XXI||Call me be your... new lovers name?

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***Spice warning (Not full-blown smut tho)

My phone rings in my pocket. I nearly trip over myself in Rosa's lobby to pick it up. I frown. Not who I wanted it to be. "Hello Leopoldo," I say as I walk to my car. 

"Hello Vitoria," He responds. There's a pause. Leopoldo rarely calls me unless he wants something done quickly and quietly. "I trust you ended things with the Dagnan boy."

"Yes, he's returning to Boston as we speak."

"Good. We located the man, he's alive. You know what to do." He hangs up before I can respond. A notification appears on my phone. I click on it. It's directions to a set of coordinates. I smooth my hand over my forehead and blow out a breath. Shit. 

shit. shit. shit. shit.

Leopoldo wants me to finish the job. Kill the target. If I don't kill him then I can see this going one of two ways. One Leopoldo dolls out some sort of punishment for leaving a job incomplete or two Leopoldo gets someone else to murder the man. And in that case who knows what kind of information he could let loose? Like a certain Bianchi who let him go. Shit.

I call RDV on speaker as I drive to the location on the phone. The ringtone rings until voicemail. I hang up. 

The coordinates lead me to a motel downtown. The concrete building is covered in water damage. The M on the sign is gone replaced by a dusty outline. I turn into the two story parking lot that the motel shares with the office building next to it. 

My hand comes to my forehead. I smooth the small wrinkles on there that I'm sure developed due to stress. The knife holster pressed up against my forearm taunts me. Knocking sounds on the glass. 

I whip my head toward the window. Antonio gestures with his head for me to open the door. I groan. Now I have a babysitter. I push the door open. "Hi Antonio." I say.

"Vittoria." he nods back at me. 

"I'm assuming it's not an accident that you're here." I say. I pop open the driver compartment and grab the loaded glock. I strap it into my belt buckle. I swing the car door open grazing Antonio as he quickly tries to take a step back.

"Leopoldo thought with your recent track record you might need some backup." 

"Well I plan to finish the job this time so no need for a nanny." I give him a mocking smile. I have no idea what I plan to do but having Antonio here makes things a lot more complicated and a little more awkward.

My phone rings. 

Antonio's eyes fall to the pocket of my pants. "You gonna answer that."

I scowl at him and pull out my phone. RDV's contact name pops up. Antonio peaks over my phone. Instinctively, I pull the phone to my chest covering the contact name. "Who is that?" Antonio asks. 

"None of your business, Antonio." 

"It's exactly my business." Antonio reaches for the phone and I side step him. 

"God, Vittoria, you can't just do your job, can you?" I narrow my eyes at him. 

"I have been doing my job for the last 20 years."

"Then why do you keep letting these... men distract you." He spits out the words like they burn his tongue. 

I tilt my head. Antonio thinks Rafael is just a lover. I exhale relieved. He has no idea the true extent of my betrayal.

"Just answer the call Tori," he sighs. Antonio just gave me the chance of a lifetime. 

I answer the call. "Hey baby, I'm at work right now I can't talk."

There's a pause on the other end. "You're being watched right now, aren't you?"

"Yeah." I say. Glad that Antonio can only hear m side of the conversation. Antonio narrows his eyes at me. 

"Are you safe?" Rafael says.

"I'm doing good, baby." I say

"I know this is just an act, Mi Reina, but can I ask you to never stop calling my baby." I smile.

I shoo Antonio away. "Can I get some privacy." I say. He frowns but turns away walking to his car. "Listen, Raf, I don't have time but, I'm here at the Mosbury Motel and your guy has two minutes before I bust in there and kill him."

"You can't." Rafael says.

"I have to. It's me or him Rafael."

"If you kill him, I can't help you." He says.

"All I can do is stall, Rafael. Two minutes, that's all I can give him." I end the call and stuff my phone into my back pocket.

Antonio saunters over. "Trouble in paradise?" he asks. Two minutes. I tell myself. Then I grab Antonio by the back of his hair and slam my lips against his. He pulls away for a moment. He looks into my eyes searching for something. With his brown eyes this close to mine I'm reminded of a time when it was him and I. Old feelings for him brush against the surface. And maybe he sees it in my eyes. His arms sweep around my waist. He lifts me up on to the boot of my car his hard muscular body steps between my thighs. His hands brush against the ends of my tank top lifting it. He presses his bulge against my core sending a wave of pleasure up my spine. I wonder how it would feel to have Rafael's arms around me. To have his body pressed up against mine. "Raf-" I stop myself short. Antonio abruptly pulls himself away. 

"That's fucked up, Tori." He presses a hand to his lips and turns away. 

I adjust my shirt and smooth my hands over my jeans. "I'm sorry." I say still shocked at my own actions. Kissing Antonio was the quickest distraction I could think of but calling him by another man's name was entirely unplanned. "I didn't mean-"

"I know you didn't mean to Tori, that's what makes it worse."

"I'm sorry." I say again

"Fuck, let's just do the job and go our separate ways." 

***Author's Note





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not me acting like I didn't write this. 

Hope y'all enjoyeddd

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As always luv ya!

buh byeee!

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