XXIII|| A Date With Danger

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Antonio reaches into his pocket and pulls out the key to his apartment's entrance. "I told you I'm fine," He grumbled.

I shrug. If he wants to risk not waking up in the morning that was his choice. "Fine. Don't forget to pick up your car tomorrow." 

"Hey Tori I-" 

I stiffen. I can almost feel the vulnerability in his voice as if it were coming out of my mouth.  He sees my reaction and his shoulder falls. He runs a hand through his hair. "Tori, I only ended things with us because you wouldn't open up to me." I wipe my suddenly sweaty palms on my jeans. Can't he save this touching display of emotions for some other time?  I clear my throat.

 "I don't know what I'm supposed to say." 

He smiles sadly. "I know, it's fine." And for a moment I almost forget he's a gaping asshole. He turns and enters the building. 

My phone buzzes in my pocket. 

RDV: I'm in town, Lunch tomorrow?

Me: Sure.


I grab a bowl and pour cereal into it. My stomach growls. I'm meeting Rafael soon but I haven't eaten since yesterday morning and my stomach is very angry. 

Shuffling sounds from outside the kitchen. From the lightness of the footsteps it would either be Bella or Teresa. I pour another bowl and step into the dining room. 

Teresa stands like a ghost next to the table. Her curly hair looks dull and placid, and her eye sockets are unusually hollow. She looks up a weak smile gracing her lips. She takes a seat at the table and I silently sit next to her giving her one of the bowls.

She holds her hand, still in some sort of medical cast close to her chest. I don't have to ask her if she's fine. I know she isn't. She looks so sick. My heart hurts for her. 

We eat in silence. 

When her bowl is empty she finally looks up at me. "Will you do something for me?" she asks her voice barely louder than a whisper. I nod.

"Tell Rosa it's over between us." She can't even look at me as she says it. Her eyes are glued to her injured hand. Before I can respond she stands up. The chair behind her screeches. And she rushes from the dinning room.

I guess I'll add it to my list of things to do right next to betray our father. I throw the dishes in the sink and check the time. I figure I have nothing else to do so I might as well be a little early to Rafael and I's meeting. 

A small smile paints my lips the whole drive there. Small anticipatory butterflies swim in my stomach. I'm excited to see Rafael. He has this way of making me feel powerful. Like I can free myself from Leopoldo's grips and help all my siblings and everything will work out. The address he gave me is an apartment complex. I furrow my brows. 

I park despite not understanding how he could hold a meeting at his apartment. We barely know each other and he's inviting me into his home.

 Another show of his stupid, blind faith in me. I smile despite myself. The building is beautiful on the inside. A concierge nods to me as I enter. "I'm here for a meeting with Rafael Vasquez." 

"Oh, yes Mr. Vasquez told us he was expecting a guest, go right a head and take the elevator to the penthouse." 

It's strange that Rafael so easily trusts the people working for him. 

I wonder how he keeps others from betraying him. 

He's so open.

I take the elevator all the way up to the penthouse, coming face to face with the large wooden doors. I press the doorbell. 

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