XXII|| When Tori Pistol Whipped Her Ex

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The walk-up to the motel room is filled with awkward silence. I pray that Rafael's guy had enough time to get out. We get to the room that supposedly houses Adrian. Antonio pulls out a metal device from his pocket sticks it into the keyhole and a couple of seconds later the door unlocks. He holds a finger to his lips. I roll my eyes. As if I would be loud while breaking and entering. He gestures for me to go in first. Reluctantly, I pull my gun from its holster and creep into the room.

It smells like piss. There are two queen-sized beds. Both unmade. The entire room is a disaster. It looks as if a pack of wild animals tore through the place.

He must have had guests over.

"There's no one here! " I call. I hide a sigh of relief. 

Antonio comes into the room. He looks around the messy room. Objects thrown haphazardly litter the floor. 

"It looks like they left in a rush," Antonio says. 

I shrug feigning nonchalance. "Well, he was on the run." 

Antonio shakes his head. He walks over to a small table in the corner of the room. He picks up a To-Go cup and pops off the lid. A puff of steam follows the lid.

"It's still warm." He pauses looking perplexed.  A small clanging sound comes from the bathroom.  

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Antonio catches my eye. His eyebrows raised. The room fills with silent tension. I walk over to the bathroom door and jangle the knob. The door doesn't budge.  Shit there's definitely someone in there. 

Antonio pulls out his lock picking device. He pops it into the handle. The door knob moves. He pushes against the door but it won't open. He hits it with his shoulder and still it only moves slightly. An idea pops in my head but it feels like a long shot. "I'll check if there's a back entrance." I say. He nods. "Good Idea." 

I rush out of the room and turn the corner. I wait 10 seconds. Keeping my steps light, and silent I hold my breath and make my way back into the room. Antonio doesn't even turn around, too preoccupied with hitting his shoulder against the bathroom door. I raise my gun and hit him hard on the back of the head. He topples forward. I wince as his heavy body thunks against the ground.

Shit that was reckless. But it'll keep him out for a couple minutes. 

"You need to let me in!" No sound comes from the other side of the door.

I groan.

"We don't have time! I'm with Rafael so either open the door or-" 

A screeching sounds from the other side. The door swings open and two kids who look like small versions of Adrian stand in front of me. I blink. Not who I was expecting. Crouching down in front of them I flash a friendly smile. "Where are your parents?" I ask, trying to keep my tone as light as possible.

The younger one clings to his sister's shirt. "We came back and they were... gone." Her small voice shakes at the end of the sentence.

Fucking irresponsible parents. 

"Ok. Can you do something REALLY brave for me?" I say.

The sister nods. 

"Can you cross the road to the MCDonalds?"

The girl nods fervently. "I love MCDonalds!" she exclaims. 

I smile at her. "Oh good." I reach in my back pocket and hand her a 20$ bill. Her face lights up. "Can you buy something yummy for yourself?" 

She nods and grabs the money.

"Okay but you have to run really fast. I'm gonna race you there okay? So you have to run SO SO fast." I smile at her again. 

"We're gonna win!" Her brother exclaims.

"Ok and you might not see me but that's just because I'm taking an extra special route."

They nod in unison.

"Ready.. 3..2..1.. GO!" 

The kids run off. I pull out my phone. And shoot a text to RDV.

The kids are at the McDonalds across the street.

Then just because I add..

you're welcome

I sigh and turn to Antonio who's passed out. I lean over and shake his shoulders. "Wake up, Motherfucker." 

He doesn't move. I sit back on my heels. I really hope I didn't kill him. That would be really fucking bad. I sigh then bring my hand up and slap him hard across the face. He jolts upwards. Vomit spews from his mouth chunks of it land on my jeans. Damn I really did hit him hard. "Shit what happened?" 

I shrug. "I went around but I couldn't get in. When I came back you were passed out and the door was open." I gesture with my head toward the bathroom door. 

He runs a hand through his hair. "Fuck, my head is pounding I think someone might've pistol whipped me." Yeah sorry about that.

"I didn't see anyone coming in or leaving but that makes sense. Unless you decided to fall asleep on the job." I stand up and hold a hand out for him. He grabs it and I pull him up. He teeters. I think I might've hit him too hard. At least the walk back to our cars won't be nearly as awkward as the walk up. I slip under his arm so that it's drapping over my shoulder. He leans his weight onto me. "I think you need to lose a couple pounds." I mutter under my breath. "huh?" he says still a bit delirious. "I said I think you might be the one who needs a babysitter." I say loudly. 

"Whatever," He mumbles

***Author's Note

Confession time...

for the past couple chapters I forgot that I gave Adrian's character a name and have just been referring to him as Rafael's man and whatnot. Anyway my bad y'all. If you guys also forgot, Adrian is the guy who was tortured by the Bianchi's in chapter 10!

What can I say...

I'm just a girl

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I'm just a girl.

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ok as always y'all are my soulmates and the loves of my life!!!

BYEEEEE <33333

- Pink

P.S. you won't believe this but I actually wrote this chapter.... sober...  

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