at least one chapter.

Also check the link in my bio! You'll find my pinterest, my instagram, my youtube where I make playlists and .......




I might post short raunchy stories on there if I so please...

Anyway thank you all for being here!

Check out my stuffs I would appreciate it muchly

I love y'all 

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Okurrrr buhbye

- Pink

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