XIV|| The final call

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Teresa lay passed out on the couch the ice bucket with her chopped-off finger next to her. Milana taps her chin her face scrunched with thought. I'd always suspected her bored act was just that, an act. But now I realize that it was an act that masked a beautifully intelligent young woman. 

I'm proud of my little sister. 

"She needs to see a doctor." 

"Bianchi's don't see doctors." I automatically respond. Doctors are connected to the police, if the police get involved they might want to dig deeper. "We should call Fred," I suggest.  He may have got his license revoked for God knows what but he's still a damned good surgeon. 

"Fred doesn't have the type of tools required to replant an amputated digit. If she wants to regain full use of her hand then she needs to see a surgeon in a hospital ASAP. But the wrong person knowing the right thing could completely tear down the Bianchi operation. " Milana presses her lips together. She looks up at me her eyes wide. 

"What do we do Tori?" she whispers. "You always seem to know what to do." 

I take a deep breath pushing my own warring emotions to the side and tapping into the logical part of my brain. If it were me in Teresa's position I would call Fred and risk it. But it's not me. It's Teresa, who loves to play instruments, draw, and paint, all things that she'd have to relearn with a missing finger. Besides she's passed out it wouldn't be right to choose the riskiest choice for her. 

I'm the oldest here, Bella left shortly after Paola, and I'm also the only one here other than the passed-out Teresa and Milana. Stella is fast asleep safe in her bedroom. So the decision comes down to me.

How do I always end up being the one to clean Leopoldo's messes? 

My phone rings in my pocket. I breathe a sigh of relief. I can at least wait until after this phone call to make a decision.  

It's RDV. A small smile threatens to pull up the corner of my lips. I shove down the feeling. I look up at Milana. "Give me a second I'll be right back." I walk to the nearest bathroom and turn on the shower and the faucet. I know my father monitors us, how else would he know about everything we do, but that should cover up any sound recording devices. 

"Ola, cabarello mio, the package was delivered, although the box was damaged." I roll my eyes at his use of code words. 

"And what about the promise you swore wasn't empty?" I ask, my tone light but serious.

"Not to worry, mi reina," I can hear the smile in his deep, sexy voice, "The money is in an account, you can access it from your sister's computer. The one you used to track my location." 

He knows about the failed attempt to pinpoint his location. Oops. 

"That was before we got so close," I say. 

He laughs. Who knew a heroin dealer could have a sense of humor? There's something comforting about the light flirtation between me and RDV that makes me entirely uncomfortable. I clear my throat. I should ask him for help with Teresa. The thought is sudden and I immediately swat it away. 

"You haven't hung up yet," RDV states. 

"I-" I look around the bathroom as it slowly fills with fog.

I have to remember that although RDV is not my enemy he still is my family's enemy. If it means exposing the Bianchi dynasty I'm sure he would let Teresa bleed to death. 

"What do you need, mi reina? You have proven your loyalty, ask and it's yours."

The words are tempting. 

"All right, I need advice. Where would you go to reattach a finger?"

There's no answer on the other line.


"Did someone hurt you, mi reina?" The intensity of the rage lacing his voice surprises me. It's filled with promises of vengeance. "I'll kill them."

"If you murdered everyone who hurt me, the economy would collapse," I deadpan, "Besides it's not for me." 

"Ahhh," he says in understanding "not a lover, I hope." The more RDV flirts the more my patience wears. 

"It's urgent." 

"Right, There's an abandoned warehouse on 6th, meet me there." 

Meet him there.  

"I'll be there." 

***Author's Notes


How we liking the story so far???

Who's your favorite sister and why?

Those are my burning qurstionss!

As always I love you all.

As always I love you all

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- Pink

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